Working with old software versions is a common problem. Therefore server software and application upgrades are a necessity. But servers and applications upgrades are often a nightmare. This page gives You a rescue! You'll find useful tables with releases, compatibility matrix, upgrade path, suggestions, ... and links!
Does Your server stink? Check it with the help of the following tables!
by IMPORTANT: see Copyright Notice
Il software e' come il pesce: dopo un poco puzza... devi aggiornarlo!
In questa pagina ho raccolto le versioni dei sistemi operativi, database ed ambienti su cui tipicamente lavoro e che debbo tenere aggiornati. I commenti sono anche in inglese perche' la stragrande maggioranza delle sorgenti di informazione dirette sono in inglese... compreso questo documento!
Il tuo server puzza? Controllalo con l'aiuto delle tabelle seguenti!
Only a few know... but SQLite is the most used Relational Database! SQLite is a library that can be easly embedded in applications written in almost all the languages and does not require any management process or task. It's embedded in browsers (eg. Firefox, Chrome, ...), in Mobile OS (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, ...), in OS (Mac OS X, Solaris, ...), ... an impressive list is reported here: Releases Timeline Wikipedia)
3.48 | Production | New "configure" script, improved EXPLAIN for covering indexes | 3.48.0 | 2025-01 | 2025-01 | |
3.47 | Production | Several performance optimizations, several fixes | 3.47.2 | 2024-10 | 2024-12 | |
3.46 | Production | Enhancements to date and time functions, to PRAGMA otpimize, to the query planner, support for underscore between digits | 3.46.1 | 2024-05 | 2024-05 | |
3.45 | Production | Enhancements to the JSON SQL functions, SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE, ... | 3.45.3 | 2024-01 | 2024-04 | |
3.44 | Production | ORDER BY in aggregate functions, concat(), concat_ws(), string_agg(), sqlite3_get_clientdata(), sqlite3_set_clientdata() ... | 3.44.2 | 2023-11 | 2023-11 | |
3.43 | Production | Query planner enhancements, performance enhancements to JSON processing, ... | 3.43.2 | 2023-08 | 2023-10 | |
3.42 | Production | FTS5 secure-delete, JSON5 extensions, ... | 3.42.0 | 2023-05 | 2023-05 | |
3.41 | Production | Query planner enhancements, new functions: unhex(), base64() base85() | 3.41.2 | 2023-02 | 2023-03 | |
3.40 | Production | Query planner enhancements, random generator changed from RC4 to Chacha20, indexes can have the same name when in separate schemata | 3.40.1 | 2022-11 | 2022-12 | |
3.39 | Production | RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOIN support, defer materializing views, HAVING allowed even without GROUP BY | 3.39.4 | 2022-06 | 2022-09 | |
3.38 | Production | Enhancements to JSON functions and operators, unixepoch(), query planner enhancements, columnar output new options: wrap, wordwrap, quote | 3.38.5 | 2022-02 | 2022-05 | |
3.37 | Production | STRICT tables, PRAGMA table_list | 3.37.2 | 2021-11 | 2022-01 | |
3.36 | Production | Easier EXPLAIN PLAN | 3.36.0 | 2021-06 | 2021-06 | |
3.35 | Production | Builtin math functions, ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN, generalized UPSERT. | 3.35.5 | 2021-03 | 2021-04 | |
3.34 | Production | Recursive CTE with two or more terms | 3.34.1 | 2020-12 | 2021-01 | |
3.33 | Production | UPDATE FROM | 3.33.0 | 2020-08 | 2020-08 | |
3.32 | Production | iif() | 3.32.3 | 2020-05 | 2020-06 | |
3.31 | Production | Generated columns | 3.31.1 | 2020-01 | 2020-01 | |
3.30 | Production | NULL [FIRST|LAST] in ORDER BY | 3.30.1 | 2019-10 | 2019-10 | |
3.29 | Production | sqlite_dbdata virtual table | 3.29.0 | 2019-07 | 2019-07 | |
3.28 | Production | Enhanced window functions (EXCLUDE, GROUP frames, PRECEDING and FOLLOWING) | 3.28.0 | 2019-04 | 2019-04 | |
3.27 | Production | VACUUM INTO | 3.27.2 | 2019-02 | 2019-02 | |
3.26 | Production | Optimized UPDATES | 3.26.0 | 2018-12 | 2018-12 | |
3.25 | Production | Window functions | 3.25.3 | 2018-09 | 2018-11 | |
3.24 | Production | UPSERT, improved format of the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN | 3.24.0 | 2018-06 | 2018-06 | |
3.23 | Production | TRUE and FALSE constants, query optimizer enhancements | 3.23.1 | 2018-04 | 2018-04 | |
3.22 | Production | Zip virtual table, trace all statement in triggers | 3.22.0 | 2018-01 | 2018-01 | |
3.21 | Production | Optimizations | 3.21.0 | 2017-10 | 2017-10 | |
3.20 | Production | New pointer passing interface, enhancements to the command-line shell | 3.20.1 | 2017-08 | 2017-08 | |
3.19 | Production | Flattening optimization | 3.19.3 | 2017-05 | 2017-06 | |
3.18 | Production | LIKE optimization, PRAGMA optimize | 3.18.2 | 2017-03 | 2017-06 | |
3.17 | Production | R-Tree Performance | 3.17.0 | 2017-02 | 2017-02 | |
3.16 | Production | Performance, experimental support fof PRAGMA functions | 3.16.2 | 2017-01 | 2017-01 | |
3.15 | Production | row values, .check and .testcase commands | 3.15.2 | 2016-10 | 2016-11 | |
3.14 | Production | WITHOUT ROWID virtual tables | 3.14.2 | 2016-08 | 2016-09 | |
3.13 | Production | Postpone TEMP I/O, new options | 3.13.0 | 2016-05 | 2016-05 | |
3.12 | Production | Parser and Optimizer enhancements | 3.12.2 | 2016-03 | 2016-04 | |
3.11 | Production | Many micro-optimizations, autoexplain in shell | 3.11.1 | 2016-02 | 2016-03 | |
3.10 | Production | Fixes, performance optimizations. LIKE, REGEXP on virtual tables. | 3.10.2 | 2016-01 | 2016-02 | |
3.9 | Production | JSON1 extension, indexes on expression, table functions in FROM, eponymous virtual tables | 3.9.3 | 2015-10 | 2016-04 | |
3.8 | Production |
NGQP (Next Generation Query Planner) which uses N3 (N Nearest Neighbors)
instead of NN (Nearest Neighbor)
(3.8.1) STAT4 (3.8.3) .fullschema command, readfile() and writefile() functions | | 2013-08 | 2015-07 | |
3.7 | Production | WAL (write-ahead logging) with better concurrency | 3.7.17 | 2010-07 | 2013-05 | |
3.6 | Production | Changes in VFS (Virtual File System) interface
(3.6.19) Foreign key constraints | | 2008-08 | 2010-03 | |
3.5 | Production | Changes in the OS interface | 3.5.9 | 2007-10 | 2008-05 | |
3.4 | Production | Incremental BLOB I/O, Incremental vacuum, full-text search extensions | 3.4.2 | 2007-06 | 2007-08 | |
3.3 | Production | CHECK constraints, IF [NOT] EXISTS clause, DESC indices, optional READ UNCOMMITTED isolation | 3.3.17 | 2006-01 | 2007-04 | |
3.2 | Production | ADD COLUMN | 3.2.8 | 2005-03 | 2005-12 | |
3.1 | Production | Autovacuum, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, RENAME TABLE, LIKE... ESCAPE, ... | 3.1.6 | 2005-02 | 2005-03 | |
3.0 | Production | Atomic commits, BLOB, UTF-8, 64-bit rowid, ... | 3.0.8 | 2004-09 | 2004-10 | |
2.x | Production | Public domain release. B-tree | 2.8.17 | 2001-09 | 2005-12 | |
1.0 | Production | First release based on gdbm (hash). Dynamic typing | 1.0.32 | 2000-08 | 2001-07 | |
Alpha | 2000-05 | 2000-08 |
Upgrading is generally painless. The database is binary compatible in most upgrades. On-disk format is fully backwards compatible and the intent is to support SQLite through the year 2050: I will try to survive until then to check!
MySQL is the most known Open Source RDBMS. It's light but powerful and fast. Probably the best for web applications. MySQL support and additional tools are available with a subscription.(Sources: Release notes 5.7, 8.0, 8.4, 9.0; Repositories, Download, Platforms, Support, Wikipedia)
MySQL 9.x | Innovation |
Innovation releases up to 9.7 that is planned as an LTS release.
JSON output for EXPLAIN, initial introduction of VECTOR datatype,
performance_schema changes new tables: variables_metadata, global_variable_attributes,
improved: innodb_lock_waits.
JavaScript stored programs [which require MLE (Multilingual Engine Component) available Enterprise Edition only].
Deprecation for mixed transactional and nontransactional tables transactions. Desupport: mysql_native_password, mysql_native_password_proxy_users. (9.1 2024-11): VECTOR support in JavaScript programs, EXPLAIN output enhancements, crash-safe database DDL statements, AWS keyring component instead of plugin, ... (9.2 2025-01): FLUSH PRIVILEGES deprecated, transactions in MLE JavaScript (EE only), ... | 9.2.0 | 2024-07 | ||
MySQL 8.4 | Production | LTS.
Many default defaults changed (eg. smarter InnoDB settings, safer Group Replication settings),
SASL-Based LDAP Authentication, tagged GTIDs,
clone between point releases, automatic histogram updates,
Deprecation (cumulative since 8.0): mysql_native_password (disabled by default), INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST, Wildcard characters in database grants, ... Desupport: RHEL/CentOS/OL 6.x, Ubuntu 20.04, SUSE 12, Microsoft Windows 10; default_authentication_plugin system variable (use authentication_policy), old replication syntax (use REPLICA instead of SLAVE and SOURCE instead of MASTER), TLS v1.1, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESPACES, FLUSH HOSTS (use TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.host_cache), ... | 8.4.4 | 2024-04 | 2029-04 PS 2032-04 ES | |
MySQL 8.1+ | Innovation | Innovation Releases. Minimum number of characters to be changed for passwords, many changes in replication and group replication, more troubleshooting info in variables and in the logs, ... Deprecation: mysql_native_password. Desupport: 32-bit, Enterprise Linux 6, SUSE 12, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, MacOS 12, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012R2. | 8.1.0 8.2.0 8.3.0 | 2023-07 2023-10 2024-01 | 2024-07 | |
MySQL 8.0 | Production | Roles, password history, InnoDB tables for the data dictionary,
invisible indexes, descending indexes, window functions (OVER), common table expression (WITH),
expressions in column default, support for spatial reference systems (SRSs), SQL/MM compliance.
New caching_sha2_password authentication plugin as default.
Limited backward compatibity.
Desupport: Query Cache, MyISAM partitioning, GRANT for user creation, ...
(8.0.13 2018-10): password_require_current, functional indexes, expressions in default values. (8.0.14 2019-01): dual password, innodb_parallel_read_threads, requires mysql_upgrade! (8.0.15 2019-02): ipv6 group replication support. (8.0.16 2019-04): automatic mysql_upgrade, group replication autorejoin. (8.0.17 2019-07): clone plugin. (8.0.21 2020-04): JSON_VALUE(). (8.0.29 2022-04): MySQL Operator for Kubernetes. ALGORITHM=INSTANT as default for DDL [NdA can cause corruption: version retired] (8.0.34 2023-07): LTS. Minimum number of characters to be changed for passwords. Deprecated: mysql_native_password. (8.0.35 2023-10): Deprecated: SHOW PROCESSLIST, information_schema.processlist (use performance_schema.processlist). (8.0.37 2024-04): Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40. (8.0.38 2024-08): [NdA does not restart after massive table creation, version replaced]. | 8.0.41 | 2018-04 | 2023-04 PS 2026-04 ES | Suggested |
MySQL 5.7 | Production |
InnoDB enhancements (temporary tablespace, DDL performance, spatial data types, in-place ALTER TABLE resize,
native partitioning, page compression, ...);
native support for JSON datatype; generated columns;
better syslog logging; Control-C does not quit mysql client; security enhancements; replication enhancements
(eg. multi master, enhanched GTID); performance_schema: metadata_locks, threads; SYS schema.
Desupport: mysql_old_password plugin (pre-4.1 16 ch. hash), YEAR(2)
(5.7.17 2016-12): Group Replication and, with MySQL Router 2.1.3 (2017-04) InnoDB Cluster. (5.7.18 2017-04): latest to support RH 5 and Ubuntu 12.04, on Solaris 11 requires upd. 3. (5.7.23 2018-07): requires mysql_upgrade! InnoDB CVE fixes, caching_sha2_password support (5.7 clients can connect to 8.0). (5.7.26 2019-04): latest to support SUSE 11. | 5.7.44 | 2015-10 | 2020-10 PS 2023-10 ES | Suggested |
MySQL 5.6 | Production |
Host Cache infos;
Full text search on InnoDB;
Fractional Seconds; ignore-db-dir;
Performance and scalability (condition pushdown to engine, better statistics for InnoDB, persistence on restart, ...);
explicit partition selection;
NoSQL memcached API;
Replication enhancements (multithreaded slaves, crash safe slaves, checksums, server UUIDs, delaying replicas);
PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA enhancements; ...
(5.6.36 2017-04): latest to support RH 5 and Ubuntu 12.04. | 5.6.51 | 2013-02 | 2018-01 PS 2021-01 ES | |
MySQL 5.5 | Production | Semi-synchronous replication, Performance Schema, SIGNAL/RESIGNAL, LOAD XML, InnoDB 1.1 as default engine, INFORMATION_SCHEMA (INNODB_TRX, INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS, ...), Interface: Plugin->Builtin | 5.5.62 | 2010-12 | 2015-12 PS 2018-12 ES | |
MySQL 5.4 | Beta | Inno DB multiprocessor optimizations (Sun Solaris), Plugin interface | 5.4.1 | |||
MySQL 6.0 | Alpha | Falcon Storage Engine, Referential integrity, Unicode | 6.0.11 | |||
MySQL 5.1 | Production | ROW and MIXED replication, partitioning, loggin on tables, scheduler, table compression, Cluster enhancements. (5.1.7) INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST | 5.1.73 | 2008-11 | 2013-12 | |
MySQL 5.0 | Production | Catalog (INFORMATION_SCHEMA), Views, Archive and Federated Engines, Stored Routines and triggers, ANSI SQL:2003 | 5.0.96 | 2005-10 | 2011-12 | |
MySQL 4.1 | Production | Stronger login security (double SHA1 41 character password hash), Subqueries, Data Clustering, NDB Engine | 4.1.22 | 2004-10 | 2009-12 | |
MySQL 4.0 | Production | Union, savepoint (InnoDB) | 4.0.27 | 2003-03 | 2008-09 | |
MySQL 3.23 | Production | MyISAM Engine (3.23.0), Asynchronous Replication (3.23.15), FULLTEXT indexes (3.23.23), InnoDB Engine (3.23.34) with transaction support and (3.23.44) foreign keys | 3.23.58 | 2001-01 | 2006-12 | |
MySQL 3.22 | Beta | 1998 | ||||
MySQL 3.21 | Production | 1998 | ||||
MySQL 3.20 | Production | Available also on Windows | 1997 | |||
MySQL 3.19 | Production | 1996 | ||||
Internal | Alpha | First internal release based on ISAM mSQL engine (same API) | 1995 |
MySQL updates are performed quarterly (they generally occur at the Oracle PSU/RU release dates. Last update: 2025-01-21). MySQL updates are generally smooth and fast! Major release changes require to execute the mysql_upgrade command while minor updates require a restart only. Take care of old PHP libraries (the authentication protocol changed in 4.1 and in 8.0 versions) and of deprecated parameters.
SUN acquired MySQL on 2008-02, Oracle acquired SUN on 2009-04.
Important MySQL forks are:
Percona Server
binary data compatible with MySQL,
same MySQL releases with a
short delay,
Addons: powerful XtraDB Storage Engine, intrumentation and tools;
MariaDB initially binary data compatible with MySQL
but now the releases are different.
WebScaleSQL was a branch from MySQL 5.6 community
for large scale environments but now it seems abandoned (last commit 2015-12).
MySQL does not support obsolete OS: (2018-05) Debian 7; (2018-04) Windows 8; (2017-12) Fedora 25; (2017-04) RHEL 5.x, Ubuntu 12.4; (2016-06) Windows 7, Windows Server 2008; ... For EOL OS binaries are not longer published (eg. RHEL 5.x latest MySQL versions are 5.7.18, 5.6.36, 5.5.55).
AWS offers on
both MySQL and
Aurora MySQL
which is a cloud optimized MySQL compatible DB
(Aurora MySQL 1.x is compatible with MySQL 5.6 while
Aurora MySQL 2.x is compatible with MySQL 5.7.
Latest versions are
MariaDB was created in 2009 by Michael "Monty" Widenius, one of MySQL founders; he created MariaDB as soon as MySQL was acquired by Oracle Corp. MariaDB used the same MySQL versioning initially then they changed approach forking 5.5 release, adding new features and backporting intresting MySQL features. MariaDB supports more storage engines than MySQL. Latest MariaDB and MySQL versions are quite diverging...(Sources: Releases MySQL compatibility Changes (10.11) Release notes (10.11.7) End of life)
11.7 | RC | Rolling release. Vector support: HNSW algorithm, euclidean and cosine distance | 11.7.1 | 2024-11 | 2024-11 | 2025-11 | |
11.6 | Production | Rolling release. Vector preview. | 11.6.2 | 2024-11 | 2024-11 | 2025-11 | |
11.5 | Production | Rolling release. Temporary file limit, index condition pushdown for partitioned tables, ... | 11.5.2 | 2024-08 | 2024-08 | 2029-08 | |
11.4 | Production | LTS. Zero-Configuration TLS by default, EXCHANGE PARTITION... [WITH|WITHOUT] VALIDATION, FULL_NODUP for binlog_row_image, ... | 11.4.4 | 2024-05 | 2024-11 | 2029-05 | Suggested |
11.x | Production | New optimizer with tunable costs. (11.1): JSON_SCHEMA_VALID function, Semi-join optimization for single-table UPDATE/DELETE, ... (11.2): InnoDB system tablespace can free unused space at startup, ALTER TABLE... ALGORITHM=COPY, LOCK=NONE working many more cases, ... (11.3): Online shrink InnoDB temporary tablespaces, ... | 11.0.6 11.1.6 11.2.6 11.3.2 | 2023-02 2023-02 2023-11 2024-02 | 2024-08 | 2025-02 | Short term releases |
10.11 | Production | LTS. Descending indexes, better histograms in statistics, GRANT to PUBLIC, SUPER and READ ONLY ADMIN privileges, passwordless login with GSSSAPI, TABLE to/from PARTITION conversion, Hashicorp Key Management Plugin, ... | 10.11.10 | 2023-02 | 2024-11 | 2028-02 | Suggested |
10.10 | Production | Change defaults for GTID-based replication, improved optimization of joins with many tables, UCA-14.0.0 collations, INET4 data type, ... Deprecation: DES_ENCRYPT/DECRYPT | 10.10.7 | 2022-11 | 2023-11 | 2023-11 | Short term release |
10.9 | Production | JSON_OVERLAPS, range notation for JSONPath | 10.9.8 | 2022-08 | 2023-08 | 2023-08 | Short term release |
10.8 | Production | IN, OUT and INOUT parameters for stored procedures, autocreate partitions, JSON Histograms, ALTER TABLE without lag in replicas | 10.8.8 | 2022-05 | 2023-05 | 2023-05 | Short term release |
10.7 | Production | Provider plugins for data compression, sformat() function, convert partition, password reuse, several JSON functions, MySQL syntax for multisource replication | 10.7.8 | 2022-02 | 2023-02 | 2023-03 (1y after GA) | Short term release |
10.6 | Production | LTS. Ignoring indexes, sys schemata, ... Desupport: TokuDB, CassandraSE, SYS_DATAFILES | 10.6.20 | 2021-07 | 2024-11 | 2026-07 | Suggested |
10.5 | Production | LTS. INSERT/REPLACE... RETURNING, ALTER TABLE... RENAME, S3 Engine, ColumnStore (Beta), mariadb commands (symlinked with mysql), ... | 10.5.27 | 2020-06 | 2024-11 | 2025-06 | Suggested |
10.4 | Production | LTS. New authentication, mysql.global_priv table, optimizer trace, instant DROP COLUMN, Galera 4, ... InnoDB fork (for all releases) | 10.4.34 | 2019-06 | 2024-05 | 2024-06 | Suggested |
10.3 | Production | Based on MariaDB 10.2, diverges from MySQL. Sequences, row type for stored routines, delete from subquery, proxy protocol, Oracle's PL/SQL language compatibility mode, MyRocks and Spider Engines, invisible columns, temporal tables (AS OF), ... (10.3.9 2018-08): InnoDB 5.7.23, CVE fixes | 10.3.39 | 2018-05 | 2023-02 | 2023-05 (5y after GA) | Suggested |
10.2 | Production | Based on MariaDB 10.1 with backported features from MySQL 5.6 and 5.7. New features: window functions (OVER), common table expression (WITH), DECIMAL(38), multiple triggers, JSON and GeoJSON functions support, CHECK constraints, InnoDB 5.7.18 (but shows 5.7.14), expressions in column default. (10.2.13 2018-02): InnoDB 5.7.21, fixed a WSREP serius bug (10.2.17 2018-08): InnoDB 5.7.23, CVE fixes | 10.2.44 | 2017-05 | 2022-05 | 2022-05 | Suggested |
10.1 | Production | Based on MariaDB 10.0 with backported features from MySQL 5.6 and 5.7. New features: Galera; Table/Tablespace/Log Encryption, AWS Key Management Service; InnoDB compression; GIS | 10.1.48 | 2015-10 | 2020-08 | 2020-10 | |
10.0 | Production | Based on MariaDB 5.5 with backported features from MySQL 5.6. New features: Roles, Audit Plugin, TokuDB Engine, Parallel Replication, Multi source Replication, GTID (NB different from MySQL implementation), Information and Performance schemata as in MySQL 5.6. | 10.0.38 | 2014-03 | 2019-01 | 2019-03 | |
5.5 | Production | LTS. Based on MySQL 5.5 and MariaDB 5.3. Performance schema. | 5.5.68 | 2012-04 | 2020-05 | 2020-04 | Suggested |
5.3 | Production | Based on MariaDB 5.2, some features backported from MySQL 6.0. Better subquery performances. | 5.3.12 | 2012-02 | 2013-01 | 2017-03 | |
5.2 | Production | Based on MariaDB 5.1. New features: virtual columns, pluggable authentication. | 5.2.14 | 2010-11 | 2013-01 | 2015-11 | |
5.1 | Production | Based on the corresponding version of MySQL with some added features: Aria Engine, XtraDB Engine, microseconds in processlist | 5.1.67 | 2010-02 | 2013-01 | 2015-02 |
AWS offers MariaDB on RDS.
Connector/J 8.4 | 8.0, 8.4 | JDBC 4.2 API | 1.8+ | 2024-04 | 8.4.0 | 2024-04 | Suggested |
Connector/J 8.0 | 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0 | JDBC 4.2 API, X DevAPI. | 1.8+ | 2018-04 | 8.0.33 | 2023-04 | Suggested |
Connector/J 5.1 | 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 | JDBC 3.0, JDBC 4.0. Driver Manager autoregistration, NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NCLOB, JDBC-4.0 XML. (5.1.21) Java 1.7 support, JDBC 4.1 better support. (5.1.37) JDBC 4.2 better support. (5.1.46) MySQL 8.0 support. | 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8+ | 2007-04 | 5.1.48 | 2019-07 | Was suggested |
Connector/J 5.0 | 4.1, 5.0 | JDBC 3.0. Full support for MySQL 5.0 features (XA support) | 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 | 2005-12 | 5.0.8 | 2007-10 | Incompatibilities with 5.6 |
Connector/J 3.1 | 4.1, 5.0 | JDBC 3.0. Almost all MySQL 5.0 features supported (no XA transactions) | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 | 2004-02 | 3.1.14 | 2006-10 | |
Connector/J 3.0 | 3.x, 4.1 | JDBC 3.0 | 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 | 2002-07 | 3.0.17 | 2005-06 | BAD (security problems) |
Connector/J 2.0 | 3.x | JDK 1.2, JDK 2.0 | 2000-04 | 2.0.14 | 2002-05 | ||
Connector/J 1 | 3.x | JDK 1.1 | 1998-05 | 1.2b | 1999-07 |
They are all type 4 (100% pure java) JDBC drivers.
TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 deprecated in Connector/J 8.0.26 and removed in 8.0.28
MariaDB mantaines different LGPL
MariaDB Connector/J drivers.
When upgrading MySQL take care of PHP libraries.
Applications use a PHP extension to connect to a MySQL database.
The mysqli and PDO_MySQL PHP extensions are lightweight wrappers on top of a C client library.
The extensions can either use the mysqlnd library or the libmysqlclient library.
The mysqlnd library is part of the PHP distribution and is highly recommended.
MySQL native driver (mysqlnd) is available since PHP 5.3.
PHP 7.0 or higher requires MySQL 5.6 or higher.
MySQL 8.0 is supported by PHP 7.4 or higher.
PHP 8.0 or higher requires MySQL 8.0 or higher.
The MySQL authentication protocol deeply changed in 4.1 and in 8.0 versions
but where are options to support old client libraries.
phpMyAdmin is the most known and used administration tool for MySQL. Open Source, powerful, available on 72 languages, ... rated as "Best Tool or Utility for SysAdmins"(Sources: News, Downloads page, Wikipedia)
5.2 | Production | Requirements: PHP 7.2, MySQL 5.5+. (5.2.1 2023-02): CVE-2022-23807. | 5.2.2 | 2022-05 | 2025-01 | |
5.1 | Production | Requirements: PHP 7.1, MySQL 5.5+. Improvements to linking to documentation for both MySQL and MariaDB. Preview SQL. ALTER ONLINE, ... | 5.1.4 | 2021-02 | 2022-05 | |
5.0 | Production | Requirements: PHP 7.1, MySQL 5.5+. Enable columns names by default for CSV exports (at last ;-) | 5.0.4 | 2019-12 | 2020-10 | |
4.9 | Production | LTS to support PHP 5.5-7.0. (4.9.11 2023-02): CVE-2022-23807. | 4.9.11 | 2019-06 | 2023-02 | |
4.8 | Production | Requirements: same as previuous release. | 4.8.5 | 2018-04 | 2019-01 | |
4.7 | Production | Requirements: PHP 5.5 to 7.1, MySQL 5.5+ (4.7.1): support for 8.0 collations | 4.7.9 | 2017-03 | 2017-12 | |
4.6 | Production | Requirements: PHP 5.5 to 7.0, MySQL 5.5+ | 4.6.6 | 2016-03 | 2017-01 | |
4.5 | Production | Requirements: PHP 5.5 to 7.0, MySQL 5.5+ | | 2015-09 | 2016-02 | |
4.4 | Production | Requirements: PHP 5.3.7 to 7.0, MySQL 5.5+ | | 2015-04 | 2017-01 | |
4.3 | Production | SQL preview, Drag&Drop import, zeroconf PMA tables, support for both old and new chart formats, better performance with thousands databases, ... Desupport: MySQL < 5.5 | | 2014-12 | 2015-09 | |
4.2 | Production | Export and Import enhancements, Edit privilege with sub-menus, ... Requirements: PHP 5.3+, MySQL 5.5+ (2014-12 last release | | 2014-05 | 2015-06 | |
4.1 | Production | Fractional seconds, new DB in nav tree, HTLM5 enhancements, better table browser, ... Requirements: PHP 5.3+, MySQL 5.5+ | | 2013-12 | 2014-12 | |
4.0 | Production | Tree view of schemas, removed HTML frames, changed chart format.
LTS to support PHP 5.2-5.4.
Requirements: PHP 5.2+ (does not support PHP 5.5+), MySQL 5.0+ | | 2013-05 | 2017-04 | |
3 | Production | EVENT, TRIGGER support (3.4) Ajax interface, Charts (3.5) Better Ajax interface
Requirements: PHP 5.2+, MySQL 5.0+ | | 2008-11 | 2013-07 | |
2 | Production | Many layout changes, new functionalities.
(2.4 2003-02): MySQL 4 privileges (2.6 2004-09): MySQL 4.1 support
(2.11 2007-08): MySQL 5.0 support for trigger, procedures, and functions
Requirements: PHP 4.2, MySQL 3.23.32+ | | 1999-04 | 2011-02 | |
1 | Production | PHP 3 | 1.3.1 | 1998-09 | 1998-12 |
phpMyAdmin | ||||||||||
MySQL | 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 | 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 | 4.2 | 4.1 | 4.0 | 3.x | 2.6-2.9 | 2.4-2.5 | 2.0-2.3 | 1 |
8.0 | Yes | Partial | ||||||||
5.7 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Partial | Partial | ||||
5.6 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Partial | Partial | ||||
5.5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Partial | Partial | ||||
5.1 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Partial | |||
5.0 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Partial | |||
4.1 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Partial | ||
4.0 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Partial | |
3.x | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
MySQL and phpMyAdmin have a lot of functionalities... things are not as simple as the previous matrix seems to suggest.
Galera is an Open Source Cluster for MySQL based on multi-master synchronous replication. Galera Cluster for MySQL is available for both MySQL Community, MariaDB, and Percona. In MariaDB 10.1 and later, the MySQL-wsrep patch has been merged into MariaDB Server.(Sources: Galera Cluster, Git Hub Launchpad (old) MariaDB )
4 | Production |
Huge transaction support with streaming replication,
new system tables to help monitoring, backup locks, ... First release for MariaDB 10.4 only
Planned: non blocking DDL, ...
(2020-05): available on MySQL 8.0.19 too Latest: MySQL 8.0.36, Galera library 4.18, wsrep API version 26 | 4-26.4.18 | 2019-06 | 2024-03 | Suggested |
3 | Production |
Support for MySQL 5.6, Wan optimizations, MySQL 5.6 GTID support,
Async compatibility, new write set key format;
(2017-02) MySQL 5.7 support (5.7.17). Desupport: MySQL 5.1.
Last release for: MySQL 5.6.51 with wsrep Patch Version 25.33; MySQL 5.5.62 with wsrep Patch Version 25.25 Latest: MySQL 5.7.43, Galera library 3.37, wsrep API version 25 for MySQL-wsrep 5.7.32 | 3-25.3.37 | 2013-11 | 2024-01 | Suggested |
2 | Production | Incremental state transfer (IST). Schema upgrades: Total Order Isolation (TOI) or Rolling Schema Upgrade (RSU). | 2-25.2.9 | 2012-10 | 2014-03 | |
1 | Production | Foreign keys. Writeset cache. | 1. | 2011-10 | 2012-02 | |
0 | Production | (0.7): DDL Support. (0.8): SST Scripts. | 0.8.2 | 2009 | 2011-09 |
Sysbench is the de-facto standard for MySQL benchmarks.(Sources: GitHub )
1.0 | Production | Official release refactoring updates since 4.12: Lua scripting, new command line sintax, better scalability and internal performances, error hooks, report hooks, latency histograms, custom commands, ... | 1.0.20 | 2017-02 | 2020-04 | Suggested |
0.5 | Production | Not an official release... Lua scripting; --mysql-ignore-errors option | 2006 | 2017-02 | ||
0.4 | Production | Many improvments. Oracle Driver. (0.4.12 2016): broadly adopted by linux distros | 0.4.12 | 2005-07 | 2017-02 | |
0.3 | Old | 2005-01 | 2005 | |||
Old | Developed as an internal tool | 2004 | 2004 |
PostgreSQL is a powerful Open Source Object/Relational Database Management System. It has more than 20 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems.(Sources: Official Site Versioning Features pgPedia Release Notes )
PostgreSQL 18 | Planned | Temporal PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints, two phase commit option in subscriptions, PL/Tcl support for Tcl 9, max() and min() for bytea, ... Deprecation: MD5 passwords. Desupport: OpenSSL 1.1.0 | 2025-10 | 2030-11 | ||
PostgreSQL 17 | Production |
New WAL summarized process,
MAINTAIN privilege and pg_maintain role, pg_stat_checkpointer view,
pg_wait_events, login event trigger, SUBSCRIPTION failover,
+/- infinity support for interval,
less restrictions for constraints on partitions,
parallel CREATE INDEX for BRIN,
incremental sort for GiST and SP-GiST indexes,
immutable collations,
| 17.3 | 2024-09 | 2029-11 | |
PostgreSQL 16 | Production |
SQL/JSON constructors and identity functions,
parallel execution with OUTER and FULL joins,
logical replication from standbys servers,
logical replication in parallel,
pg_stat_io view,
improved performance of vacuum freezing,
load balancing in libpq,
regular expression in pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf,
pg_create_subscription role, ...
| 16.7 | 2023-09 | 2028-11 | Suggested |
PostgreSQL 15 | Production |
MERGE command, server-side compression in backup, logical replication for ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA, logical replication filters,
new regexp functions, security_invoker in views, optimized sort algorithms, jsonlog logging format, ...
Revoked PUBLIC CREATE from public schema. | 15.11 | 2022-10 | 2027-11 | Suggested |
PostgreSQL 14 | Production | OUT in Stored procedures, SEARCH and CYCLE options in CTE, subscripting operators on jsonb and hstore, multiranges data type, extended statistics also on expressions, new statistics in pg_stat_database (eg. active_time), reduced bloat on B-tree index after updates, more aggressive VACUUM, libpq query pipeline and additional values for target_session_attrs, LZ4 compression for TOAST, numerous performance improvements on: parallel queries, heavily-concurrent workloads, partitioned tables, logical replication, vacuuming! (14.3 2022-05): CVE-2022-1552 fix. (14.4 2022-06): fixed a bug affecting 14 only (data corruption using CONCURRENTLY). (14.10 2023-11): CVE-2023-5869 fix. (14.11 2024-02): CVE-2024-0985 fix. (14.13 2024-08): CVE-2024-7348 fix. | 14.16 | 2021-09 | 2026-11 | Suggested |
PostgreSQL 13 | Production | Better performance with aggregates and partitioning, parallel VACUUM for indexes, space saving in indexes, new monitoring views, trusted extensions, ... (13.1 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix. (13.7 2022-05): CVE-2022-1552 fix. (13.13 2023-11): CVE-2023-5869 fix. (13.14 2024-02): CVE-2024-0985 fix. (13.16 2024-08): CVE-2024-7348 fix. | 13.19 | 2020-09 | 2025-11 | |
PostgreSQL 12 | Production | Performance improvements on partitioning, decreased WAL usage for indexes, JSON path expressions, stored generated columns, REINDEX CONCURRENTLY, mcv extended statistic, ... Incompatibilites: replication parameters in postgres.conf. (12.5 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix. (12.11 2022-05): CVE-2022-1552 fix. (12.17 2023-11): CVE-2023-5869 fix. (12.18 2024-02): CVE-2024-0985 fix. (12.20 2024-08): CVE-2024-7348 fix. | 12.22 | 2019-10 | 2024-11 | |
PostgreSQL 11 | Production | Improvements to partitioning (row move, by HASH, DEFAULT partition, better query pruning, full referential constraint support, upsert, automatic index creation, ...), transaction control in PL/pgSQL, SQL stored procedures, enhanched parallelism, full SQL:2011 standard support for window functions, JIT compilation, ... quit and exit in psql! (11.4 2019-06): CVE-2019-10164 fix. (11.10 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix. (11.16 2022-05): CVE-2022-1552 fix. | 11.22 | 2018-10 | 2023-11 | |
PostgreSQL 10 | Production | Built-in Logical Replication, native Table Partitioning, conditional scripting in psql, enhanched Query Parallelism, extended statistics, quorum commit on Synchronous Replication, ICU collations, new roles: pg_monitor, pg_read_all_stats, pg_read_all_settings, pg_stat_scan_tables. Driver updates: SCRAM-SHA-256 Authentication, Multi-host failover, Read-only/Read-Write connections. Incompatibilites: directory changes, wal functions renamed, version numbering. Desupport: pg_dump for DB older than 8.0. (10.3 2018-03): CVE-2018-1058 fix. (10.9 2019-06): CVE-2019-10164 fix. (10.15 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix. (10.21 2022-05): CVE-2022-1552 fix. | 10.23 | 2017-10 | 2022-11 | |
PostgreSQL 9.6 | Production |
Parallel sequential scans, joins and aggregates;
Elimination old data autovacuuming;
Synchronous replication on multiple standby servers;
Full-text search for phrases;
Support for remote joins, sorts, and updates in postgres_fdw;
Better multi-core scalability. (9.6.1 2016-10) many bug fixes.
Incompatible change: pg_stat_activity.
(9.6.8 2018-03): CVE-2018-1058 fix.
(9.6.20 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix.
This version and the older ones are probably affected by CVE-2022-1552 bug published on 2022-05. | 9.6.24 | 2016-09 | 2021-11 | |
PostgreSQL 9.5 | Production | INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE (UPSERT), SELECT... FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED, Grouping Sets, CUBE and ROLLUP analytic operations, online SET UNLOGGED, Row-Level Security, better multi-core and large memory scalability. BRIN indexes. Desupport: PostGIS 2.1. (9.5.2 2016-03): fixed a bug affecting 9.5 only (text indexes optimization). (9.5.12 2018-03): CVE-2018-1058 fix. (9.5.24 2020-11): CVE-2020-25695 fix. | 9.5.25 | 2016-01 | 2021-02 | |
PostgreSQL 9.4 | Production | Native JSON support (JSONB); new API for managing replication streams; logical WAL decoding; perfomance improvements on GIN indexes; concurrently updatable materialized views; ALTER SYSTEM (; pg_stat_archiver; huge_pages; security: SSL ECDH key exchange, log_connections shows SSL usage. (9.4.1 2015-02): fixed a bug affecting 9.4 only. (9.4.17 2018-03): CVE-2018-1058 fix. | 9.4.26 | 2014-12 | 2020-02 | |
PostgreSQL 9.3 | Production | Disk page checksum, updatable views, writeable foreign tables, parallel pg_dump, copy freeze, lateral join, materialized views, new functions for JSON, easier switchover with replication. Desupport: PostGIS 2.0. (9.3.2 2013-12) replication and PITR seriuos bug fixed. (9.3.4 2014-03) fixed a seriuos bug affecting 9.3 only. (9.3.22 2018-03) CVE-2018-1058 fix. | 9.3.25 | 2013-09 | 2018-11 | |
PostgreSQL 9.2 | Production | Cascading replication, on-slave backup; performance improvements (index-only scan); new SQL features (range data type, JSON data type). Incompatible change: pg_stat_activity. Desupport: PostGIS 1.5. (9.2.6 2013-12) replication and PITR seriuos bug fixed. | 9.2.24 | 2012-09 | 2017-11 | |
PostgreSQL 9.1 | Production | EXTENSIONs; Synchronous replication; serializable snapshot; per-column collation; unlogged tables; K-nearest-neighbor indexes; SE-Postgres; foreign data wrappers (DB gateway); SQL or PL/PgSQL: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS, INSTEAD OF triggers on views, FOREACH; ... (9.1.11 2013-12) replication and PITR seriuos bug fixed. | 9.1.24 | 2011-09 | 2016-10 | |
PostgreSQL 9.0 | Production | Streaming Replication and Hot Standby. GRANT/REVOKE IN SCHEMA for mass permission changes. DO with anonymous blocks (similar to stored procedure), Phyton3, BYTEA datatype. Dereferrable unique contraints for bulk load. pg_upgrade added as contrib module. 64 bit build for WinX. Desupport: PostGIS 1.4 (9.0.15 2013-12) replication and PITR seriuos bug fixed. | 9.0.23 | 2010-09 | 2015-10 | |
PostgreSQL 8.4 | Production | Performance enhancements (hash index, EXISTS), better free space management, windows functions (OVER clause), CTE (WITH clause), column permission, returns table in functions, pg_stat_statements, ... (8.4.19 2013-12) replication and PITR seriuos bug fixed. | 8.4.21 | 2009-07 | 2014-07 | |
PostgreSQL 8.3 | Unsupported | Very stable. Full text search, XML, updatable cursors, performance&tuning (eg. asynchronous commit, dedicated writes, default autovacuum) | 8.3.23 | 2008-02 | 2013-02 | |
PostgreSQL 8.2 | Unsupported | Multirow DML, index DDL during DML (CONCURRENTLY clause), SQL:2003 statistical functions, performance&tuning (eg. fast locking, FILLFACTOR, monitor/logging) | 8.2.23 | 2006-12 | 2011-12 | |
PostgreSQL 8.1 | Unsupported | 2PC, Role based security, IN/OUT/INOUT SQL function parameters, partitioning (constraint_exclusion param.), autovacuum in core distribution (it was an extension) | 8.1.23 | 2005-11 | 2010-11 | |
PostgreSQL 8.0 | Unsupported | MS Windows porting, savepoint, point-in-time recovery, tablespaces, Perl server-side language | 8.0.26 | 2005-01 | 2010-10 | |
PostgreSQL 7.0 | Unsupported | Foreign keys, SQL-92 joins, many optimizer enhanchements; (7.1 2001-04) GiST, TOAST, Outer joins, WAL, LOB, GUC (Grand Unified Configuration); (7.2 2002-04) not locking vacuum, column histograms in analyze, better password encryption; (7.3 2002-11) schemas, drop column, table functions, prepared queries; (7.4 2003-11) standard information schema, more efficient with: IN, GROUP BY, explicit JOIN, regular expressions, function-inlining, full-text, ARRAY[] constructor; Frontend/Backend protocol v3 | 7.4.30 | 2000-05 | 2010-10 | |
PostgreSQL 6.0 | Unsupported | JDBC 2.0, sqlcli.h, SET CONSTRAINTS, plperl | 6.5.3 | 1997-01 | 2004-06 | |
PostgresSQL 1 | Unsupported | PostgreSQL: SQL Engine | 1.09 | 1996 | ||
Postgres95 | Unsupported | Postgres95: SQL interpreter, ANSI C, psql, GNU make | 0.03 | 1995 | ||
Postgres | Unsupported | "post" Ingres project at University of California at Berkeley: POSTGRES with Object-Relational features, PostQUEL, BSD make | 4.2 | 1987 |
PostgreSQL generally has 1 major release and 4 minor releases per year [last on 2025-02-13, next on 2025-05-8]. The target date for minor releases are the second Thursday of February, May, August, and November. New major releases typically occur in October each year. PostgreSQL minor upgrades (eg. 8.4.3 to 8.4.4, 13.3 to 13.4) are easy: shutdown the database, upgrade the software and restart. PostgreSQL major changes require a pg_dump/restore or a pg_upgrade in-place update.... a smarter and faster upgrade procedure is generally possible with pg_upgrade.
7.X | 8.3 | 8.4 | 9.0 | 9.2 | ||
7.2 | Contrib module for in-place PostgreSQL major upgrade. Removed in 8.1 | X | ||||
8.4 | Reenginered in an external module called pg_migrator | X | ||||
9.0 | Added as contrib | X | ||||
9.2 | Enhancements (eg. PGPORTOLD/PGPORTNEW, -o/-O options ) | X | ||||
9.3 | Enhancements (eg. more status info) | X | ||||
9.4 | Reduced memory consumption | X | ||||
9.5 | Added as server utility | X | ||||
10 | Hash index rebuild | X | ||||
12 | New options: --clone, --socketdit | X | ||||
15 | OIDs preserved | X | ||||
16 | New option: --copy | X | ||||
17 | Migration of logical replication slots | X | ||||
18 | Task parallelization | X |
There are several important tools in the PostgreSQL ecosystem:
pgAdmin4 9.0,
PgBouncer 1.24.0,
Pgpool-II 4.5.4,
pgCat 1.2,
Patroni 4.0.4,
Citus 13.0.1,
ora2pg 24.3,
pgBadger 12.4,
Odyssey 1.3,
Slony-I 2.2.11,
Enterprise DB
offers PostgreSQL database for Enterprise usage and paid support.
In addition to the community version two other PostgreSQL versions can be downloaded:
Postgres Plus Standard Server: community edition integrated with:
pgmemcache, pgBouncer, Slony, PostGIS, pgAgent, graphical installation, ... Open Source
Postgres Plus Advanced Server: Standard Server +
Oracle compatibility (eg. DBMS_* packages, Oracle dictionary, PL/SQL, DB link, migration studio, ...),
DynaTune, SQL/Protect, ...
It takes some months after community edition to have an Advanced Server release.
The Advanced version is not Open Source and is not free.
AWS offers on
both PostgreSQL and
Aurora PostgreSQL
which is a cloud optimized PostgreSQL compatible DB
(eg. Aurora PostgreSQL 1.1 on 2018-03-21 is compatible with Pg 9.6.6 and has support for orafce extension.
Latest versions
are AP 1.3 Pg 9.6.9 compatible and AP 2.0 Pg 10.4 compatible).
Amazon Redshift, an impressive OLAP database service, is based on Postgres 8.0.2 too
[NdA even if there are important differences].
JDBC42 4.5 | 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11+ | JDBC 4.2 | 1.8 | 42.7.4 | 2024-02 | For Java 8 or newer |
JDBC41 4.2 | 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11+ | JDBC 4.1 | 1.7 | 42.2.29 | 2022-10 | For Java 7 or newer |
JDBC40 4.2 | 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11+ | JDBC 4.0 | 1.6 | 42.2.27 | 2022-08 | For Java 6 or newer |
JDBC42 9.4 | 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 | JDBC 4.2 | 1.7, 1.8 | 9.4-1212 | 2016-09 | |
JDBC41 9.4 | 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 | JDBC 4.1 | 1.7, 1.8 | 9.4-1212 | 2016-09 | |
JDBC40 9.4 | 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 | JDBC 4.0 | 1.6 | 9.4-1212 | 2016-09 | |
JDBC3 9.3 | 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 | JDBC 3.0 | 1.4, 1.5 | 9.3-1104 | 2015-01 | |
JDBC2 8.3 | 7.x, 8.x | JDBC 2.0 | 1.2, 1.3 | 8.3-607 | 2010-05 |
Postgres JDBC are backward and forward compatible (current JDBC driver supports PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer with 3.0 PostgreSQL protocol), using the latest release is always suggested. Postgres JDBC drivers are type 4 (100% pure java). Since version 8.0 they are available for download from Postgres JDBC page [NdE before that date they were available in the server source code]
PostgreSQL has several additional components.
Among the others the geographical extension: PostGIS!
Source Code
GitHub mirror
3.5 | Production | Require PG 12+, Proj 6.1+, GEOS 3.8+ (better with 3.12+) | 3.5.2 | 2024-09 | 2025-01 | |
3.4 | Production | Require PG 12+, Proj 6.1+ | 3.4.4 | 2023-08 | 2024-12 | |
3.3 | Production | Require PG 11+, GEOS 3.6+, Proj 5.2+ | 3.3.8 | 2022-08 | 2024-12 | |
3.2 | Production | Requires PG 9.6+, GEOS 3.6+ Proj 4.9+; better with GEOS 3.10+, PG 14+ | 3.2.8 | 2021-12 | 2024-12 | |
3.1 | Production | GEOS 3.9 new features, performance enhancements | 3.1.12 | 2020-12 | 2024-12 | |
3.0 | Production | Requires Postgres 9.5+, best with Postgres 12+; GEOS 3.6+, Proj 6+. | 3.0.11 | 2019-10 | 2024-02 | |
2.5 | Production | Postgres 9.4-12 support. | 2.5.9 | 2018-09 | 2022-11 | |
2.4 | Production | Changed < = > B-Tree index operators, dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.2. (2.4.4 2018-04): PgSQL 11 support | 2.4.8 | 2017-09 | 2019-08 | |
2.3 | Production | Custom TOC in, TopoGeom_addElement, TopoGeom_remElement, populate_topology_layer, support for 9.6 parallel query mode | 2.3.10 | 2016-09 | 2019-08 | |
2.2 | Production | PROJ 4.6+, KNN works for all geometry types, Topology API in liblwgeom | 2.2.8 | 2015-10 | 2018-11 | |
2.1 | Production | Faster! PostgreSQL 9.3 support. New functions for geography, geometry and topology. | 2.1.9 | 2013-08 | 2017-09 | |
2.0 | Production | GEOS 3.3, PostgreSQL 9.1. New features: 3D (ST_3D*). Raster (based on GDAL). Topology. Geocoder -> TIGER 2010 US Census. | 2.0.7 | 2012-04 | 2015-03 | |
1.5 | Production | up to pg 8.5; new Geography type for lat/lon; GML, KML format readers; better performance on distance calculation. (1.5.3): up to pg 9.1 (PostgreSQL 9.2 requires PostGis 2.0 or upper) (1.5.6): Added support for pg 9.2 (but not suggested) | 1.5.9 | 2010-02 | 2012-11 | |
1.4 | Production | New API. Requirements: pg >= 8.2, >= GEOS 3.0, >= PROJ4 4.5. Support for compound curves in a curve polygon (SQL-MM) | 1.4.2 | 2009-03 | 2010-03 | |
1.3 | Production | Early adoption of SQL-MM convention. (1.3.6) up to pg 8.4 | 1.3.6 | 2007-08 | 2009-05 | |
1.2 | Production | Curved geometry type support for serialization/deserialization; Point-in-polygon shortcircuit to the Contains and Within functions | 1.2.1 | 2006-12 | 2007-01 | |
1.1 | Production | transform() performance; stable GEOS connectivity (GEOS 2.2); new functions; draft topology support. | 1.1.7 | 2005-12 | 2007-01 | |
1.0 | Production | Small footprint data representation as default | 1.0.6 | 2005-04 | 2005-12 | |
0.x | Pre | First release from Refractions Research. (0.8): Full support for SFSQL. | 0.9 | 2001-05 | 2005-07 |
PostGIS Soft Upgrades (eg. 2.0.1 to 2.0.3) are easy: shutdown the database, upgrade the software, restart, run a simple SQL command to upgrade the EXTENSION (if Postgres version >= 9.1, with previuos releases and upgrade script is provided). PostGIS Hard Upgrades require a fresh new installation, a specific dump, a quite long update of DDL contained in the dump with and the final restore.
PostGIS | |||||||||||||||
PostgreSQL | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 |
7.x | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
8.0 | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
8.1 | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
8.2 | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
8.3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
8.4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.0 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.1 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.2 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.3 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.4 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No |
9.5 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
9.6 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
10 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
11 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
12 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
13 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
14 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
15 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
16 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
17 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
18 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
TimescaleDB is the PostgreSQL
Time-Series extension.
(Sources: Git
2.0 | Production |
Elastic clustering, distribuited hypertables, manual refresh on continuos aggregates.
PG11 or newer required. Many entereprise features now free.
Backwards incompatibilities: API for continuous aggregates, some informational views (2.2.0 2021-04): PG11 deprecation. (2.3.0 2021-05): Distributed hypertable compression policies, generated column and trigger support on distributed hypertables. (2.4.0 2021-08): PG12 or newer. Experimental features: timescaledb_experimental schema, add block_new_chunks and allow_new_chunks API, time_bucket_ng. (2.5.0 2021-10): Support for PG14, continuous aggregates for distributed hypertables. (2.6.0 2022-02): Continuous aggregates with compression. (2.7.0 2022-05): Performance optimizations: continuous aggregate queries, now(), COPY, chunk exclusion of DELETE/UPDATE. (2.8.0 2022-08): Time_bucket by month, year and timezone. (2.9.0 2022-12): Hierarchical continuous aggregates. | 2.18.1 | 2020-12 | 2025-02 | |
1.0 | Production |
Production release. Bucket time epoch on Monday January 3, 2000.
(1.1 2018-12): several optimizations. Beta support for PG11 and timescale-tune. (1.2 2019-01): Full support for PG11, time-series analytical functions, data reordering (reorder_chunk()). Commercial license: automated data lifecycle management (add_reorder_policy(), add_drop_chunks_policy()). Deprecation: adaptive chunking. (1.3 2019-05): continuous aggregates. (1.4 2019-06): multiple continuous aggregates, ChunkAppend. (1.5 2019-10): native compression (requires PG10+), data tiering. (1.6 2020-01): allow drop_chunks while keeping continuous aggregates. (1.7 2020-04): PG12 support; deprecation for PG9.6, PG10. | 1.7.4 | 2018-10 | 2020-09 | |
0.x | Production |
First production release. ALTER EXTENSION upgrade.
Requires PostgreSQL 9.6.2 or 10.2.
(0.2.0 2017-07): Trigger support on hypertables. (0.7.0 2017-11): Postgres 10 support. (0.8.0 2017-12): Windows support. (0.9.0 2018-03): Different extension versions on different databases. (0.11.0 2018-08): Adaptive chunking. (0.12.0 2018-09): Scheduler, telemetry usage information. | 0.12.1 | 2017-06 | 2018-09 | |
0.0.x | Development | First releases... | 0.0.12-beta | 2017-03 | 2017-06 |
Oracle is the most known commercial RDBMS. Oracle RDBMS has a lot of features, products and versions... Oracle RDBMS is sold in several Editions: Enterprise Edition (full release: perice per n. user or per socket, all options available (priced)), Standard Edition 2 (max 4 socket, no options, limited features), Personal Edirion (per 1 user, single machine, single user), Express / Free (FREE but with limits on usage / size) Software update license and support is generally the 22%. Check current pricing HERE(Sources: Metalink 161818.1, MOS 742060.1, Support Policies, Technology Lifetime Support, Release Schedule 742060.1, Oracle Docs (since 7.3.4), Mike Dietrich's blog, Oracle FAQs, Once upon a time
Oracle 23c Oracle 23ai | Production | Available at first as Free Developer Release.
JSON/Relational, JavaScript stored procedures,
Property Graphs, SQL Domains, OKafka,
BOOLEAN datatype,
direct Joins for UPDATE and DELETE,
Unicode 15.0,
FROM not mandatory,
GROUP BY alias or position, multivalued INSERT, ...
Desupport: non-CDB Architecture (already in 20c and 21c), Export Utility (EXP), EM Express, traditional auditing [use Unified Auditing], TSL 1.0, TLS 1.1, ... Deprecation: Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) [use AutoUpgrade] (23.4 2024-05): Renamed from 23c to 23ai adding AI Vector Search, released in Cloud and as Dev-Free | 23.6 | 2023-04 (Dev. Release) 2023-09 (Cloud) 2024-05 (23ai Cloud+Dev) 2024-07 (Exadata) | 2032-04 | |
Oracle 21c | Production | Innovation Release.
Blockchain Tables, AutoML (Machine Learning), JavaScript Execution in the Database, JSON Data Type,
Per-PDB Data Guard Physical Standby, Per-PDB GoldenGate Change Capture,
Self-Managing In-Memory, In-Memory Hybrid Columnar Scan, In-Memory Vector Joins with SIMD,
Sharding Advisor Tool, Property Graph Visualization Studio, Automatic Materialized Views,
Automatic Zone Maps, SQL Macros, Gradual Password Rollover
Desupport: non-CDB Architecture | 21.17 | 2020-12 (Cloud) 2021-08 GA | 2027-07 | |
Oracle 20c | Unsupp. | Preview Release.
Blockchain native tables, JSON binary datatype, Automatic In-Memory,
Standby Result Cache with Active DG, SQL macros, CDB fine-grained resource model, ...
Desupport: non-CDB architecture! | 20.2 | 2020-02 (Cloud preview) Never as GA | 2020-12 | |
Oracle 19c | Production |
19c ==, terminal patch set for 12.2 and LTS (Long Term Release).
Requires OL7, RHEL7 or SLES12.
SQL: listagg distinct,
DBMS_JOB as interface to DBMS_SCHEDULER, JET instead of Flash in EM Express
(19.7 2020-05): certified with RH/OL 8.0+; SEHA (Standard Edition High Availability) on Linux/Solaris/Windows (19.13 2021-11): SEHA on AIX, HP-UX Itanium Desupport: Oracle multimedia, Oracle Streams, RAC on SE2, PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE, Extended Datatype Support, ... | 19.26 | 2019-02 (Exadata) 2019-04 (Linux) | 2029-12 (2032-12 ES) | Suggested |
Oracle 18c | Unsupp. |
New version numbering: 18c ==
Initially available on Exadata and Cloud.
APEX 5.1, Automatic Background Text Index Maintenance, WILDCARD_INDEX in text searches,
TREAT expression AS JSON, Transparent Application Continuity (TAC),
backups valid on new CDB, DBCA PDB clone, Read Only ORACLE_HOME (new variables:
RPM install, support for Oracle Exadata infrastructure patching, ...
Deprecation: Oracle Streams, Oracle multimedia, DBMS_XMLQUERY. Desupport: UTL_FILE_DIR, symbolic links in UTL_FILE, STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST | 18.14 | 2018-02 (Exadata) 2018-03 (Cloud) 2018-07 (On‑premises) | 2021-06 | |
Oracle 12c R2 | Unsupp. |
Online partitioning, Online encryption, DBVault simulation, DBA_INDEX_USAGE,
Data Guard automatic deploy, CREATE ANALYTIC VIEW, external and partitioned tables on HDFS,
For Multitenant: up to 4096 PDB, MAX_PDBS, different character sets, active DG and DG Broker, flashback, hot clone, max_iops, proxy PDB, ... For Cloud: listener multiple redirects, SQLNET.COMPRESSION, Sharding option, RMAN cross-platform support, ... Deprecation: DBMS_JOB. Desupport: <= 11.1 clients, Advanced Replication | | 2016-11 (Cloud) 2017-02 (Exadata) 2017-03 (On‑premises) | 2020-11 | Suggested |
Oracle 12c | Unsupp. |
Oracle Multitenant Option (aka Pluggable DBs); Heat Map Optimizations;
Adaptive Query Optimization;
RMAN improvements (table restore, standby restore, ...);
Availability: transparent failover, Global Data Service;
Infrastructure: light-weight grid stack, EM express; ILM (information lifecycle);
SQL: default with sequence, varchar up to 32k, with-PLSQL functions, ...
Deprecation: Advanced Replication, UTL_FILE_DIR, Non-CDB architecture. Desupport: <= 9.2 clients, raw devices InMemory Option, SE2, ... | | 2013-07 2014-07 | 2016-08 2022-07 | Suggested |
Oracle 11g R2 | Market Driven Support | Stable, fast, low TCO; ADVM (ASM Dynamic Volume Manager)
and ACFS (ASM Cluster File System), Oracle restart (srvctl),
Caging (CPU_COUNT), Hybrid Compression; RAC One Node option, SCAN listener, Omotion; Patch Set is a full release
Desupport: raw devices in DBCA, Oracle Ultra Search | | 2009-09 2010-09 2011-09 2013-04 | 2011-09 2013-10 2015-08 2020-12 | Suggested |
Oracle 11g | Unsupp. | Availability enhancements, performance optimization (eg. client cache), native PL/SQL compilation, binary XML
Options: Total Recall, Advanced Compression, real application testing (RAT) Desupport: exp, iSQLPlus, <= 8.1.7 clients | | 2007-08 (Linux) | 2012-08 (2015 ES) | |
Oracle 10g R2 (10.2) | Unsupp. | Stable, COMMIT NOWAIT, fully featured Enterprise Manager, Data Pump compression, Opatch | | 2005 | 2010-07 (2013 ES) | Suggested |
Oracle 10g (10.1) | Unsupp. | sqlplus / as sysdba, Regexp, Flashback tables, expdp/impdp, DBMS_SCHEDULER, "Grid"
Desupport: Rule based Optimizer, <= 7.3.4 clients , init parameters | | 2003 | 2009-01 (2012 ES) | BAD |
Oracle 9i R2 (9.2) | Unsupp. | Very stable, JDK 1.3 in JVM, XML, CTE (WITH), Dynamic Listener Parameters | | 2002 | 2007-07 (2010 ES, 2012 LES) | Suggested |
Oracle 9i (9.0.1) | Unsupp. | ETL, RMAN, 9i Data Guard, Parallel DB->RAC, MTS->Shared Server
Desupport: CONNECT Internal, SQL*Net, Server Manager, ESTAT/BSTAT more... | | 2001 | 2003-12 | BAD |
Oracle 8i | Unsupp. |
(8.1.5 1999-02): DROP COLUMN, temporary table, analytic/window functions (OVER), Internet, iFS, Java Stored
(8.1.6 1999-11): Statspack, DBA Studio, PL/SQL SP, function-based indexes, CUBE, ROLLUP, materialized views (8.1.7 2000-08): Very stable, Enterprise Manager, Apache, JSP Procedures | | 1999 | 2004-12 (2006 ES) | Suggested |
Oracle 8.0 | Unsupp. | Partitioning, Object option, object types, Full NLS, SQL3, SQL*Net -> Net8, primary key snapshot | | 1997 | 2001 (2003 ES) | |
Oracle 7.3 | Unsupp. | Very stable, Temporary tablespaces, Bitmap indexes, UTL_FILE package, DBMS_JOB, multithreading, Spatial Option
Desupport: SQL*Net v.1, sqldba | | 1996 | 2000 (2002 ES) | Suggested 7.3.4 |
Oracle 7.2 | Unsupp. | Subquery in FROM clause, features x DBA (resizeable datafile, rollback segment shrink) | 1995 | |||
Oracle 7.1 | Unsupp. | Parellel query, Server Manager, Advanced replication | 1994 | |||
Oracle 7.0 | Unsupp. | Stored procedures and triggers, Integrity constraints (enforcement),
cost-based optimizer, SQL*Net v.2 with 2PC and MTS, Snapshots
Desupport: SQL*Forms v.2.3 | 1992 | |||
Oracle 6.0 | Unsupp. | Row level locking, PL-SQL, Integrity constraints (declaration),
new architecture (B*Tree, tablespaces, rollback segments, redo logs)
(6.2): Parallel Server Option | 1988 | |||
Oracle 5.1 | Unsupp. | Stable, distribuited query | 1986 | |||
Oracle 5.0 | Unsupp. | Fully featured SQL, transaction support, SQL*Net | 1985 | |||
Oracle 4 | Unsupp. | Several porting, read consistency | 1984 | |||
Oracle 3 | Unsupp. | Rewritten in C language, COMMIT | 1981 | |||
Oracle 2 | Unsupp. | First commercial RDBMS, written in PDP-11 Assembly, basic SQL, CONNECT BY | 1979 |
Oracle quaterly pubblishes a PSU (Patch Set Updates)
for Enterprise Edition and Standard edition software
(ID 1454618.1
that adds a fifth number to the Oracle version and is strongly suggested.
Patching is performed with the OPatch java utility.
Other Oracle patches are CPU (Critical Patch Updates and security alerts),
Security Patch Update (SPU) and Bundle patches (for engineered systems like
Exadata and ODA).
Windows systems use Bundle Patches too.
Since 12c Proactive Bundle Patch (DBBP) have been introduced [NdA DBBP >> PSU],
and with 12cR2 Release Updates (RU) and Release Update Revisions (RUR) have been introduced.
RURs will no longer be provided for 19.17.0 and above and are partially replaced by
Monthly Recommended Patches (MRPs) available for Linux x86-64 platform only.
Lastest RU/PSU are
(2017-06-20): (Proactive Bundle Patch for x86-64);
(2017-01-17):, ( is OJVM only);,,,, ...
Next updates are expected on: 2024-10-15, 2025-01-21, 2025-04-15, 2025-07-15, ...
The previous table is my favourite reference... but it is not official one.
The following tables are derived more directly from Oracle support site
that is the official reference.
(Sources: Metalink note 161818.1
Metalink note 742060.1)
Release |
Current Patch Set | Next Patch Set | Available since | Premier Support Ends | Extended Support Ends | Patching Ends | Waived ES Ends | Notes |
21c | 21 | 2019-02 | 2024-04 | NA | 2023-06 | Innovation Release | ||
19c | 19 | 2019-02 | 2025-04 | 2027-04 | 2026-03 | LTS | ||
18c | 18.14 | 19 | 2018-02 | 2021-06 | NA | 2021-06 | || | | 18 (was | 2016-11 | 2020-11 | NA | 2020-11 | Released first on Cloud. | |
12.1.0.X | | None | 2013-07 | 2018-07 | 2022-07 | 2021-07 | 2019-07 | Base release is |
11.2.0.X | | None | 2009-09 | 2015-01 | 2020-12 | 2020-12 | 2018-12 | Base release is 11.2 Patch Sets are a full release |
11.1.0.X | | None | 2007-08 | 2012-08 | 2015-08 | Base release is | ||
10.2.0.X | | None | 2005 | 2010-07 | 2013-07 | Limited ES: 2015-07 | ||
10.1.0.X | | None | 2003 | 2009-01 | 2012-01 | |||
9.2.0.X | | None | 2002 | 2007-07 | 2010-07 |
Limited ES: 2012-07 |
The Oracle Support Policy is a bit complex (Lifetime Support Stages): Premier Support, Extended Support (extra-cost but can be waived for a period or for certain usage [NdA EBS, SAP]), Limited Extended Support, Sustaining Support, Unsupported... but also Market Driven Support. Patching can vary and also the release availability (eg. for different platforms)...
Release |
Terminal Patch Set | Error Correction Support Ends
Extended Maintenence Support Ends
Notes |
9.0.1.X | ( for iAS) |
31-Dec-2003 | No ES. | is the terminal general use 9.0 patch set. Fixes only possible for iAS infrastructure instances on |
8.1.7.X | | 31-Dec-2004
for strategic platforms 31-Dec-2003 for other platforms (Novell NetWare ended 31-Jan-2003) |
for strategic platforms 31-Dec-2005 (or earlier) for others (No ES for Novell NetWare) | is the final Patch Set for 8.1.7.
The desupport date was extended to 31-Dec-2004 for customers on strategic platforms. The ES dates have numerous exceptions. You are strongly advised to refer to the current Desupport Notice. |
8.1.6.X | | 31-Oct-2001 Extended to 01-Jun-2002 for E-Business Suite Customers only. | No ES | ES is NOT available. |
8.1.5.X | | 01-Jan-2001 | No ES | exists on Solaris / NT / SNI / SGI only |
8.0.6.X | | 30-Sep-2001 | ES ended 30-Sep-2003 | Fixes only possible for customers with E-Business Suite (in Server Partitioned mode). Must be on |
8.0.5.X | |
OpenVMS 31-Mar-2001
HPUX 64 bit 01-Jan-2001 AIX 64 bit 01-Jan-2001 Other platforms 30-June-2000 |
No ES | |
8.0.4.X | | 31-Mar-2000 | No ES | OS/390 was desupported 01-Nov-2000 |
8.0.3.X | | 31-Mar-1999 | No ES | |
7.3.4.X | | 31-Dec-2000 | ES ended 31-Dec-2002 | ES has ended |
Upgrading Oracle can be a complex task. The RDBMS upgrade generally is smooth (eg. upgrade assistant, manual upgrade, new DB and then exp/imp), the difficulty is to upgrade the applications using Oracle (eg. desupported features, old SQL*Net versions, ...). Oracle documentation is very good (eg. Oracle 11g R2 Behavior Changes).
One of the best options to migrate is to create a new database and perform a logical export and import of data. EXP/IMP can be used to migrate from 5.1 (1986) up to 12g R1. The export must be performed with the right client version tool (EXP/IMP supported matrix):
5.x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x | EXP5x |
6.x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x | EXP6x |
7.x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x | EXP7x |
8.0.x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x | EXP80x |
8.1.x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x | EXP81x |
9.0.1 | EXP817 | EXP901 | EXP901 | EXP901 | EXP901 | EXP901 | EXP901 | EXP901 |
9.2.0 | EXP817 | EXP920 | EXP920 | EXP920 | EXP920 | EXP920 | EXP920 | EXP920 |
10.1.0 | EXP817 | EXP920 | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp |
10.2.0 | No | EXP920 | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp |
11.1.0, 11.2.0 | No | EXP920 | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp |
12.1.0, 12.2.0 | No | EXP920 | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp | expdp |
EXPDP/IMPDP should be used from 10g. The export datapump must be performed with the right VERSION parameter and following this (compatibility matrix):
10.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No |
10.2 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
11.1 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
11.2 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
12.1 | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
12.2 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
18c | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
19c | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
21c | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
23ai | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Oracle Database Version | |||||||||||||||||
Oracle Linux Version | 23ai | 21c | 19c | 18c | 12.2 | 12.1 | 11.2 | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 9.2 | ||||||
OL 9 | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ||||||
OL 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes ( | No | No | No | No | ||||||
OL 7 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes ( | No | No | No | No | ||||||
OL 6 | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes ( | No | Yes (Exadata only) | No | No | ||||||
OL 5 | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | ||||||
OL 4 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Be careful with platform (x86_64 vs x86) and kernel (UEK vs RHCK) certifications too; x86_64 and UEK are to be preferred anyway.
Oracle Version | 11.2 | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 9.2.0 | 9.0.1 | 8.1.7 | 8.1.6 | 8.1.5 | 8.0.6 | 8.0.5 |
AIX 5L V5.3 TL 09 SP1 or higher, 64 bit kernel
AIX 6.1 TL 02 SP1 or higher, 64-bit kernel AIX 7.1 TL 00 SP1 or higher, 64-bit kernel |
AIX 6.1L, AIX 5L version 5.3, TL 05, Service Pack 06, AIX 6L version 6.1, TL 00, Service Pack 04 or later | 5.2 ML4 or higher, 5.3 ML2 or higher, 6.1
For AIX 6.1, only or higher are certified CRS with or higher require AIX 5.3 TL5 or higher |
5.2 ML1 or higher, 5.3 | o 4.3.3 (64bit only)
5.1, 5.2, 5.3 (5L)(64bit only) |
4.3.3 (64bit) | o 4.3.2, 4.3.3 (32bit)
5.1, 5.2 (5L) (32bit) [patch 2896876 is required if kernel is running in 64bit mode] 4.3.2, 4.3.3 (64bit) |
4.3.2, 4.3.3 (32 or 64bit) | o 4.2.1 , 4.3.0, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 (32bit)
4.3.2, 4.3.3 (64bit) |
o 4.2.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 (32bit)
4.3.2, 4.3.3 (64bit) |
o 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 (32bit)
4.3.2, 4.3.3 (64bit) |
HP-UX 11i V3 patch Bundle Sep/ 2008 (B.11.31.0809.326a) or higher | 11.23 and 11.31 (Itanium,PA-RISC) | 11.11 (PA-RISC) (64bit)
11.23 (PA-RISC) (64bit) 11.23, 11.31 (PA-RISC / Itanium / IPF) | 11.11 (PA-RISC) (64bit)
11.23 (PA-RISC) (64bit) 11.23, 11.31 (IA64 - Itanium) |
11.0 (64bit)
11.11 (64bit) 11.23 (PA-RISC) (64bit) 11.31 (PA-RISC) (64bit)(10/30) 11.22, 11.23, 11.31 (IA64 - Itanium) |
11.0 (64bit)
11.11 (64bit) | 11.0, 11.11(11i) (32bit/64bit) | 11.0, 11.11(11i) (32bit/64bit) | 11.0, 11.11(11i) (32bit/64bit) | 10.20 (32bit)
11.0, 11.11(11i) (32bit/64bit) |
10.20 (32bit)
11.0 (32 or 64) |
Oracle Solaris |
Solaris(64bit) 10 (update 6 or higher), Solaris 11 On Solaris 11, only is certified
2.9 Update 7 (09/04), 2.10 | 2.8 Update 7 (02/02), 2.9 Update 6 (04/04), 2.10 (64bit)
Solaris 10 on x86_64 |
Solaris SPARC 2.8, 2.9 (64bit)
Solaris SPARC 10 (64bit) requires patchset Solaris x86 2.9, 10 |
o 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 (32bit)
Solaris 10 (32bit) requires patchset 2.8, 2.9 (64bit) Solaris 10 (64bit) requires patchset |
o 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 (32bit)
2.8, 2.9 (64bit) |
o 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 (32bit)
2.8, 2.9 (64bit) |
o 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 (32bit)
2.7, 2.8 (64bit) |
2.6, 2.7, 2.8 (32bit)
2.7 (64bit) |
2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 | 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 |
Oracle Version | 11.2 | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 9.2.0 | 9.0.1 | 8.1.7 | 8.1.6 | 8.1.5 | 8.0.6 | 8.0.5 |
Linux x86_64 EM64T AMD64 OS
RHEL4,OEL4 - update 7 or greater
Asianux 2.0, [Red Hat,Oracle] Enterprise Linux 4.0:
2.6.9 Asianux Server 3, [Red Hat,Oracle] Enterprise Linux 5.0: 2.6.18 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11: or greater |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL 3 ) AS/ES (Update 4 or later)
2.4.21-27.EL RHEL4 AS/ES (Update 1 or later) or OEL4 2.6.9-11.EL RHEL5 AS/ES or OEL5 2.6.18-8 or higher SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (SLES9) with SP2 or later 2.6.5-7.201 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SLES10) (or later) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11) or greater Asianux 2.0 |
Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 3.0 (Update 2 or higher)
2.4.21-15.EL Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 4.0 (Update 1 or higher) 2.6.9-11.EL smp SuSE SLES8 (Service Pack 3 or higher) 2.4.21-185-smp SuSE SLES9 2.6.5-7.97 Asianux 1.0 requires |
Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 3.0
2.4.21-9 Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 4.0 minimum patchset level is SuSE SLES8 2.4.21-185 SuSE SLES9 Required - needed for EM64T patch 4261532 patch 4233179 |
Linux x86 OS
RHEL4,OEL4 - Update 7 or greater which is Kernel 2.6.9-78 or newer
RHEL5, OEL5 - 5.2 or greater which is Kernel 2.6.18-92 or newer SLES10 - Kernel or higher SLES 11 - Kernel or greater Asianux Server 3 SP2 On Asianux Server 4, only is certified On RHEL6/OEL6, only is certified |
RHEL4, OEL4, Asianux 2.0 2.6.9 RHEL5, OEL5, Asianux Server 3 2.6.18 SuSE SLES10 SuSE SLES11 - Kernel or greater |
RHEL 3 AS/ES ( RHEL3 ) (Update 4 or later)
2.4.21-27.EL or higher RHEL 4 AS/ES ( RHEL4 ) and Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 ( OEL4 ) 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL or higher RHEL 5 AS/ES ( RHEL5 ) and Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 ( OEL5 ) 2.6.18-8 or higher SuSE SLES9 2.6.5-7.201 or higher SuSE SLES10 SuSE SLES11 - Kernel or greater Asianux 1.0 2.4.21-27.EL or higher Asianux 2.0 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL or higher |
RHEL AS/ES 2.1 (Update 3 or higher)
2.4.9-e34 or higher RHEL AS/ES 3.0 (Update 2 or higher) 2.4.21-15.EL or higher RHEL4 ( patchset required) SuSE SLES8 (Service Pack 3 or higher) 2.4.21-138 SuSE SLES9 2.6.5-7.5 Red Flag Advanced Server 4.0 (China only) Miracle Linux Std Ed 2.1 (Japan only) Asianux 1.0 |
Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 2.1
2.4.9-e34 or higher Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 3.0 2.4.21-15 RHEL4 ( patchset required or patchset and Patch 4276910 required) SuSE SLES8 2.4.21-138 SuSE SLES9 2.6.5-7.97 United Linux 1.0 (SP3 or higher) Red Flag DC Server 4.0 (China and Hong Kong only) Monta Vista Carrier Grade Linux 3.0 (embedded) Miracle Linux Std Ed 2.1 (Japan only) 2.4.7 Asianux 1.0 |
Caldera OU8+LKP, Red Hat 7.1, Advanced Server 2.1, SuSE 7.1, 7.2, SLES7, Kernel 2.4.4 | Caldera OU8+LKP, Miracle 1.0, 2.0, Red Hat 6.1,6.2, EE 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, Advanced Server 2.1, SuSE 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, SLES7, Kernel 2.2.16 | Miracle 1.0, Red Hat 6.0,6.1,6.2, EE 6.2, SuSE 6.3, 6.4, 7.0, VA 6.2, Kernel 2.2 | Red Hat 6.2, EE 6.2, SuSE 6.3, 6.4, Kernel 2.2 | Red Hat 6.2, SuSE 6.4, 7.0, Kernel 2.0.34 | 2.0.34 |
Oracle Version | 11.2 | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 9.2.0 | 9.0.1 | 8.1.7 | 8.1.6 | 8.1.5 | 8.0.6 | 8.0.5 |
Linux Itanium OS
Not Available | Not Available |
RHEL AS/ES 3.0 (Update 4 or higher)
2.4.21-20.EL RHEL AS/ES 4.0 (Update 1 or higher) 2.6.9-11.EL SuSE SLES9 (SP2 or higher) 2.6.5-199 SuSE SLES-10 RHEL 5.0 (Note 748378.1) 2.6.18-8 or higher |
RHEL AS/ES 2.1 (Update 6 or higher)
2.4.18-e52 RHEL AS/ES 3.0 (Update 4 or higher) 2.4.21-27.EL RHEL AS/ES 4.0 (Update 1 or higher) 2.6.9-11.EL.smp Red Flag Advanced Server 4.0 for Itanium 2 (China and Hong Kong only) SuSE SLES8 (SP4 or later) 2.4.21-278 SuSE SLES9 (SP1 or later) 2.6.5-7.139 |
Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 2.1
2.4.18-e.14 Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 3.0 Red Hat Enterprise AS/ES 4.0 2.6.9-11 SuSE SLES8 SuSE SLES9 United Linux 1.0 Red Flag Advanced Server 4.0 for Itanium 2 (China and Hong Kong only) 2.4.18-e14.ia64.rpm |
Linux on 64-bit zSeries |
Note:1306889.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 on RHEL 5 Note:1290644.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 64-bit on SLES 11 Note:1308859.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 on SLES 10 |
Not available | Note:415182.1 DB Install Requirements Quick Reference - zSeries based Linux | Note:415182.1 DB Install Requirements Quick Reference - zSeries based Linux | |||||||
Oracle Version | 11.2 | 11.1 | 10.2 | 10.1 | 9.2.0 | 9.0.1 | 8.1.7 | 8.1.6 | 8.1.5 | 8.0.6 | 8.0.5 |
Linux on Power PC OS
Not Available | Not Available |
o Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 5.0 (Update 1 or later)
2.6.18-53.el5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 (Update 1 or later) 2.6.9-11.EL SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 2.6.5-7.191-pseries64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.0 Asianux 2.0 |
Tru64 OS | Not Available | Not Available | 5.1b | 5.1b | 5.1a, 5.1b | 5.0a, 5.1, 5.1a, 5.1b | 4.0D-G, 5.0, 5.0a, 5.1, 5.1a, 5.1b(EV5.6 processor or higher) do '/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v' | 4.0D-G, 5.0, 5.0a, 5.1 | 4.0D-G, 5.0, 5.0a, 5.1 | 4.0D-G, 5.0, 5.0a, 5.1, 5.1a | 4.0D-G, 5.0, 5.0a |
Mac OS X | Not Available | Not Available | Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 (Intel x86-64)
Only is available and certified only on Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 (Intel x86-64) |
Mac OS X Server 10.4(PowerPC) Mac OS X Server 10.3.9(PowerPC) Mac OS X Server 10.3.6(PowerPC) |
For Oracle 12c less Operating Systems and platforms are supported, all use 64-bit architectures
(Source: Metalink note 1587357.1)
OEL7 is certified for only with both UEK and RH kernels
(Source: Metalink note 1304727.1)
For Oracle 12c R2 on premise several platforms are supported (Sources: Metalink note 742060.1 Release Schedule Metalink note 1304727.1 Linux Certification for 12cR2 )
Server Version | |||||||||||||||||
Client Version | 23ai | 21c | 19c | 12.2, 18c | 12.1.0 | 11.2.0 | 11.1.0 | 10.2.0 | 10.1.0 | 9.2.0 | 9.0.1 | 8.1.7 | 8.1.6 | 8.1.5 | 8.0.6 | 8.0.5 | 7.3.4 |
23ai | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
21c | Yes | Yes | Yes | Was | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
19c | Yes | Yes | Yes | Was | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
18c | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
12.2.0 | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
12.1.0 | No | Yes | Yes | Was | Yes | Yes | Was | Was | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
11.2.0 | No | No | Yes | Was | Yes | Yes | Was | Was | No | Was | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
11.1.0 | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
10.2.0 | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | Was | No | No | No | No | No |
10.1.0 | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | No | No | No | No |
9.2.0 | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | No | Was | No | No |
9.0.1 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | No | Was | No | Was |
8.1.7 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
8.1.6 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
8.1.5 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
8.0.6 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
8.0.5 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
7.3.4 | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was | Was |
Database Release | 7.1.4 | 7.1.5 | 7.1.6 | 7.2.2 | 7.2.3 | 7.3.2 | 7.3.3 | 7.3.4 | 8.x / ... |
SQL*Net | 2.1.4 | 2.1.5 | 2.1.6 | 2.2.2 | 2.2.3 | 2.3.2 | 2.3.3 | 2.3.4 | n/a |
Oracle Names server | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 2.0 | 2.0.2 | 2.0.3 | 2.0.4 | 8.x |
Oracle Advanced Networking Option | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 2.3.2 | 2.3.3 | 2.3.4 | 8.0.x |
Oracle Advanced Security | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 8.1.x |
Secure Network Services1 | 1.0.1 | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3 | 1.1 | 2.0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Net8 / NetX | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 8.x |
11-15 | ojdbc11.jar | 21c | 2019-04 | JDK 11, JDBC 4.3 | |
10-11 | ojdbc10.jar | 19.3 | 2019-04 | JDK 10, JDBC 4.3 | |
1.8 | ojdbc8.jar | 12.2 | 2017-03 | JDK 1.8 | |
1.7/1.8 | ojdbc7.jar | 12g | 12g | 2013-07 | JDK 1.7, JDBC 4.1; JDK 1.8 |
1.6/1.7 | ojdbc6.jar | 11g | 12.1 | 2007-08 2011-09 |
JDK 1.6, JDBC 4.0 almost full support (no SQLXML)
JDK 1.7 for and succ. |
1.5 | ojdbc5.jar | 10.2 | 11.2 | 2005 | JDK 1.5, JDBC 3.0 full support |
1.4/1.5 | ojdbc14.jar | 10.2 | 10.2 | 2005 | JDBC 3.0 full support |
1.4 | ojdbc14.jar | 9.2 | 10.2 | 2002 | JDBC 3.0 partial support: transaction savepoints, global/local transactions |
1.2/1.3 | / .jar | 9.2 | 10.2 | 2002 | jar from |
1.2 | | 8.1.6 | 10.2 | 1999 | Core JDBC, JDBC 2.0 Extensions: Connection Pooling, JDBC-XA (no "recover()") |
1.1 | | 7.3.4 | 9.2 | 1996 |
Oracle JDBC thin drivers are generally backward and forward compatible.
More infos in this document
Oracle Exadata is an engineered system optimized for Oracle RDBMS with custom storage modules. Exadata configurations can vary a lot between models. Exadata generally hosts very large OLTP or DWH databases.(Sources: Oracle, Decision-maker Guide, FlashDBA history, Wikipedia)
X10 | Based on new 4th gen AMD EPYC processor. Scalable licensing: minimum 14 cores.
Database servers:
X10M: 4th-generation AMD 96-core, 512GB RAM (expandable to 3TB), PCIe 5, XRMEM.
Installed from 8th to full rack.
Storage Servers: High Capacity (HC), Extreme Flash (EF), Extended (XT), Expantion Rack (XT). | 2023-06 |
X9 |
Database servers:
X9M-2: Xeon 8358 2.6GHz 2-socket 32-core x86, 512GB RAM (expandable to 2TB), 2 x 100Gb RoCE Fabric, Persistent Memory.
Installed from 8th to full rack.
Storage Servers: High Capacity (HC): 256GB RAM, 1.5TB PM (Persistent Memory), 12x 18TB 7,200 RPM disks, 4x 6.4TB Flash; Extreme Flash (EF): 256GB RAM, 1.5TB PM, 8x 6.4TB Flash; Extended (XT): 96GB RAM, 12x 18TB 7,200 RPM disks; High Capacity (XT): 256GB RAM, 768GB PM, 6x 18TB 7,200 RPM disks, 2x 6.4TB Flash. | 2021-09 |
X8 |
Database servers:
X8-2: 1RU 8260 2.4GHz 2-socket 24-core x86, 384GB RAM (expandable to 1.5TB);
X8-8: 5RU 8268 2.9GHz 8-socket 24-core x86, 3TB RAM (expandable to 6TB).
X8M (2019-09): KVM support, 100 Gb/s internal fabric, Persistent Memory | 2019-04 |
X7 | Database servers: X7-2: two 24-core x86, 384GB RAM (expandable to 1.5TB); X7-8: 8-socket 24-core x86, 3TB RAM (expandable to 6TB). | 2017-10 |
X6 |
Database servers:
X6-2: two 22-core x86, 256GB RAM (expandable to 768GB);
X6-8: 8 socket 144-core x86, 2TB RAM (expandable to 6TB).
Storage Servers: High Capacity (HC): 4x PCI Flash cards with 3.2 TB Flash Cache and 12x 8TB 7,200 RPM disks; Extreme Flash (EF): 8x PCI Flash with 3.2 TB. | 2016-04 |
X5 | X5-2 available as eighth, quarter, half, or full rack. Full rack: 8x 2-socket Xeon E5-2699 v3 (18 core, 2.7Ghz) 256-768GB RAM database servers, 14 Oracle Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches, 89.6TB Smart Flash Cache+118 4T Disks or 112 1.6TB Flash Drives). | 2015-02 |
X4 |
available as eighth, quarter, half, or full rack with scalable licensing.
Full rack: 8x 2-socket Xeon E5-2697 v2 (12 core, 2.7Ghz) 256-512GB RAM database servers, 14 Oracle Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches, 44 TB Smart Flash Cache).
X4-8 full rack only: 2x 8-socket Xeon E7-8895 (15-core, 2.8Ghz) 2-6TB RAM database servers, 14 Oracle Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches, 44 TB Smart Flash Cache. | 2013-12 |
X3 | New processors and an increased flash: X3-2 (8x 2 CPU Xeon E5-2690 8 core, 2.9Ghz, 256GB RAM) and X3-8 (x2 8 Xeon E7-8870 10 core 2.4Ghz 2TB RAM) | 2012-09 |
X2 | Two versions: X2-8 (2 DB servers 8 sockets X7560 8 cores 2.3Ghz) and X2-2 (8 DB servers 2 sockets Xeon X5675 6 core, 3.07Ghz). | 2010-09 |
v2 | On Sun/Oracle HW (Xeon E5540 4 core, 2.5Ghz). 5TB of Flash memory. RBMS 11g R2. | 2009-09 |
v1 | First release running on HP hardware. Full rack system with 8 database nodes, 14 Exadata storage servers (or cells) and the Infiniband network | 2008-09 |
Exadata manteniance requires expert advice and is commonly managed by Oracle Consultancy itself. There are specific patches for Exadata systems [last: 2024-09 Exadata System Software Update (36988840) (Doc ID 3038004.1)].
It is also important to notice that Exadata systems are also available in Cloud and in hybrid environments: Exadata Database Service on dedicated infrastructure in OCI, Cloud@Customer, @Azure (2023-12), @Google Cloud (2024-06), Exascale (2024-07), ...
Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) is an Oracle engineered system optimized for Oracle RDBMS. ODA configuration and manteniance is straightforward. ODA targets are small or medium databases.(Sources: Oracle, ODA for dummies
X10-2 | Two 2U models, EE xor SE2 licenses, no RAC/HA option:
X10-S: 1xCPU AMD EPYC 9334 (32 core, 3.9GHz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 768GB),
13.6TB NVMe raw.
X10-L: 2xCPU AMD EPYC 9334 (32 core, 3.9GHz), 512GB RAM (expandable to 1.5TB),
13.6TB NVMe expandable to 54.4TB raw.
Two nodes on 8U: X10-HA (HA): 2 2U X9-2L + 4U SE3-24 storage shelf. Each server with 2xCPU AMD EPYC 9334 (32 core, 3.9GHz), 512GB RAM (expandable to 1.5TB); 46TB SSD Flash/Data, multiple expansion/configuration options. | 2023-09 | ||
X9-2 | Two 2U models, EE xor SE2 licenses, no RAC/HA option:
X9-2S: 1xCPU Xeon Silver 4314 (16 core, 2.4GHz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 512GB),
13.6TB NVMe raw.
X9-2L: 2xCPU Xeon Silver 4314 (16 core, 2.4GHz), 512GB RAM (expandable to 1TB),
13.6TB NVMe expandable to 81.6TB raw.
Two nodes on 8U: X9-2-HA (HA): 2 2U X9-2L + 4U SE3-24 storage shelf. Each server with 2xCPU Xeon Silver 4314 (16 core, 2.4GHz), 512GB RAM (expandable to 1TB); 46TB SSD Flash/Data, multiple expansion/configuration options. | 2022-06 | ||
X8-2 | Two models on 2U, EE xor SE2 licenses, no RAC/HA option:
X8-2S: 1xCPU Xeon Gold 5218 (16 core, 2.3GHz), 192GB RAM (expandable to 384GB),
12.8 TB NVMe (usable 6.4TB) not expandable.
X8-2M: 2xCPU Xeon Gold 5218 (16 core, 2.3GHz), 384GB RAM (expandable to 768GB),
12.8 TB NVMe expandable to 76.8TB (usable 6.4TB - 38.4TB).
Two nodes on 8U: X8-2-HA (HA): 2 servers with 2xCPU Xeon Gold 5218 (16 core, 2.3GHz), 384GB RAM (expandable to 768GB),46TB SSD Flash/Data, multiple expansion/configuration options up to 92TB SSD / 504TB HDD (raw), EE or SE2 (RAC also on SE2). | 2019-10 | 2022-06 | 2027-08 |
X7-2 | Two models on 1U, EE xor SE2 licenses, no RAC/HA option:
X7-2S (Entry): 1xCPU Xeon Silver 4114 (10 core, 2.2GHz), 192GB RAM (expandable to 384GB),
12.8 TB NVMe (usable 5TB).
X7-2M (Performance): 2xCPU Xeon Gold 6140 (18 core, 2.3GHz), 384GB RAM (expandable +192GB),
12.8 TB NVMe expandable to 51.2TB (usable 5TB - 20TB).
Two nodes on 6U: X7-2-HA (HA): 2 servers with 2xCPU Xeon Gold 6140 (18 core, 2.3GHz), 384GB RAM (expandable to 768GB), 3TB SSD Redo, 16TB SSD Flash/Data, multiple expansion/configuration options: 60TB - 120TB (HD) or 6.4TB - 51.2TB (SSD), EE or SE2 (RAC also on SE2). | 2017-10 | 2019-10 | 2025-02 |
X6-2 | One node on 1U blade with
10GBase-T Public Network, 10GbE SFP+ Public Network,
6.4TB NVMe Flash Storage (expandable to 12.8TB). ODACLI/ODAADMCLI instead of OAKCLI.
X6-2S (Entry): 1xCPU Xeon E5-2630 v4 (10 core, 2.2GHz), 128GB RAM (expandable to 384GB).
X6-2M (Performance): 2xCPU Xeon E5-2630 v4 (10 core, 2.2GHz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 768GB).
Note: EE xor SE2 licenses, no RAC/HA option (if You need HA use X5-2 or X6-2-HA),
lower prices.
(2016-10) X6-2L: 2U 1xCPU Xeon E5-2630 v4 (10 core, 2.2GHz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 768GB), 19TB NVMe Flash Storage (expandable to 28TB), EE xor SE2. X6-2-HA: 6U 2 servers with 2xCPU Xeon E5-2630 v4 (10 core, 2.2GHz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 768GB), 12TB SSD SAS (expandable to 48TB), EE only, RAC available. | 2016-06 | 2017-11 | 2022-11 |
X5-2 | 6U rack mount. 2 blades with 2xCPU Xeon E5-2699 v3 (18 core, 2.3Ghz), 256GB RAM (expandable to 512GB), infiniband interconnect, 10-GbE external network. Storage: 16x 8TB SAS2 7.2K Disks, 4x 200GB SLD SSD (redo), 4x 400GB SSD (cache). ACFS metadata on SSD. | 2015-02 | 2017-11 | 2022-11 |
X4-2 | Evolution from X3-2: 2 blades with CPU Xeon E5-2697 v2 (12 core, 2.7Ghz), 10-GbE external network. Same as previuos model: 256GB RAM, 10-GbE interconnect, 20x 900GB SAS2 10K Disks, 4x 200GB SLD SSD (redo). | 2013-12 | 2015-02 | 2020-04 |
X3-2 | Named consistently with Exa systems. 4U rack mount with 2 blade servers and storage. Servers: 2 CPU Xeon E5-2690 (8 core, 2.9Ghz), 256GB RAM, 10GBase-T external network, 10-GbE interconnect. Storage: 20x 900GB SAS2 10K Disks, 4x 200GB SLD SSD (redo). | 2013-03 | 2013-12 | 2019-03 |
v1 | 4U rack mount with disks in front and the 2 servers behind. Servers: 2 CPU Xeon X5675 (6 core, 3.0Ghz), 96GB RAM, 10GBase-T external network, 1GbE fibre interconnect. Storage: 20x 600GB SAS2 15K Disks triple or double (2.5) mirroring, 4x 73GB MLC SSD (redo). Software: Oracle Linux 5.x, Oracle RDBMS 11gR2, RAC. | 2011-10 | 2013-03 | 2018-07 |
All HW model can be supported but only the last released one can be ordered. Some HW reached the last supported Appliance Manager release. Out of support models can be converted to generic x86 system using ODA-Persistivenes scripts. HW expansions are generally available only for the last released models.
On ODA systems software upgrades are performed appling a bundle patch that upgrades the firmware, the infrastructure, and the databases. Bundle patch are generally released one or two months after the PSU release.
(Source: Oracle DocID 888888.1 19c Support for ODA Engineered Systems Documentation ODACLI/OAKCLI )
19.20 | 2023-08 | 2023-07 RU. (19.20.1 2023-09): Support for X10 models, OL8. |
19.19 | 2023-05 | 2023-04 RU. Final: X6 |
19.18 | 2023-02 | 2023-01 RU. Final: X5 |
19.17 | 2022-12 | 2022-10 RU. |
19.16 | 2022-08 | 2022-07 RU. Final: Oracle |
19.15 | 2022-05 | 2022-04 RU. |
19.14 | 2022-02 | 2022-01 RU. Support for X9 models. Final: Oracle Note: is still supported |
19.13 | 2022-01 | Security enhancements: Multi-User Access, CIS compliance, ... 2021-10 RU. Final: OVM virtualization |
19.12 | 2021-10 | Oracle 21c on KVM only; 2021-07 RU. |
19.11 | 2021-07 | Oracle Homes on ACFS; 2021-04 RU. Final: Oracle 18c |
19.10 | 2021-04 | Support for KVM-based Database Systems; 2021-01 RU. Final: Oracle |
19.7-19.9 | 2020 | Fresh provisioning or upgrade from previous ODA 19.x. |
19.6 | 2020-1Q | Fresh provisioning or upgrade from ODA 18.8. |
18.8 | 2020-04 | Final for ODA X4. |
19.5 | 2019-11 | X5-2 Models or sup. Fresh provisioning only. RU for DB/GI: |
18.7 | 2019-10 | Oracle Database Appliance X8-2S, X8-2M, and X8-2-HA support. PSU/BP/RU for DB/GI:,,, (available also 18.6/12/11 190416) |
18.5 | 2019-05 | Out-of-cycle patching. Final for ODA X3-2. PSU/BP/RU for DB/GI:,,, |
18.3 | 2019-01 | Support for 18.3 Oracle RDBMS. X5-2, X4-2, X3-2 migrate to odacli. oakcli for virtualized deployment only. | | 2018-07 | PSU/BP/RU 180417. Last 12.2.x ODA bundle version. Final for ODA v1 | | 2018-05 | PSU/BP/RU 180116. OL 6.9, OVM 3.4.4. | | 2018-03 | X7 and X6 only; Database only. ODA is not part of the ODA patch cycle. | | 2018-02 | PSU/BP/RU 170814, 12gR2 support. OS Kernel is not updated. OL 6.8. Two stacks (ODACLI/DCS). OVM on X7-2-HA (on OAKCLI stack). | | 2017-12 | X7/X6 only. PSU 170814, 12gR2 support, new stack with KVM support (no Hard Partitioning). Not available: OVM, | | 2017-10 | PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2017-06 | Update UEK2 to UEK4. PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2017-02 | X6-2-HA VM template support. PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2016-12 | OEL 6.8. PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2016-09 |
PSU updates: RDBMS,,
This bundle requires (again).
( 2016-10) X6-2-HA | | 2016-06 | PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: As always: ILOM, BIOS, Controller, Expander, disk firmwares, ... upgrades. This bundle requires X6-2S and X6-2M. | | 2016-02 | OS upgrade from OEL 5.11 to 6.7. PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: This bundle does not upgrade: ILOM, BIOS, Controller, Expander, disk firmwares! This bundle requires for Infra and GI; install one node at a time with --local option. | | 2015-10 | PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2015-08 | PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2015-05 | PSU updates: RDBMS,, Infrastructure: | | 2015-02 | X5-2 full support (infiniband, SSD for datafile). Common flash cache (unique to ODA). PSU updates: RDBMS,, ... Enhanced Python STIG script | | 2014-11 | OEL 5.10 UEK2 update, OVM 3.2.8 update. PSU updates | | 2014-09 | RDBMS, OEL 5.10, GI/RDBMS, creation of container databases from oakcli. Oracle 12c databases on ACFS |
2.10 | 2014-05 | GI/RDBMS |
2.9 | 2014-03 | Patches |
2.8 | 2013-11 | Support for X4-2. vLAN support |
2.7 | 2013-07 | UEK2, OVM 3.2.3 |
2.6 | 2013-04 | SAP deployment option |
2.5 | 2013-01 | The ODA can host a virtual configuration based on OVM (3.1.1). DB is hosted in a special Domain called ODA_BASE. |
2.4 | 2012-11 | ASM supports normal redundancy |
2.3 | 2012-07 | |
2.2 | 2012-04 | GI/RDBMS, OEL 5.8 |
2.1 | 2012-02 |
Oracle Application Server (OAS) is an environment in which complex enterprise web applications can be deployed. OAS and Bea WebLogic are now integrated in Oracle Fusion Middleware.(Sources: Official Blog Download Support Policy Wikipedia)
12c R2 | Production | JSE 8, JEE 7, Servlet 3.1, EJB 3.2, JSP 2.3. Forms and BI have been integrated, Reports is integrated but deprecated. Multitenancy support. ( 2017-08): Secured Production Mode, Zero Downtime Patching, Service Restart In Place, Message Limit, new JDBS features for Oracle RDBMS 12.2. ( 2021-01): ADF REST framework versionsup to 7 | | 2015-10 | 2023-12 (2025 ES) | Suggested |
12c | Production | See also WebLogic Server. JSE 7, Full Java EE 6: Servlet 3.0, JAX-RS 1.1, Java Server Faces 2.2, EJB 3.1, JSP 2.2 (12.1.3): JSE 8 | 12.1.3 | 2011-12 | 2017-12 (2019 ES) | |
11.1.1 | Production | Oracle Fusion Middleware; OHS2 11g/Apache 2.2 | | 2009 | 2014-06 (2017 ES) | |
10.1.4 | Production | Portal only WSRP | 10.1.4 | Suggested | ||
10g R3 | Production | J2EE only J2EE 1.4, EJB 3.0, ADF Struts 1.2, SOAP 1.1 and 1.2, Oblix, OHS 10.1.3/Apache 1.3.34 | 10.1.3 | 2006 | 2010 (2011 ES) | |
10g R2 | Production | Very stable release, Forms, Portlets struts, HA migration, larger HW support (eg. AIX) | | 2006 | 2010 (2011 ES) | Suggested |
10g SE | Production | SEO version | | |||
10g R2 | Production | Stable release, JDK 1.5, Discoverer integration, farm topology, OHS 10.1.2/Apache 1.3.31 | 10.1.2 | 2005 | 2010 (2011 ES) | |
OAS 10g | Production | Optimized web cache, OHS 9.0.4/Apache 1.3.28; ( OPatch | | 2003 | 2006 (2008 ES) | |
9iAS R2 | Production | JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 EJB 1.1, OC4J, OHS 9.0/Apache 1.3.22; (9.0.3): EJB 2.0 | | 2002 | 2005 (2008 SS) | |
9i | Unsupported | OHS 1.3.19 | | |||
iAS 8i | Unsupported | Apache (OHS 1.0/Apache 1.3), OSE (Oracle Servlet Engine), JVM within the RDBMS | 1.0.2 | |||
1.0 | Unsupported | Proprietary Web Server with DB extensions | 3.1 |
Oracle Application Server is a complex environment because is composed by
several products: web server, LDAP, Java Container, Metadata Repository, ...
and can host different type of applications: Forms, Portlets, PL/SQL
pages, ...
generally developed with Oracle Developer.
The compatibility matrix for each version is quite complex
(eg. 10g R2 version)
and the upgrade guide is an entire book...
Recently Oracle Corp. acquired a lot of companies and middleware products...
The new product line is called Oracle Fusion; version and compatibility matrix are
a nightmare!
This document
contains Oracle Fusion support policies and introduces the "Sustained Support" that generally... never ends!
Oracle Developer is the name of the ample set of Oracle Development tools. The relationships are complex because Oracle offers many tools and some of them (eg. Forms, Report, Developer, Designer) have a long successful stories and different release numbers (eg. FORMS 4.5/5/6i/9i/10g/11g REPORTS 2.5/3/5/6i/9i/10g/11g).
Forms and Reports 12c | Production |
See Oracle Fusion Middleware.
BI-Publisher Integration,
audio playback,
client deployment,
customizable logon, and single sign-on,
custom color schemes, ...
Deprecation: Report.
( 2023-02): requires Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure | | 2015-10 | Suggested | |
Fusion Middleware 12c | Production | Includes al lot of products like WebLogic, jDeveloper, ... but not Forms nor Reports. Forms can be deployed on WebLogic Server 12c. | 12.1 | 2011 | 2016 ES:2019 | |
Forms and Report 11g R2 | Production | Performance and Monitoring, Real User Experience integration. Easier installation than with 11g R1. | | 2011 | 2016 ES:2017 | Suggested |
11g R1 | Production | JavaScript Desupport: JInitiator | | 2009 | 2014 ES:2017 | |
10g R2 | Production | Very stable release. Desupport: Forms compiled with 10g R2 can not be run with previous releases | | 2005 | 2011 | Suggested |
10g (9.0.4) | Production | Forms Standalone Installation | | 2004 | 2006 ES:2008 | |
9i (9.0.2) | Production | Servlet Engine. Oracle 9. Desupport: Client/Server, socket protocol, Character interface | | 2002 | 2005 | |
6 | Production | Forms Server: web deploy. Oracle 8. (2000): 6i stable! | 6i 6 | 1999 2000 | 2005 ES:2008 | Suggested NOT |
5 | Unsupported | Graphical enhancements. Oracle 7. Desupport: 16-bit | | 1998 | NOT | |
4 | Unsupported | Oracle Forms. MS-windows and X graphical interface. Oracle 6. (4.5): new IDE | | 1997 | ||
3 | Unsupported | PL-SQL. Trigger for integrity constraints | 3.0 | 1992 | ||
2 | Unsupported | SQL*Forms. Graphical Interface. Triggers. Oracle 5. (2.3) Screen Painter | 2.3 | 1985 | ||
1 | Unsupported | IAF. (1984): IAG. (Oracle 4): FastForms | 1980 |
Much more info in this detailed document.
APEX (formely HTML DB) is the name of simple yet powerful Oracle development environment. APEX is installed in the Oracle database and is available for free on any database edition.(Sources: Official site, Support Policy, Wikipedia )
23 | Production | Template Components, new Object Browser
(2023-10 23.2) New Page Items, Quick SQL Updates, Application Working Copies, Workflow, ... | 23.2 | 2023-05 | 2026-05 | Suggested |
22 | Production | Persistent authentication, simplified page creation, approval component, improved row search, rich text editor, ... | 22.2 | 2022-05 | 2025-05 | Suggested |
21 | Production | Maps, Application Data loading | 21.2 | 2021-05 | 2024-05 | Suggested |
20 | Production | Redwood user interface, cascading list of values, simplified URLs, native print | 20.2 | 2020-04 | 2025-04 | Suggested |
19 | Production | Forms Region Type, REST Enabled Forms, Data load, new charts, dark mode, ... | 19.2 | 2019-03 | 2024-11 | Suggested |
18 | Production | REST Enabled SQL Support, Web Source Modules,
Application Builder Improvements, Social Authentication, Mobile UI, ...
(2018-09): Create Page Wizards, Font APEX. | 18.2 | 2018-05 | 2023-05 | Suggested |
5.1 | Production | Interactive Grid, JET Charts, Page Designer Enhancements, New Packaged Applications. (5.1.1 2017-03): patch set. (5.1.2 2017-06): cumulative patch set. | | 2016-12 | 2021-12 | |
5.0 | Production | Page designer, multiple interactive reports, modal dialogs, universal theme | 5.0.4 | 2015-04 | 2020-04 | |
4.2 | Production | Better and responsive mobile interface, HTML5 support (charts, item types).
(4.2.6 2014-09): bug fixing | 4.2.6 | 2012-10 | 2017-10 | |
4.1 | Production | Rowid update, improved websheets, better error handling | 4.1.1 | 2011-08 | 2016-08 | |
4.0 | Production | Distribuited with Oracle XE 11g. RESTful interface, websheets, plugin, dynamic actions | 4.0 | 2010-06 | 2015-06 | |
3.0 | Production | Chart (flash), PDF support. (3.0.1): Installable on Oracle XE. (3.1): Interactive reporting. (3.2): Forms conversion | 3.2 | 2007 | 2012 | |
2.1 | Production | HTML DB renamed to APEX. Distribuited with Oracle XE 10g. (2.2): Packaged applications | 2.1 | 2006 | 2009 | |
HTML DB 2.0 | Production | SQL Workshop | 2.0 | 2005 | 2008 | |
HTML DB 1.5 | Production | First release. (1.6): Themes | 1.6 | 2004 | 2008 |
Latest APEX versions are hosted on Cloud and upgraded twice a year.
Related to APEX is the Oracle REST Data Services / Application Express Listener
that works as an application server interface to APEX providing also a RESTful access.
Official site,
Support Policy
18 | Production | Oracle REST Data Services Database Authentication
(2018-10 18.3): OAuth 2 authentication | 18.3 | 2018-05 | ||
3.0 | Production | 3.0.2 | 2015-06 | 2020-06 | ||
2.0 | Production | Multiple DB connection, restful services Enhancements, command line interface | 2.0.10 | 2012-12 | 2017-12 | |
1.1 | Production | 2011-03 | 2016-03 | |||
1.0 | Production | 2010-07 | 2015-07 |
Oracle Express (XE) is an Edition of Oracle Database. Only few versions are available in this Edition which has several limits, has no support but is free.(Sources: Official site, Wikipedia, Oracle Database 23ai Free )
23ai | Production | 23c features + AI Vector Index Search | 23.4 | 2024-05 | Limits: 2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 12 GB User Data |
23c | Production | Named Database Free - Developer Release. Available as: Docker Image, VirtualBox VM, Linux (OL8, RHEL8) RPM file. JSON/Relational, JavaScript stored procedures, Property Graphs, SQL Domains, OKafka BOOLEAN datatype, direct Joins for UPDATE and DELETE, Unicode 15.0, FROM not mandatory, GROUP BY alias or position, ... | 23.3 | 2023-04 | Limits: 2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 12 GB User Data |
21c | Production |
Fully featured Oracle Database 21c with
Advanced Analytics,
Advanced Security,
Advanced Compression, ...
(2021-10) Available on Windows too. | 21c-1.0-1 | 2021-09 | Limits: 2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 12 GB User Data |
18c | Production |
CDB architecture,
in-memory column store, compression, spatial&graph, encryption and redaction, partitioning, analytic views.
No APEX, no SQL Developer, no SQLcl (but they all can be installed later).
(2018-10) Available on Linux 64bit. Announced for Windows, Docker and as VirtualBox image. (2019-02) Available on Windows too. | 18.4 | 2018-10 | Limits: 2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 3 PDB, 12 GB User Data |
11g R2 | Production |
APEX 4.2.6
Available on Windows 32bits and Linux 32/64bit. | | 2011-09 | Limits: 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 1 instance, 11 GB Data |
10g R2 | Production |
APEX 2.1
Available on Windows 32bit and Linux 32bit. | | 2006-02 | Limits: 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 1 instance, 4 GB Data |
Oracle XE is not supported (but it's $free).
Oracle Applications is the Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) product set and is called Oracle E-Business Suite too. It's composed by several product lines: Oracle Financials, Oracle HR, Oracle Sales, ... there are hundreds of modules. From a technical point of view Oracle Applications are written with a old Oracle Developer development environment, run over a supported Oracle Application Server Infrastructure and using up to a recent Oracle RDBMS.(Sources: Oracle Blog (was Chan's Blog) Latest OAF Bundles Upgrade Rec. Support Policy)
12.2 | Production | Oracle WebLogic Server adoption (but Forms still requires IAS). Online Patching (adop) with runFS and patchFS. iPad certification. Workflow. Direct upgrade from 11i, 12.0, 12.1. New features on: Order Management, Manifacturing, HR, Supply chain, ... | 12.2.13 12.2.12 12.2.11 12.2.10 12.2.9 12.2.8 12.2.7 12.2.6 12.2.5 12.2.4 12.2.3 12.2.2 | 2023-11 2022-11 2021-11 2020-09 2019-08 2018-10 2017-09 2016-09 2015-10 2014-08 2013-12 2013-09 | 2034-12 | Continuous Innovation Model |
12.1 | Production | More deployments options, advanced configuration wizard, AutoConfig enhancements | 12.1.3 RPC5 12.1.3 RPC4 12.1.3 RPC3 12.1.3 RPC2 12.1.3 RPC1 12.1.3 12.1.2 12.1.1 | 2016-08 2015-10 2015-04 2014-09 2014-03 2010-08 2009-12 2009-05 | 2021-12 | Sustaining Support / Market-Driven Support Your version stinks, it's time to upgrade |
12 | Production | An evolution from 11i with an upgraded technology stack: Oracle RDBMS 10g R2, OAS 10g R2, Forms 10g, JDK 6 | 12.0.6 12.0.8 (HRMS only) | 2007-01 | 2012-01 (2015 ES) | Bad. Few installations
You must upgrade! |
11i10 | Production | Terminal 11i release. Many new products. JRE 1.4. JInitiator | | 2004-11 | 2010-11 (2013 ES) | Stable and with a large installed base.
You must upgrade! |
11i9 | Production | Oracle RDBMS 9.2 | 11.5.9 | 2003-06 | 2008-06 | |
11i8 | Production | Many new products. | 11.5.8 | 2002 | 2007 | |
11i7 | Production | 9iAS upgrade (, Apache (1.3.19), JInitiator XML | 11.5.7 | 2002 | 2007 | |
11i6 | Production | 11.5.6 | 2002 | 2006 | ||
11i5 | Production | Many new products (eg. ERP/CRM). JInitiator | 11.5.5 | 2001 | 2006 | |
11i4 | Production | Oracle RDBMS 8.1.7. JInitiator | 11.5.4 | 2001 | 2006 | |
11i3 | Production | 11.5.3 | 2001 | 2006 | ||
11i2 | Production | 9iAS ( Apache (1.3.9) | 11.5.2 | 2000 | 2006 | |
11i1 | Production | Many functional upgrades;
Multi Org instead of Multi Set of Books.
Technology Stack: Oracle RDBMS 8.1.6, WebDB (8.1.6), JRE 1.1.8, JInitiator | 11.5.1 | 2000 | 2006 | |
11 | Production | Web only | 11.0.3 | 1999 | 2007 (2009 SS) | |
10 | Production | NCA model | 10.7NCA | 1998 | ||
10 | Production | Client/Server | 10.7 |
The functional part and the technology stack are, mainly, indipendent. The following table reports the currently supported technology stack; since it's quite common to use an old Oracle eBS configuration, previously supported releases are reported too.
(Source: EBS Certifications)
EBS 12.2 |
Oracle RDBMS,, 19c (, Oracle RAC,, 19c |
WebLogic Server: 11gR1 PS5 10.3.6 Web Tier Components: Java SE JDK 7, 8 |
EBS 12.1 EBS 12.0 |
Oracle RDBMS,,, 19.3 (on 12.1.3 single tenant)
(,,,,,,,, Oracle RAC
Forms: Oracle Application Server 10g (,
OC4J: Oracle Application Server 10g (,, Java SE JDK 6, 7 (not for Forms and Reports) |
EBS 11i |
Oracle RDBMS,
(,,,,,,,,,,, Oracle RAC,
Oracle9i Application Server
Forms Patchset 19 (15, 16, 17, 18) [NdA Forms 6i] Java SE JDK 6 (1.3, 1.4, 5) Oracle JDBC 9iR2 |
The Oracle official EBS Blog [NdA previously Steven Chan's Blog] contains a lot certification infos on supported browsers, development tools, external integrations, ...
It's a long and continuous work to maintain Oracle Applications releases updated. There are tons of patches and only the needed ones must be applied. Migrations are quite difficoult when there are customizations. Technology stack patching is indipendent and follows RDBMS and OAF schedule. Every upgrade is different and require careful planning. OS and 32 / 64 bit certification must be checked too...
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is an ERP for medium sized Enterprises. It's composed by hundreds of components grouped in modules and sold separately: Customer Relationship Management - CRM: Advanced Pricing, Sales Order Management, ... Supply Management - SM: Buyer Workspace, Supplier Self Service, ... Financial Management Suite - FMS: Financials From a technical point of view JDE embaraces the Oracle technology stack (WebLogic, RDBMS, BI).(Sources: Support Policy, Software Update 741781.1, ESU 1053900.1 )
9.2 | Production | 2015-10 | 2020-10 (ES 2023) | ||||
9.1 | Production | (Upd. 2 on 2014-02) Inventory to G/L reconciliation, Warehouse Management, New One View Reporting Drill Down capabilities, Speed Case Entry Tablet App, Mobile Service Time Entry, Health and Safety Incident Management | Upd. 2 | 2013-7 | 2012-3 | 2017-3 (ES 2020) | |
9.0 | Production | New Module: Project and Government Contract Accounting (PGCA). (9.0.2 on 2010-11) | Upd. 2 | 2010-9 | 9.0 2008-9 9.0.2 2010-11 | 2013-09 (ES 2016) 2015-11 (ES 2018) | |
8.12 | Production | Upd. 3 | 2008-5 | 2006-4 | 2011-4 (ES 2014) | ||
8.11 | Production | SP1 Upd. 2 | 2007-6 | 2004-12 | 2009-12 (ES 2012) | ||
8.10 | Production | Upd. 2 | 2007-9 | 2004-6 | 2009-6 | ||
8.9 | Production | 2003-9 | 2008-9 | ||||
8.0 | Production | Upd. 1 | 2003-4 | 2002-06 | 2013-12 | ||
Xe | Production | Upd. 8 | 2004-6 | 2000-9 | 2013-12 |
The functional part and the technology stack are indipendent.
The technology stack for JDE is very wide since JDE supported and still supports
many non Oracle products as DBMS (eg. MS SQL Server), Application Server (eg. IBM WebSphere), ...
The following table is derived from multiple sources and is not complete or official...
but can be useful as a guide.
(Sources: JDE Statement of Direction, Minimum Technical Requirements 745831.1)
JDE E1 9.0 - 9.1 Tools 9.1.x |
Oracle RDBMS 11g R2
MS SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 IBM DB2 9.7, 10.5 |
Oracle WebLogic 11g (10.3), WebLogic 12c (12.1)
IBM WebSphere 7.0, WebSphere 8.5 |
JDE E1 8.12 - 9.0 Tools 8.9x |
Oracle RDBMS (10g R2), 11g R1, 11g R2
MS SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2 IBM DB2 9.7 |
Oracle OAS 10g R3 (10.1.3), WebLogic 11g (10.3)
IBM (WebSphere 6.1), WebSphere 7.0, WebSphere 8.5 |
JDE Xe & 8.0 Tools 24.2 |
Oracle RDBMS (10g R2), 11g R1, 11g R2
MS SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2 IBM DB2 9.7 |
Oracle OAS 10g R3 (10.1.3), WebLogic 11g (10.3)
IBM (WebSphere 6.1), WebSphere 7.0 |
For ERP software update is always critical. There are different types of updates: ESU (Electronic Software Update), ASU (Application Software Update), SP (Service Pack) Tools Release is a fix to JDE foundation (System) code
DB2 is the IBM's relational DBMS. Formely was available only on Mainframes z/OS only, currently is available on OS-400, Linux/AIX/Unix/Windows too. DB2 is available in several Editions like: Express-C (free), Express, Workgroup, Enterprise, and Avanced Enterprise Edition.(Source: IBM DB2 Support Wikipedia)
DB2 11 | Production | BLU Accelleration, native encryption, HA | 11.5.7 | 2016-06 | Suggested | |
DB2 10 | Production | (10.1) Heat mapped data, Adaptive compression.
(10.5) BLU Acceleration for reporting and analytics, in-memory columnar processing, JSON objects | 10.1 10.5 | 2010-10 2013-04 | 2017-09 | Suggested |
DB2 9.0 | Production | Pure XML; Table partitioning (PARTITION BY RANGE);
(9.5 2007): Simplified Management, BC reliability; (9.7 2009): Compression, Oracle compatibility (PL/SQL compiler, CLPPlus, datatypes, ...), enhanched WLM (Work Load Manager); (9.7.5 2011) Oracle Compatibility; (9.8) pureScale for Enterprise Server Edition only | 9.8 | 2007-03 (9.5) (9.7) (9.8) | 2012-04 2015-04 2017-09 2016-04 | |
DB2 8.0 | Production | Better alignment between platforms; Clustering (ORGANIZE BY DIMENSION); (8.2): security enhancements | 2004-03 | 2009-04 | ||
DB2 | Production | MVS Mainframe | 1983 | |||
SQL/DS | Production | VM Mainframe | 1980 | |||
System-R | Prot | First relational prototype (on System 38). IBM pionered the Relational DB: Codd was an IBM employee; SEQUEL, SQL and QBE were IBM projects. But for many years IBM preferred Hierarchical Systems and was Oracle on 1979 to propose the first commercial Relational Database Management System | 1970 |
DB2 updagrades are not so easy...
SQL Server is the Microsoft's relational DBMS.(Sources: Microsoft KB Microsoft Support Status Wikipedia Unofficial build list SQL Server on Linux)It's available for MS-Windows operating systems only.SQL Server is sold in different editions (Standard, Business Intelligence, Enterprise). SQL Server includes several add-on services (Analysis Services, Replication Services, Integration Services, ...).
SQL Server 2022 | Production | CU6 16.0.4085.2 | 2022-11 | 2028 2033(ES) | ||
SQL Server 2019 | Production | Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR), memory-optimized Tempdb, PolyBase external tables, query processing enhancements with Intelligent QP: Row Mode, UDF Inlining, Approximate QP, ... | CU23 15.0.4335.1 | 2019-04 | 2025 2030(ES) | |
SQL Server 2017 | Production | Linux and Docker support. Adaptive QP: Adaptive Joins, Interleaved Execution, Batch Mode, ... | CU21 14.0.3465.1 | 2017-10 | 2022 2027(ES) | |
SQL Server 2016 | Production | x64 processors only. Enhanced in-memory performance, built-in advanced analytics, dynamic data masking (DDM), ... | SP2/CU14 13.0.5830.85 GDRxSP1/CU15 13.0.4604.0 SP1/CU15 13.0.4574.0 RTM/CU9 13.0.2216.0 | 2016-06 | 2021 2026(ES) 2019 2018 | |
SQL Server 2014 | Production | In-Memory, HA enhancements (up to 8 secondaries, Replica wizard, ...), better cloud support (eg. simpified backup, cloud migration wizard, ...) | SP3/CU4 12.0.6329.1 SP2/CU18 12.0.5687.1 SP1/CU13 12.0.4522.0 RTM/CU14 12.0.2569.0 | 2014-06 | 2019 2024(ES) | |
SQL Server 2012 | Production | Many performance improvements, better update managment, SQLServer 2008 emulation mode, High Availability enanchements, Big Data integration (Hadoop). | SP4/PCU4 11.0.7001.0 SP3/CU10 11.0.6607.3 SP2/CU16 11.0.5678.0 SP1/MS15-058 11.0.3513.0 RTM/CU11 11.0.2424.00 | 2012-05 | 2017 2022(ES) | |
SQL Server 2008 R2 | Production | Master Data Services, Report Builder 3.0. SP3: 2014-09 | SP3/MS15-058 10.50.6529.00 SP2/MS15-058 10.50.4339.00 SP1/CU14 10.50.2881.00 RTM/CU13 10.50.1815.00 | 2010-07 | 2014 2019(ES) | |
SQL Server 2008 | Production | Semi-structured data, location-dependent data, Full-text search in the Database Engine. | SP3/MS15-058 10.00.6535.00 | 2008-11 | 2014 2019(ES) | |
SQL Server 2005 | Production | XML, CLR Integration, T-SQL Extensions. (SP1): Database mirroring | SP4/MS12-070 9.00.5324 | 2006-01 | 2011 2016(ES) | |
SQL Server 2000 | Production | OS Windows 2000; (2003): 64-bit | SP4 8.00.2039 | 2000-11 | 2008 2013(ES) | |
SQL Server 7.0 | Production | Dynamic memory and dynamic space management, new log format, dynamic row-level locking, replication, administration wizards; OLAP | SP4 7.00.1063 | 1999 | 2005 2011(ES) | |
SQL Server 6.5 | Production | SP5a upd. 6.50.479 | 1996 | |||
SQL Server 6.0 | Production | 1995 | ||||
SQL Server 4.21 | Production | Based on Sybase code. Windows NT. | 4.21 | 1993 | ||
SQL Server 1.0 | Production | OS/2, 16bit | 1989 |
SQL Server upgrades must be carefully planned and tested. It is generally better to install a new database and migrate data. Service Packs (SPs) are released up to SQL Server 2016, starting from SQL Server 2017 only Cumulative Updates (CUs) and critical updates (GDRs) are provided.
Informix is owned by IBM since 2001 but its history on the RDBMS market is very long: Relational Database Systems Inc. was created in 1980 and became Informix Corporation in 1986...(Sources: Official Site Wikipedia Editions )
14 | Production | 14.10.F3 | ||||
12 | Production | Real-time Analytics; TimeSeries data | 12.10 | |||
11 | Production | SQL Administration API; SSO, SSL; JRE 5.0 | 11.50.xC5 | 2009 | ||
10 | Production | Fully released by IBM; JRE 1.4, fragment management | 10.00.xC4 | 2005 | ||
9.0 | Unsupported | Informix Universal Server: object-oriented, dataBlade; (9.21) IBM, raw tables; (9.3) Bundle Install; (9.4) Enanched Security, Performance, Replication | 9.4 | 1996 | ||
8.0 | Unsupported | XPS eXtended Parallel Server | 1996 | |||
7.0 | Unsupported | Informix Dynamic Server: OLTP and data warehouse | 1994 | |||
6.0 | Unsupported | Dynamic Scalable Architecture: support for SMP | 1994 | |||
5.0 | Unsupported | Transations, 2PC; (5.1) triggers | 1990 | |||
4.0 | Unsupported | INFORMIX Turbo renamed INFORMIX-OnLine while the ISAM engine is named INFORMIX-SE | 1989 | |||
3.0 | Unsupported | INFORMIX Turbo engine on RSAM | 3.30 | |||
2.0 | Unsupported | INFORMIX-SQL, new tools: Informix-4GL | 1986 | |||
1.10 | Unsupported | INFORMIX-SQL (separate SQL engine), new tools: ACE, PERFORM | 1985 | |||
1.0 | Unsupported | INFORMation on unIX first releases based on ISAM | 1981-1986 |
Informix SE upgrades are easy while Informix OnLine upgrades are a bit more complex.
Cache' is the Object Database produced by InterSystems and used with Ensemble Application Server for many health care applications.(Sources: Official Site Wikipedia )
2019 | Production | 2019.2 | 2019-03 | 2021 | ||
2018 | Production | 2018.1 | 2018-03 | 2020 | ||
2017 | Production | 2017.2 | 2017-03 | 2019 | ||
2016 | Production | 2016.2 | 2016-02 | 2018 | ||
2015 | Production | 2015.2.4 | 2015-05 | 2017 | ||
2014 | Production | REST support | 2014.1.5 | 2014-03 | 2016 | |
2013 | Production | 2013.1.7 | 2013-04 | 2015 | ||
2012 | Production | 2012.2.5 | 2012 | |||
2011 | Production | 2011.1.6 | 2011 | |||
2010 | Production | 2010.2.8 | 2010 | |||
2009 | Production | 2009.1.6 | 2009 | |||
2008 | Production | 2008.2.6 | 2008 | |||
2007 | Production | 2007.1.6 | 2007 | |||
5.2 | Production | 5.2.2 | ||||
5.1 | Production | |||||
5.0 | Production | 5.0.16 | ||||
4 | Production | |||||
3 | Production |
Cache' upgrades are a bit complex.
Amazon RDS is a cloud service and not a database! Neverless I decided to put it in this section since it empowers several relational databases.(Sources: Amazon RDS: MySQL, Oracle (RUs/PSU), SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Aurora MySQL 1, Aurora MySQL 2, Aurora MySQL 3, Aurora PostgreSQL (cal), IBM Db2; Wikipedia)
MySQL | 8.0 | 8.0.11 | 8.0.39 | 2018-10 | |||
5.7 | 5.7.16 | 5.7.44 | 2016-02 | 2024-02 | Extended support | ||
5.6 | 5.6.34 | 5.6.51 | 2013-07 | 2022-02 | 2022-03 | Deprecated on 2021-08 | |
5.5 | 5.5.46 | 5.5.62 | 2011-02 | 2021-01 | 2021-02 | Deprecated on 2021-03 | |
5.1 | 5.1.38 | 5.1.50 | 2009-10 | 2016-07 | 2016-09 | ||
Oracle | 21c | | 2024-07 RU | 2022-03 | NB: innovation release | ||
19c | | 2024-07 RU | 2019-11 | ||||
18c | | 2021-04 RU | 2019-08 | 2021-07 | Deprecated | ||
12c | | 2022-01 RU | 2022-04 | 2022-04 | Decrecated. Automatic update to 19c | || | 2022-07 PSU | 2022-07 | 2022-07 | Deprecated. Manual update to 19c | ||| | 2015-04 | 2017-02 | 2019-12 | ||||
11g | | 2020-10 PSU | 2020-09 | 2020-12 | Deprecated on 2020-12 | || | 2013-12 | 2018-08 | 2019-12 | |||| | 2011-05 | 2016-08 | 2019-12 | ||||
SQL Server | 2022 | 16.00.4085.2.v1 | RTM CU9 16.00.4085.2 | ||||
2019 | 15.00.4043.16.v1 | RTM CU23 15.00.4335.1.3 | |||||
2017 | 14.00.1000.169.v1 | RTM CU31 14.00.3465.1 | |||||
2016 | 13.00.2164.0.v1 | GDR 13.00.6435.1 | |||||
2014 | 12.00.4422.0.v1 | SP3 CU4 GDR 12.00.6449.1 | 2024-05 | ||||
2012 | 11.00.2100.60.v1 | SP4 GDR 11.00.7493.4 | 2022-06 | ||||
2008 R2 | 10.50.2789.0.v1 | SP3 GDR 10.50.6560.0 | 2012-05 | 2019-06 | |||
PostgreSQL | 16 | 16.1 | 16.3-R2 | 2023-11 | |||
15 | 15.2 | 15.7-R2 | 2023-02 | ||||
14 | 14.1 | 14.12-R2 | 2022-01 | ||||
13 | 13.1 | 13.15-R2 | 2021-03 | ||||
12 | 12.0 | 12.19-R2 | 2020-03 | ||||
11 | 11.1 | 11.22-R2 | 2019-03 | 2024-02 | Extended support since 11.22 | ||
10 | 10.1 | 10.23 | 2018-02 | 2023-04 | |||
9.6 | 9.6.1 | 9.6.24 | 2016-11 | 2022-03 | |||
9.5 | 9.5.2 | 9.5.25 | 2016-04 | 2021-03 | |||
9.4 | 9.4.7 | 9.4.25 | 2015-03 | 2020-02 | |||
9.3 | 9.3.12 | 9.3.25 | 2013-11 | 2018-09 | |||
MariaDB | 10.11 | 10.11.4 | 10.11.8 | 2023-08 | |||
10.6 | 10.6.5 | 10.6.17 | 2022-02 | ||||
10.5 | 10.5.8 | 10.5.25 | 2021-01 | ||||
10.4 | 10.4.8 | 10.4.34 | 2020-04 | ||||
10.3 | 10.3.8 | 10.3.39 | 2018-11 | 2023-08 | 2023-10 | ||
10.2 | 10.2.11 | 10.2.44 | 2022-10 | ||||
10.1 | 10.1.14 | 10.1.34 | 2021-02 | ||||
10.0 | 10.0.17 | 10.0.35 | 2015-10 | 2021-02 | |||
Aurora MySQL | 3 | 3.0 | 3.07.1 | 2021-11 | Compatible with MySQL 8.0 | ||
2 | 2.0 | 2.12.3 | 2018-02 | 2024-02 | Compatible with MySQL 5.7 | ||
1 | 1.1 | 1.23.4 | 2014-11 | 2023-02 | Compatible with MySQL 5.6 | ||
Aurora PostgreSQL | 16 | 16.1 | 16.4.0 | 2024-01 | 2028-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 16 | |
15 | 15.2 | 15.8.0 | 2028-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 15 | |||
14 | 14.3 | 14.13.0 | 2027-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 14 | |||
13 | 13.3 | 13.16.0 | 2026-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 13 | |||
4 | 4.0 | 12.20.0 | 2025-02 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 12 | |||
3 | 3.1 | 11.21.7 | 2024-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 11 | |||
2 | 2.0 | 10.21.5 | 2023-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 10 | |||
1 | 1.0 | 1.11 (9.6.22) | 2017-10 | 2022-01 | Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6 | ||
IBM Db2 | 11.5 | 11.5.9 | 11.5.9 | 2023-11 |
Database previews are not reported in the previous table.
The database offering by Amazon is not limited to RDS.
Amazon developed its own databases like
Redshift and
and the AWS marketplace
contains more than 500 database services,
and on EC2 instance You can install virtually any known database system.
EC2-Classic flat network, available since 2006, will be retired on 2022-08-15,
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), available since 2009, should be used instead.
RDS DB security groups based on EC2-Classic must be migrated to
VPC security groups based on EC2-VPC platform.
Microsoft Azure Database is a cloud service and not a database! Neverless I decided to put it here since it empowers several relational databases.(Sources: Azure Database SQL Database MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL Oracle )
SQL Database | 2010-02 | ||
MySQL | Single Server (retired): 5.6.47 (ret.), 5.7.29, 8.0.15; Flexible Server: 5.7.44, 8.0.37 | 2018-03 | |
PostgreSQL | Single Server: 9.5.19 (ret.), 9.6.15 (ret.), 10.21 (ret.), 11.16 (ret.); Flexible Server, Hyperscale (Citus extension): 11.16 (ret.), 12.20, 13.16, 14.13, 15.8, 16.4 | 2018-03 | |
MariaDB | 10.2.32, 10.3.23 | 2018-12 | |
Oracle | 12.1, 12.2, 18.3 | 2019-06 |
Azure developed its own databases like SQL Database, Cosmos, ...
Google Cloud SQL is a cloud service and not a database! Neverless I decided to put it here since it empowers several relational databases.(Sources: DB Versions Release Notes Cloud SQL Home )
MySQL | 5.6.51, 5.7.44. 8.0.18, 8.0.26, 8.0.27, 8.0.28, 8.0.29 (dep.), 8.0.30, 8.0.31 (default), 8.0.32, 8.0.33, 8.0.34, 8.0.35, 8.0.36, 8.0.37. 8.4.0 | 2016-08 | |
PostgreSQL | 9.6.24, 10.23, 11.22, 12.19, 13.15, 14.12, 15.7, 16.3 (default) | 2017-05 | |
SQL Server | SQL Server 2017 CU31, SQL Server 2019 CU26 (default), SQL Server 2022 CU12 - Standard (default), Enterprise, Express, Web | 2019-10 |
Minor upgrades are performed automatically and only few minor versions are mantained generally.
Google offers many other Cloud database services like: AlloyDB, Spanner, BigQuery, ...
To name a few:
Alibaba Cloud (Aspara),
Huawei (GaussDB),
Crunchy Bridge,
Database Labs,
Compose, MongoHQ,
IBM Cloud Databases,
Oracle Cloud (OCI),
Several9s ClusterControl,
and many many others with specific, specialized, vertical services!
SQL Standards are very important, since every database vendor claims
he is compliant! But it is not always true...
The formal name of the SQL standard is ISO/IEC 9075 "Database Language SQL",
but SQL:year is the most used nickname.
SQL:2023 | Current | Property graph queries (SQL/PGQ), JSON data type, smaller changes to the existing SQL language: UNIQUE null treatment, ORDER BY in grouped table, GREATEST and LEAST, ... | 2023 | |||
SQL:2016 | Current | Pattern matching, JSON. | 2016 | |||
SQL:2011 | Replaced | Temporal databases. | 2011 | |||
SQL:2008 | Replaced | TRUNCATE, INSTEAD OF. | 2008 | |||
SQL:2006 | Replaced | Full XML management, XQuery. | 2006 | |||
SQL:2003 | Replaced | Windows functions (OVER clause), sequences, SQL/XML, SQL/MED. | 2003 | |||
SQL:1999 | Replaced | A lot a single Core and Optional features: triggers, recursive queries or CTE (WITH clause), transitive closure, procedural languages. | 1999 | |||
SQL-92 | Replaced | First standard version with Entry, Intermediate and Full conformance. Called also SQL3. | 1992 | |||
SQL-89 | Replaced | Integrity constraints. Called also SQL2. | 1989 | |||
SQL-86 | Replaced | First ANSI version. Called also SQL-87. | 1982 |
Last standard versions are also split into a number of parts:
Even if there is a consolidated standard, SQL dialects differ a lot
for several good reasons (eg. Oracle implemented many features long before the standard,
MySQL choosed to not implement complex standard features to keep things easy).
Optional parts are often implemented in different way (eg. procedural language),
basic datatypes differs a lot in the SQL implementations (eg. date/time)
and there are many little but important differences (eg. delimiters, allowed characters for object), ...
Migrating from one RDBMS to an other is always a complex task that must be planned carefully.
SAP is a complete and complex ERP produced by SAP AG. Current architecture is a client/server utilizing a 3-tiered model. Tipical installations use a large Oracle database and an ample Unix box. The programming language is APAB/4.(Sources: SAP Wiki Wikipedia (SAP ERP) Wikipedia (S4HANA))
SAP S/4HANA | Production |
On memory DB Engine.
Same SAP ERP functionalities.
Available both On-Premise and Cloud.
SAP HANA (the engine) was gradually introduced since 2010 and fully featured since 2013. | 2020 (On‑Premise) 2011 (Cloud) | 2015-03 2016-03 | ||
SAP ERP | Production | Four functional areas: Financials,
Human Capital Management,
Operations, Corporate Services
SAP enhancement packages add new features to SAP ERP 6.0: (2006-12): EHP1. (2007-07): EHP2. (2007-12): EHP3. (2008-11): EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0 / NW7.01. (2010-07): EHP5. (2011-08): EHP6. (2013-08): EHP7. (2013-11): Fiori 1.0 UI for EHP7. (2016-01): EHP8 transition to SAP S/4HANA. (2021-03): EHP16. | 6.0 EhP 16 | 2005 | ||
MySAP ERP | Production | New architecture: ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) | 2004 | |||
SAP R/3 | Unsupported | Client Server; several modules (eg. FI-GL General Ledger, HR, MM, SD, PP, ...) | ER 4.70 | 1992 | ||
SAP R/2 | Unsupported | Mainframe based | 1978 | |||
SAP R/1 | Unsupported | R = Realtime data processing | 1970 |
SAP installation and configuration requires a big effort. An update can take a very long time. SAP S/4HANA releases are once per year (on-premise) or quarterly (Cloud) [release nomenclature is YYYY for on-premise and YYMM for Cloud].
BAAN is a complete and complex ERP produced by Baan (now Infor). Tipical installations use a large Oracle database and a powerful Unix/Linux box. DB2, Informix and SQL Server as database and Windows Server as OS are supported too. The programming language is Baan 4GL and its interpreter is the Bshell.(Sources: Infor Wiki)
Infor M3 | Production | |||||
Infor LN | Production | 10.3 | 2013-07 | |||
ERP Ln | Production | Unicode support, more languages. (FP6: 2009) (FP7: 2011) (ERP LN 6.1 FP8: 2012) | 6.1 FP8 | 2005 | ||
Baan 5 | Production | Baan5.0 c SP26 | ||||
Baan 4 | Production | BaanIVc4 SP30 | ||||
Triton | Old | 3.1bx |
NoSQL is a generic definition for modern web-scale databases who can drop SQL and ACID support to archive other objectives like easy replication support, huge scalability, schema-free, Big Data support, very very fast performance, ... The tradeoff are: availability vs consistency, latency vs consistency, full vs eventually consistent: BASE (not ACID). There are several categories among them: * Wide Column Store / Column Families (eg. Hadoop / HBase; Cassandra; ...) * Document Store (eg. MongoDB; CouchDB; Couchbase; ...) * Key Value (eg. Redis; Berkeley DB, Oracle NOSQL Database; Amazon SimpleDB, DynamoDB; Azure Table Storage; Voldemort; OpenLDAP; TiKV; ...) * Search Engine (eg. Elasticsearch, Splunk, Solr; Algolia ...) * Graph Databases (eg. Neo4j) * Time Series (eg. InfluxDB) * Multimodel Databases * Object Databases * Grid & Cloud Database Solutions * XML Databases * Multidimensional Databases * OLAP o columnar DB (eg. MariaDB column store, ClickHouse, AWS Redshift, Exasol, SAP HANA, Druid) ... And many differences also from the CAP point of view (CP: MongoDB, HBase, Redis, CockroachDB; AP: CouchDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB)
Hadoop is an open source framework to distribuite processing of large data sets across several (eg. thousands) nodes. Hadoop has several modules: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), YARN (the job scheduling framework), MapReduce (the algorithm for processing and generating large data sets in parallel), ... Hadoop has a grunting shell interface called Pig (quite similar to relational algebra). There are many tools in the Hadoop ecosystem like HBase (realtime read/write access CP database), Hive, Sqoop, ...(Sources: Hadoop, Wikipedia )
3.x | Production | Java 8 required. Erasure coding in HDFS. Default ports changed. Shell script rewritten. (3.2 2019-01): Node attributes in YARN, Submarine on YARN, Storage Policy Satisfier, ... (3.3 2020-07): ARM support, Java 11 support, application catalog for YARN applications, ... | 3.0.3 (des.) 3.1.4 (des.) 3.2.4 3.3.4 | 2017-12 2018-04 2019-01 2020-07 | 2018-05 2020-08 2022-06 2022-08 | |
2.x | Production | Based on 0.23. YARN, HA for HDFS, HDFS Federation and Snapshots, binary compatibility for MapReduce hadoop-1.x. (2.2.0 2013-10): GA. (2.5.2 2014-11) (2.6.0 2014-11). (2.7.0 2015-04). (2.7.1 2015-07): stable. (2.6.2 2015-10). | 2.5.2 (des.) 2.6.5 (des.) 2.7.5 (des.) 2.8.5 (des.) 2.9.2 (des.) 2.10.2 | 2012-05 | 2022-05 | |
1.x | Production | Based on 0.20.205. HBase support, Hierarchical job queues, Advances in new mapreduce API: Input/Output formats, ChainMapper/Reducer | 1.2.1 | 2011-12 | 2013-08 | |
0.23.x | Production | YARN, HDFS Federation | 0.23.11 | 2011-11 | 2014-06 | |
0.20.x | Production | ( 2011-05): Stable, large installations | | 2009-04 | 2011-10 | |
0.x | Production | First implementation on 2005: HDFS, MapReduce. (0.14.1 2007-09): Apache release | 0.22 | 2007-09 | 2011-12 |
Hadoop versioning was not simple since several different releases where supported in the same the time (eg. 0.20, 0.22 and 0.23) or changed (0.20 -> 1.0, 0.23 -> 2.0), the numbering schema did not follow the timeline (0.21 on 2010-08, 0.23 on 2011-11 and 0.22 on 2011-12) and the Hadoop distributions and providers choosed freely among them...
Even if Hadoop is a mature Apache project it is not easy to manage the large cluster it uses
and configure all the tools that the Hadoop ecosystem contains...
Several distributions have been developed to better support the enterprise adoption of Hadoop:
Hortonworks | HDP | Hortonworks Data Platform is a fully Open Source distribution available on both Linux and MS-Windows. | ||||
HDP | 3.1 | Production | Kafka 2.0.0 and few other changes: Hadoop 3.1.1, Hive 3.1.0, HBase 2.0.2, Ranger 1.2.0, Atlas 1.1.0, Ambari 2.7.3, ...; | 3.1.0 | 2018-12 | |
HDP | 3.0 | Production | Hadoop 3.1.0, container support, GPU processing, Hybrid Cloud provisioning. Almost all components upgraded: Oozie 4.3.1, Hive 3.0.0, Druid 0.12.0, Zeppelin 0.8.0, HBase 2.0.0, Knox 1.0.0, Ranger 1.0.0, Atlas 1.0.0, Ambari 2.7.x, ... Desupport: Flume, Falcon, Manhout, ... | 3.0.1 | 2018-07 | |
HDP | 2.6 | Production | Hadoop 2.7.3. Upgraded components: Druid 0.9.2, Spark 1.6.3/2.1, Zeppelin 0.7.0, Atlas 0.8.0, Kafka 0.10.1, Ambari 2.5.0, Knox 0.11.0, Ranger 0.7.0, ... | 2.6.5 | 2017-04 | |
HDP | 2.5 | Production | Hadoop 2.7.3. Upgraded components: Ambari 2.4.0, Spark 1.6.2/2.0, Kafka 0.10.0, Pig 0.16.0, Hive 1.2.1/2.1, Zeppelin 0.6.0, Knox 0.9.0, Ranger 0.6.0, ... | 2.5.6 | 2016-08 | 2018-08 |
HDP | 2.4 | Production | Hadoop 2.7.1. Upgraded components: Ambari 2.2.1, Spark 1.6.0, HBase 1.1.2, Kafka 0.9.0. | 2.4.3 | 2016-03 | 2018-03 |
HDP | 2.3 | Production | Hadoop 2.7.1, Hive 1.2.1, Ambari 2.1, Spark 1.3.1, Ranger 0.5. Smart Hadoop configuration, dashboards. Added support for Apache Atlas 0.5 (governance module), Cloudbreak 1.0. (2.3.2): Spark 1.4.1. | 2.3.6 | 2015-07 | 2017-07 |
HDP | 2.2 | Production | Hadoop 2.6, Hive 0.14. Added support for Apache Spark 1.2.1, Slider 0.60 and Ranger 0.4. Deprecated: Nagios, Ganglia. | 2.2.9 | 2014-12 | 2016-12 |
HDP | 2.1 | Production | Hadoop 2.4.0, Hive 0.13, Hbase 0.98, Flacon 0.5, Flume 1.4, Ambari 1.6, ... Added support for Solr, Tez, Storm, Falcon, Knox. | 2.1.15 | 2014-04 | |
HDP | 2.0 | Production | Hadoop 2.2.0, Hive 0.12, Hbase 0.96, Flume 1.4, Ambari 1.4.1, ... | 2.0.13 | 2013-10 | |
HDP | 1.3 | Production | Hadoop 1.2.0 (HDFS, YARN, MapReduce), Pig 0.11, Hive 0.11.0, Apache HBase 0.94.6, Sqoop 1.4.3, ... Oracle connectors. HDFS snapshot for PITR. | 1.3.10 | 2013-05 | |
HDP | 1.2 | Production | Hadoop 1.1.2, Pig 0.10.1, Hive 0.5.0, HBase 0.94.2. | 1.2 | 2013-02 | |
HDP | 1.1 | Production | Some upgrades: Sqoop 1.4.2. | 1.1 | 2012-09 | |
HDP | 1.0 | Production | Based on Apache Hadoop 1.0.3. Contains: Pig 0.9.2, Hive 0.9.0, Apache HBase 0.92.1, Sqoop 1.4.1, Oozie 3.1.2, Apache ZooKeeper 3.3.4, Ganglia 3.2.0, Nagios 3.2.3, ... | 1.0 | 2012-06 | |
Cloudera | CDH | Cloudera offered the first distribution for Hadoop: CDH (Cloudera Distribution including apache Hadoop). CDH is 100% Open Source but the management interface (Cloudera Manager) is proprietary. | ||||
CDH | 6 | Production | Based on Hadoop 3.0. HBase 2.0, Hive 2.1, Kafka 1.0, Solr 7.0. JDK 1.8. (6.3.3): downloading new versions require a valid license or user. Desupport: Cloudera Express | 6.3.4 | 2014-03 | |
CDH | 5 | Production | Based on Hadoop 2.3.0 or later. (5.3.0 2014-12). (5.4.0 2015-04). (5.4.4 2015-07): fixes. (5.5.0): Flume 1.6, Sentry 1.5.1, Spark 1.5.0 (5.6.0 2016-03): EMC DSSD D5 Integration for DataNodes (5.7.0 2016-04): Spark 1.6, HBase 1.2, Hive on Spark, RH/CentOS/OEL 7.2, better performance | 5.13.0 | 2014-03 | |
CDH | 4 | Production | Based on Hadoop 2.0 | 4.7.1 | 2012-06 | 2015-08 |
CDH | 3 | Retired | 3 upd6 | 2011-03 | 2013-06 | |
CDH | 2 | Retired | 2 | 2010-03 | ||
CDH | 1 | Retired | 1 | 2009-03 | ||
MapR | MapR | MapR distribution uses MapR FS instead of HDFS for superior performances and availability. MapR also adds management features in 3 different Editions with increasing funcionalities (M3 community, M5 enterprise, M7 database). | ||||
MapR | 6 | Production | 6.2.0 | 2017 | ||
MapR | 5 | Production | Hadoop 2.7, Spark 1.3.1. (5.2 2016-08): Spark 1.6.1/2.0, Hive 1.2, Pig 0.15, HBase 1.1, ... | 5.2.1 | 2015-07 | |
MapR | 4 | Production | Hadoop 2.5.1, Hive 0.13, Pig 0.14, Spark 1.2.1 | 4.1.0 | 2014-09 | EOL 2017-01 |
MapR | 3 | Production | 3.1.1 | 2013-05 | EOL 2016-02 | |
MapR | 1 | Old | (1.2 2011-12): Hadoop 0.23 with MapReduce 2.0 | 1 | 2011 |
On October 3, 2018 — Cloudera Inc. and Hortonworks Inc. announced their merge
leveraging Hortonworks’ end-to-end data management with Cloudera’s data warehousing and machine learning knowledge.
In August 2019 Mapr was sold to Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
HBase is the Hadoop database. Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational, CP database modeled after Google's Bigtable. Apache HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop and HDFS.(Sources: HBase Releases HBase issues Wikipedia )
2.0 | Production | 2.4: current stable | 2.3.7 2.4.15 2.5.2 | 2018-04 | 2022-12 | Suggested |
1.2+ | Devel | 1.7.2 | 2022-08 | |||
1.2 | Production | 1.2.7 | 2016-02 | 2018-09 | ||
1.1 | Production | 1.1.10 | 2015-05 | 2017-04 | ||
1.0 | Production | 1.0.3 | 2015-02 | 2016-01 | ||
0.98 | Production | 0.98.24 | 2014-02 | 2017-01 | ||
0.96 | EOL | | 2013-10 | 2013-12 | ||
0.94 | EOL | 0.94.27 | 2012-05 | 2015-03 | ||
0.1.0 | EOL | Initial as different subproject | 0.1.3 | 2008-03 | 2008-06 | |
0.16 | EOL | Initial release bundled with Hadoop 0.16.0 | 0.16.0 | 2008-02 | 2008-02 |
Cassandra is an open source NoSQL AP database designed by Facebook to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. Cassandra offers support for clusters spanning multiple servers and datacenters with asynchronous masterless replication. Cassandra has new query language (CQL). CQL is similar to SQL but it does not supports joins. Cassandra integrates with Hadoop MapReduce, Pig and Hive. Cassandra does not offer ACID transactions but BASE transactions and is very, very fast in write operations.(Sources: Official Site Wikipedia )
4.0 | Production |
Java 11,
virtual tables,
audit logging,
full query logging,
improvements in messaging and streaming.
Experimental: Transient replication.
(4.1 2022-12): Paxos v2, Guardrails, many CQL improvements | 4.0.7 4.1.0 | 2021-07 | 2022-12 | |
3.10 | Production | Tick-Tock releases | 3.11.14 | 2017-02 | 2022-10 | |
3 | Production | 3.0.28 | 2015-11 | 2022-10 | ||
2 | Unsupported | Lightweight transactions (Paxos), trigger | 2.0.17 (des.) 2.1.22 (des.) 2.2.19 (crit.) | 2013-09 2014-09 2015-07 | 2015-09 2020-08 2020-11 | |
1 | Old | Improved read performances. 1.1 row-level isolation 1.2 virtual node clustering | 1.2.19 | |||
0 | Old | 0.6 MapReduce, input full integration for Hadoop MapReduce jobs. 0.7 Support for Pig output. 0.8 CQL language. | 0.8 | 2010-04 |
Hive is an open source database designed on top of Hadoop. Hive has several data warehouse commands and HiveQL a query language similar to SQL. HiveQL is the de facto standard SQL interface for Hadoop.(Sources: Apache Hive Wikipedia )
4 | Production | Hadoop 3.3.1+ | 4.0.0-alpha-2 | |||
3 | Production | Hadoop 3.x. (3.1.0 2018-07) | 3.1.3 | 2018-05 | 2022-04 | |
2 | Production | Hadoop 2.x. Hive-on-Spark enhancements, HiveServer2 web UI, CLI mode in Beeline, HPL/SQL, Live Long And Process (LLAP), ... | 2.3.9 | 2016-02 | 2021-06 | |
1 | Production | Hadoop 1.x and Hadoop 2.x (1.1 2015-03) DISTINCT. (1.2 2015-05) UNION DISTINCT. | 1.2.2 | 2015-02 | 2017-04 | |
0 | Production | Internal tool in Facebook and then Open Sourced to Apache. SELECT with UDF and MapReduce extensions. Table partitioning on Hadoop. (0.6 2010-10). (0.7 2011-03) Indexes, HAVING clause. (0.8 2011-12) Bitmap indexes. (0.10 2013-01) CUBE, ROLLUP, GROUPING_ID. (0.11 2013-05) HiveServer2 (better concurrency, security), Beeline (new CLI interface), Join optimizations, Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file format. (0.12 2013-10) vectorized query. (0.13 2014-04) ACID transactions, subquery, implicit joins, Hive on Tez. (0.14 2014-11) UPDATE, DELETE; dropped support for Hadoop 0.20.x and 0.23.x | 0.14 | 2008 | 2014-11 |
Zookeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications. Zookeeper provides a distributed configuration and synchronization service for Hadoop tools (eg. Hadoop, Hive, Kafka). A Zookeper ensemble is composed by an odd set of nodes sharing the same hierarchical name space with totally ordered updates. Zookeeper uses the Zab broadcast protocol to propagate state updates.(Sources: Apache Zookeeper Wikipedia )
3 | Production |
(3.3 2010-03).
(3.4 2012-09).
(3.5 2019-05) Dynamic Reconfiguration, local sessions, TLS; JDK 1.8+.
(3.6 2020-03) Performance and security improvements.
(3.7 2021-03) Quota enforcement, whoami API.
(3.8 2022-03) All known CVE fix, JDK17 support, security improvements.
(3.9 2023-08) Admin server API, dynamic loading for client trust/key store.
3.5 EOL since 2022-06. 3.6 EOL since 2022-12. | 3.6.4 3.7.2 3.8.4 3.9.2 | 2008-10 | 2022-12 2023-10 2024-03 2024-03 | |
0 | EOL | Born as an Hadoop sub-project | 2007 |
ZooKeeper server generally supports two previous client releases.
A ZooKeeper ensemble can be upgraded online: start with follower nodes and upgrade the leader node last
(rolling upgrade).
etcd is an open-source, distributed, reliable, key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system Simple: well-defined, user-facing API (gRPC) Secure: automatic TLS with optional client cert authentication Fast: benchmarked 10,000 writes/sec Reliable: properly distributed using Raft etcd is written in Go and uses the Raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log etcd is used by many distribuited applications like k8s, Patroni, ...(Sources: etcd Changelog )
3 | Production | 3.4.23 3.5.6 | 2016-06 | 2022-12 | ||
2 | Production | 2.3.8 | 2015-01 | 2016-06 | ||
0 | EOL | Born in Google as a zookeeper alternative without java delays | 0.5.0 | 2013-08 | 2014-12 |
etcd upgrades can be a zero-downtime, rolling upgrades...
Kafka is a messaging system built in Scala and Java. Kafka provides an high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds.(Sources: Downloads GitHub Wikipedia Confluent (Support) ):
4 | Planned | Zookeeper desupport, APIs < Kafka 2.1, Java 11 for broker. | ||||
3 | Production | Self-managed quorum (based on Raft protocol), stronger delivery guarantees for the Kafka producer,
optimizations in OffsetFetch and FindCoordinator.
Deprecation: Java 8, Scala 2.12, message formats v0 and v1.
(3.1.0 2022-01): Topic ID in FetchRequest, latency in mills and nanos, SASL/OAUTHBEARER with support for OIDC, Java 17 support Deprecation: eager rebalance protocol (3.2.0 2022-05): log4j replaced, KRaft StandardAuthorizer, static membership, list of all connector plugins, ... (3.3.1 2022-10): KRaft production ready, pause/resume stream topologies, exactly-once support for source connectors, ... (3.3.2 2023-01): fixes. (3.4.0 2023-02): Rack-aware partition assignment for Consumers, allow MultiCasting a Result Record; Early Access: live migration Kafka clusters from Zookeeper to KRaft. (3.5.0 2023-06): Full rack-aware support, versioned state stores, MirrorMaker improvements. Deprecation: Zookeeper (3.6.0 2023-10): Migration from Zookeeper to KRaft is production ready. (3.7.0 2024-02): Leader discovery optimisations, official Docker image, client metrics, client exponential backoff, ... Deprecation: APIs < Kafka 2.1, Java 11 for broker. (3.8.0 2024-07): JBOD feature improvements, compression improvements, ... Deprecation: offsets.commit.required.acks | 3.9.0 | 2021-09 | 2024-11 | |
2 | Production | ACL, Quota management; Java 7 desupport (2.5 2020-04): TLS 1.3 support, TLS 1.2 as default, more metrics, ZooKeeper 3.5.7; Scala 2.11 desupport (2.6 2020-08): TLS 1.3 default for Java 11, ZooKeeper 3.5.8, scaling out of Kafka Streams (2.7 2020-12): Configurable TCP connection timeout, Throttle topic operations, Sliding-Window for Aggregations (2.8 2021-04): Self-managed quorum, broker creation rate limit, describe cluster API | 2.8.2 | 2018-07 | 2022-09 | |
1 | EOL | Scala 2.11 and 2.12, Java 9 support, more metrics, improved stream API, ... | 1.1.1 | 2017-11 | 2018-07 | |
0 | EOL | (0.7 2012-01): Apache incubator first release (0.9 2015-11): Connect API; Scala 2.9 desupport (0.10 2016-05): Streams API, brokers forward compatible | 0.11.3 | 2010-11 | 2018-07 |
MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging system. MQTT is the de facto standard protocol for IoT.(Sources: Wikipedia ):
5 | Production | Shared Subscriptions, more Error Reporting, Will Delay, Message Properties, Session and Message expiry, ... | 5.0 | 2019-03 | |
3.1.1 | Production | OASIS Standard. Protocol version 4 | 3.1.1 | 2014-11 | |
1 | OLD |
Developed by Andy Stanford-Clark (IBM) and Arlen Nipper (Cirrus Link) to monitor an oil pipeline!
(3.1 2010-08): Protocol version 3 | 3.1 | 1999-07 |
MongoDB is the most used NoSQL database according to several statistics. MongoDB is an Open Source, document database who stores individual data as document (BSON) into collections. MongoDB has indexes, replication and sharding.(Sources: MongoDB Downloads Release notes 8.0 (older: 7.0, 6.0, 5.0, 4.4, 4.2) Support policy Lifecycles Wikipedia )
8.0 | Production | Performance improvements, queryable encryption, ... | 8.0.1 | 2024-10 | 2026-08 | |
7.0 | Production | Concurrent storage engine transactions dynamic algorithm, compound wildcard indexes, change stream events larger than 16 MB, ...; (Cloud): Atlas search index management, (2023-12): GA for MongoDB Atlas Vector Search | 7.0.14 | 2023-08 | 2026-08 | Suggested |
6.0 | Production | Time Series improvements, new aggregation operators and operators, setClusterParameter, partial indexes, ... | 6.0.18 | 2022-07 | 2025-07 | |
5.0 | Production | Time Series, new aggregation operators, ... Rapid Releases (eg. 5.1, 5.2, ...). Deprecated: mongo shell (use mongosh instead). Desupport: geoHaystack Index, geoSearch | 5.0.29 | 2021-07 | 2024-10 | |
4.4 | Production | Custom Aggregation Expressions, Global Read and Write Concerns, Refinable Shard Keys, IAM authentication, ... | 4.4.29 | 2020-07 | 2024-02 | |
4.2 | Production | Distribuited transactions, on-demand materialized view, field encryption, ... Desupport: MMAPv1 Storage Engine, mongodump can't be used on sharded clusters, some command and methods (eg. group, eval, copydb, clone, ...) | 4.2.25 | 2019-08 | 2023-04 | |
4.0 | Production | Multi-document Transactions, new string and conversion opertators for Aggregation,
configurable rollbackTimeLimitSecs, ...
Deprecation: MMAPv1 Storage Engine. Desupport: MONGODB-CR authentication, pv0 replica protocol, Master-Slave Replication, TLS 1.0 | 4.0.28 | 2018-06 | 2022-04 | |
3.6 | Production | Default bind on localhost, more Expressive $lookup, ...
Deprecation: MONGODB-CR authentication. Desupport: HTTP REST API | 3.6.23 | 2017-11 | 2021-04 | |
3.4 | Production | Membership Awareness; zoned sharding; linearizable read concerns, views, and collation; decimal 128 datatype; many new Aggregation Stages and Operators. | 3.4.24 | 2016-11 | 2020-01 | |
3.2 | Production | WiredTiger as default storage engine, replica set for config server, replication check enhancements, additional CRUD methods in mongo, document validation. Compass GUI. (3.2.1 2016-01) Fixes | 3.2.22 | 2015-12 | 2018-09 | |
3.0 | Production | Pluggable Engine Stores, WiredTiger storage engine support (document level locks, compression), SHA-1 authentication, replica set up to 50 members, support for collection-level locking in MMAPv1, better explain, ... | 3.0.15 | 2015-03 | 2018-02 | |
2.6 | Production | New writer protocol, bulk operations, Text search enabled by default, query intersection, ... | 2.6.12 | 2014-04 | 2016-10 | |
2.4 | Production | V8 JavaScript Engine, Hashed indexes, better geospatial support, database-level locks instead of global locks, ... | 2.4.14 | 2013-03 | 2016-03 | |
2.2 | Production | Lock yielding, Reader-writers lock at database level (instead of mongod level). | 2.2.7 | 2012-08 | 2014-02 | |
2.0 | Production | 2.0.9 | 2011-10 | 2013-03 | ||
1.8 | Production | 1.8.5 | 2011-03 | 2012-09 | ||
1.6 | Production | 1.6.5-post | 2010-08 | 2012-02 | ||
1.4 | Production | Official RPM | 1.4.5 | 2010-03 | 2012-09 | |
1.2 | Production | 1.2 | 2009-12 | 2011-06 | ||
1.0 | Production | From PaaS by 10gen to Open Source | 1.0 | 2009-02 | 2010-08 |
Odd minor releases numbers (eg. 4.3) are rapid or development releases, from 5.0 minor releases (eg. 5.1, 5.2) are always rapid releases.
Apache CouchDB is a database that uses JSON for documents, JavaScript for MapReduce indexes, and regular HTTP for its API. CouchDB supports ACID transactions on MVCC. CouchDB is written in Erlang, uses views for MapReduce and has a very easy web interface (Futon).(Sources: Release Notes GitHub Wikipedia CouchDB archives )
3.0 | Production | User-defined partitioned databases, automated shard splitting, new automatic compaction daemon. | 3.3.0 | 2020-02 | 2022-12 | |
2.0 | Production | Native clustering, Mango Query Server JSON-based. | 2.3.1 | 2016-09 | 2019-07 | |
1.x | Production | (1.5.0 2013-11). (1.6.0 2014-05). | 1.7.1 | 2010-07 | 2017-11 | |
0.x | Incubated | Initialy (since 2005) developed by by Daminen Katz (then moved to Couchbase) become an Apache project on 2008. | 0.11.2 | 2009-10 | 2010-08 |
Couchbase takes the best from his two parents: CouchDB and Membase. Couchbase adds to memcached features like persistence, data replication and document management.(Sources: Couchbase Support Wikipedia )
7 | Production | HA for Analytics Service, Tableau connector, joins reordering, optimizer hints, RBAC support, ... | 7.1.3 | 2022-05 | 2025-07 | |
7 | Production | Multi-Statement SQL Transactions, Scopes and Collections, user-defined functions (UDFs), cost-based optimizer, backup service. | 7.0.3 | 2021-07 | 2025-07 | |
6 | Production | N1QL for analytics, NoETL, Full-Text Search improvements (6.5 2020-01): distributed ACID transactions, additions to N1QL and the Query Service, CTE. Developer preview: index advisor, UDF | 6.6.4 | 2018-10 | 2023-10 | |
5 | Production | Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Applications, Full Text Search, N1QL Enhancements, new web console, Visual Query Plan, Query Monitoring | 5.5.6 | 2017-10 | 2021-10 | |
4 | Production | Multi-Dimensional Scaling, N1QL (SQL for JSON), indexing, geospatial views, enhanced security, and filtered cross datacenter replication
4.1 (2015-12): Full DML in N1QL, covering indexes, support for Windows 10 and MAC OS X 4.5 (2016-06): Query Workbench, scriptable query shell (CBQ), memory-optimized indexes, full-text search, role-based access control, Docker and OpenShift certification 4.6 (2017-02): Cross datacenter replication, N1QL Enhancements, Data Structures, Big Data connectors, CBImport and CBExport | 4.6.5 | 2015-10 | 2019-08 | |
3 | Production | 3.1.6 | 2015-03 | 2018-02 | ||
2 | Old | 2.5 | 2012-12 | 2016-12 | ||
1 | Old | Membase merged with CouchOne creating Couchbase | 1.8 | 2011-02 | 2015-01 |
CockroachDB is a key-value distributed database built with ACID transactions. It scales horizontally and survives failures with minimal latency. It uses both the PostgreSQL SQL language and the libpq wire protocol.(Sources: Releases Feature summary Supported versions Wikipedia )
24.3 | Production | Desupport: Core offering is retired | 24.3.0 | 2024-11 | 2024-11 | ||
24.2 | Production | Generic query plans, vector search (preview, enterprise, no indexes), ... | 24.2.0 | 2024-08 | 2024-08 | 2025-02 | |
24.1 | Production | MOLT Fetch for data migration, Stored Procedures improvements, Read Commetted isolation is GA, ... | 24.1.3 | 2024-05 | 2024-08 | 2025-05 | |
23.2 | Production |
ARM binaries, UDF in mutations, read commited isolation (preview)
Enterprise: stored procedures and PL/pgSQL, column level encryption, Physical Cluster Replication (preview) | 23.2.9 | 2024-02 | 2024-08 | 2025-07 | |
23.1 | Production |
Full-text search, UDF (User-Defined Functions) enhancements, DELETE...USING, VIEWJOB system privilege, ...
Enterprise: CDC (Change Data Capture) Queries, EXTERNAL CONNECTION, Oauth authentication, up to 400 incremental backups, faster leaseholder and reduced TTL for GC, sharing storage ranges across indexes/tables, ... | 23.1.25 | 2023-05 | 2024-08 | 2024-11 | |
22.2 | Production | New privilege model, row-level TTL, trigram indexes, invisible indexes, schema conversion tool, ... | 22.2.19 | 2022-12 | 2024-02 | 2024-06 | |
22.1 | Production |
Hash-sharded indexes, super regions, QoS level, WITH GRANT OPTION privilege,
SCRAM authentication, ...
Enterprise: stream data to a Pub/Sub sink, backup encryption keys rotation, ... Deprecated: BACKUP TO | 22.1.22 | 2022-05 | 2023-08 | 2023-11 | |
21.2 | Production |
Privilege inheritance (now == Postgres), ON UPDATE, expression indexes, ...
Enterprise: Multi-region observability, ALTER DATABASE..PLACEMENT RESTRICTED, BACKUP scalability, ... | 21.2.17 | 2021-11 | 2022-10 | 2023-05 | |
21.1 | Production |
Cluster API v2.0, better EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE, partial GIN Indexes, sequence Cache,
PG 13 wire-compatible, asynchronous jobs, ...
Enterprise: Multi-Region Improvements, Follower Reads for Read-Only TX | 21.1.21 | 2021-05 | 2022-09 | 2022-11 | |
20.2 | Production | Kubernetes operator, spatial data, Pebble storage engine,
SQL enhancements: user-defined schema, materialized views, partial indexes, materialized views...
Enterprise: AWS Key Management Service (KMS) support | 20.2.19 | 2020-11 | 2022-02 | 2022-05 | |
20.1 | Production |
SELECT FOR UPDATE, foreign key improvements, schema change controls, slow query log, recursive CTE,
Temporary Tables (exp.), ...
Enterprise: full-cluster backup, encrypted backups, ... | 20.1.17 | 2020-05 | 2021-05 | 2021-11 | |
19.2 | Production | Business Source License (BSL) | 19.2.12 | 2019-11 | 2021-01 | 2021-05 | |
19.1 | Production | New numbering version: 1.Spring, 2.Fall. | 19.1.11 | 2019-04 | 2020-07 | 2020-10 | |
2.1 | Production | Easier migration from MySQL and Postgres, improved scalability on transactional workloads, ... | 2.1.11 | 2018-10 | 2020-01 | 2020-04 | |
2.0 | Production | Enhanched PostgreSQL compatibility, JSON support, multi-regional clusters support, performance improvements, ... | 2.0.7 | 2018-04 | 2018-12 | 2019-10 | |
1.1 | Production | Improved performance, simplified cluster management for operators, ... | 1.1.9 | 2017-10 | 2018-10 | 2019-04 | |
1.0 | Production | General Availability as production-ready with an ACID distribuited SQL. Apache 2.0 license. Some features (eg. distributed backup and restore) require an enterprise license. | 1.0.7 | 2017-05 | 2018-02 | 2018-11 | |
0 | Beta | Distribuited database written in Go language and using RocksDB as key-value engine. | beta-20170420 | 2017-04 | 2016-04 |
CockroachDB allows cluster rolling updates for both Cloud and Kubernetes deployments. CockroachDB Serverless clusters are subject to automatic upgrades for both major and minor releases.
Redis is a fast in-memory key-value database. Redis has built-in replication, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence. Redis Sentinel provides high availability and Redis Cluster provides automatic partitioning.(Sources: Release notes 7.0 7.2 7.4 Wikipedia Documentation )
7.4 | Stable | Dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1): no more BSD-3 Open Source license. | 7.4.1 | 2024-07 | 2024-10 | |
7 | Stable | New user-facing features, performance optimizations, ...
(7.2 2023-08): nothing log level, CLUSTER SLOTS / SHARDS commands during loading, SPOP and RESTORE replicate unlink commands to replicas using async server deletes, numerous optimizations | 7.2.6 | 2022-04 | 2024-10 | |
6 | Stable | New more powerful API for modules, SSL on all channels, faster expired keys eviction, ...
(6.2 2021-01): New commands | 6.0.19 6.2.12 | 2020-04 2021-01 | 2023-04 2023-04 | |
5 | Old | Stream data type, ... (5.0.8 2020-03): security fixes. (5.0.14 2021-10): security fixes. | 5.0.14 | 2018-10 | 2021-10 | |
4 | Old | PSYNC2 replication, MEMORY command, | 4.0.14 | 2017-07 | 2019-03 | |
3 | Unsupported | Clustering | 3 | 2015-04 | ||
2 | Unsupported | (2.6): LUA server-side scripting | 2 | |||
1 | Unsupported | (1.1): journaling | 2009-05 |
Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine written in Java and based on Lucene. The API uses HTTP and JSON. Logstash in the data collection engine and Kibana is visualization tool. Elasticsearch indexes can be distribuited in shards on different servers with well scaling performances.(Sources: Release notes Github EOL dates Documentation )
8 | Production | Vector search, native support for NLP (natural language processing), simplified data onboarding, streamlined security by default, ... | 8.7.1 | 2022-02 | 2023-05 | 2024-08 | |
7 | Production | Lucene 8, Block-max WAND, Zen2 Cluster, Kibana dark mode and responsive,
nanosecond support, ...
Desupport: pre 6.0 indexes.
(7.1 2019-05): Some important security features in Elastic Basic license: RBAC and TLS (7.11 2021-01): Changes in licensing from Apache 2.0 to dual licensing with the SSPL or the Elastic License | 7.17.10 | 2019-04 | 2023-05 | 2023-06 | |
6 | EOL | Sequence IDs, search scalability, security, migration assistant.
Desupport: pre 5.0 indexes.
(6.3 2018-06): Elasticsearch SQL, Lucene 7.3. (6.5): Kibana spaces. (6.6 2019-01): index lifecycle management, cross-cluster search, Lucene 7.6 snapshot. (6.7 2019-03): Elastic Maps. (6.8 2019-05): Some important security features in Elastic Basic license: RBAC and TLS. | 6.8.8 | 2017-11 | 2020-03 | 2022-02 | |
5 | EOL | Unified versioning for Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats; Painless scripting language; ingest nodes; pipelines. Based on Lucene 6.2. Desupport: pre 2.0 indexes | 5.6.16 | 2016-10 | 2019-03 | 2019-03 | |
2 | EOL | 2.4.6 | 2015-10 | 2017-06 | 2018-02 | ||
1 | EOL | 1.7.6 | 2014-02 | 2016-11 | 2017-01 | ||
0 | EOL | 2010-02 |
Migration between minor versions (e.g. 6.x to 6.y) can be performed by upgrading one node at a time. Migration between consecutive major versions (e.g. 2.x to 5.x) requires a full cluster restart. Migration between non-consecutive major versions is not supported.
Neo4j is a graph database written in Java available both as server or embedded. Can be queried by Cypher Query Language through a transactional HTTP endpoint. Neo4j uses Lucene for indexing.(Sources: Official site Github )
4 | Production | System database, Fine-Grained Security, greater Index Key Size, Back Pressure & Flow Control. (4.4.2 2021-12) Update Log4j to 2.16.0 CVE-2021-45046. | 4.4.2 | 2019-12 | 2021-08 | |
3 | Production | Mixed call within Cypher, Neo4j Sync, new configuration. (3.1 2016-12): Clustering, Security. (3.5 2016-12): Native indexes, fulltex indexes, compiled expressions. | 3.5.26 | 2016-10 | 2021-01 | |
2 | EOL | Node labels, Neo4j Browser, Schemas, indexes in Cypher | 2.3.11 | 2014-02 | 2017-11 | |
1 | EOL | 1.9.9 | 2010-02 | 2014-11 | ||
0 | EOL | 2007 |
Neo4j supports direct upgrades from previous releases.
InfluxDB is an Open Source time series database written in Go. Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor are known as the TICK Stack where InfluxDB is the database component, of course.(Sources: Official site Doc Github Telegraf )
2 | Production | Whole TICK stack in a component, FLUX for everything. (2.0.8 2021-08): go version 1.16, macOS 10.11 desupport. (2.0.9): influxdb-cli on a separate repository | 2.7.10 | 2020-11 | 2024-08 | |
1 | Production | API and storage format stability. InfluxDB Enterprise for HA (Closed Source)
(1.7 2018-11): Flux language support, Time Series Index (TSI), performance improvements (1.8 2020-07): InfluxDB 2.0 API forward compatibility, Flux 0.65 | 1.7.11 1.8.10 | 2016-11 2018-11 2020-07 | 2021-03 2021-10 | |
0 | EOL | High performance datastore for time series data. Single binary written in Go. Simple HTTP(S) APIs. Plugins support for data ingestion protocols: Graphite, collectd, and OpenTSDB. | 0.13 | 2013-10 | 2016-05 |
ClickHouse is an Open Source columnar database optimized for OLAP queries. Written in C++ gives real time performance on analytic queries using SQL.(Sources: Changelog GitHub Supported Releases Cloud Changelog)
25 | Production | Parquet output format uses date/time types supported by Parquet, enhanched embedded Web UI, several performance improvement, apply_mutations_on_fly, BFloat16 data type, ... | | 2025-01 | 2025-02 | |
24 | Production | Performance optimizations: HTTP output, replica, compression level control, memory for merges. New features: variant datatype, ... New functions: punycode, arrayShingles, quantileDD, ... (24.5): Larger CROSS JOINS supported, NPY output format, Form format, bulk load to EmbeddedRocksDB, ... | | 2024-01 | 2025-02 | |
23 | Production | Refactor streaming engines Kafka/RabbitMQ/NATS and support for all formats, ... (23.2 2023-02) StorageIceberg, ... (23.3 2023-03) Lightweight DELETE, 256-bit Decimal data type, ... (23.5 2023-05) keeper-client, azureBlobStorage, ... (23.8 2023-08) azureBlobStorageCluster, system.kafka_consumers, max_sessions_for_user, ...; available serverless on AWS Lambda, SharedMergeTree Engine (for Cloud usage only); Experimental: S3Queue. |−lts−lts | 2023-01 | 2024-08 | |
22 | Production | Automatic Schema Interface, Parallel Reading from Replicas, Resource Usage in cli, Cluster Discovery, Hive table engine, ARM full support. (22.2 2022-02) table projection, custom deduplication, ... (22.3 2022-03) remote file system cache, S3 full support, hive table function, X.509 authentication, schema inference, CPU and memory metrics in client, ... (22.5 2022-05) memory overcommit, Prometheus output format. (22.7 2022-07) CREATE INDEX, ... (22.8 2022-08) lightweight UPDATE, range of Date32 and DateTime64 from the year 1900 to 2299, interactive query parameters, JSON formatted log. (22.9 2022-09) /dashboard |−lts | 2022-01 | 2023-08 | |
21 | Production | REPLACE TABLE, UNION DISTINCT, countSubstrings(), clickhouse-client editor, gRPC, mannWitneyUTest, studentTTest and welchTTest statistics functions. (21.2 2021-02) PostgreSQL table and database engine. (21.3-lts 2021-03) deltaSum. Experimental: window functions! (21.4 2021-04) DateTime64, dictGetOrNull. (21.5 2021-05) s3Cluster(), support for replicas and shards in MySQL/PostgreSQL table engine. Experimental: clickhouse-keeper (21.6 2021-06) UInt128 and Decimal256 data types, cast operator (::), ... (21.7 2021-07) dateName(), toJSONString(), sequenceNextNode(); incompatible change in clickhouse-keeper. (21.8 2021-08) partial support of SQL/JSON standard, system metrics collection (system.asynchronous_metrics, system.asynchronous_metric_log), MaterializedPostgreSQL table/database engine, ... (21.9 2021-09) INTERSECT, EXCEPT, ANY, ALL, natural language processing (NLP) functions, SQLite engines, custom queries in dictionaries, default database for users, at rest data encryption, ... (21.10 2021-10) user-defined functions (UDF), Executable ExecutablePool storage engines, SHA512, snowflake id conversion functions, ... (21.11 2021-11) scheduled background merges; asynchronous INSERT mode, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, EXISTS subqueries, vector cosineDistance() and other euclidean distance functions. | | 2021-01 | 2022-02 | |
20 | Production | DateTime64 with sub-second precision, TTL move TO, multiple profiles, more functions in the H3 geo library, reduced ZooKeeper footprint. (20.2.1-prestable 2020-02) CREATE USER, GRANT/REVOKE access, polygon dictionaries (20.3 2020-03) Avro and AvroConfluent input/output format, ALTER... MATERIALIZE TTL, last_successful_update_time for dictionaries, zero() and zero_mt(), system.metric_log, connection sharing for external MySQL dictionaries, new CREATE LIVE VIEW syntax. (, 2020-04) LTS. (, 2020-05) RBAC: standard SQL statement GRANT. (, 2020-07) New system tables: users, roles, grants, ... TTL DELETE WHERE/GROUP BY, PostgreSQL wire protocol, MySQL style global variables, Kafka enhancements, Atomic database engine. ( 2020-08) EXPLAIN, ILIKE, ORC for output. ( 2020-09) MySQL replica via MaterializedMySQL Engine, time_zones, date_trunc. ( 2020-09) column transformers. ( 2020-10) Atomic database engine as default. ( 2020-11) OFFSET in ORDER BY, Int128, Int256 datatypes, AES encryption, system.replicated_fetches, LDAP users. NB: requires a specific procedure for cluster upgrades. ( 2020-12) ALTER UPDATE/DELETE IN PARTITION, COLLATE support for complex datatypes. | | 2020-01 | 2021-04 | |
19 | Production | (19.1.3 2019-02) ALTER compression codec, Delta codec, CatBoost, HDFS tables, ... (19.3.3 2019-02) KILL MUTATION, toStartOfInterval(), LowCardinality, Protobuf output format, ... ( 2019-03) Multiple JOINS. ( 2019-05) TTL. ( 2019-07) DoubleDelta and Gorilla codecs, H3. (, 2019-09) WITH FILL in ORDER BY, table constraints, cascaded MV, ORC input format, INSERT in Kafka, _timestamp in Kafka, system.metric_log, system.text_log. Experimental: LIVE VIEW, Template format. ( 2019-10) Tiered storage. ( 2019-11) SQL Create Dictionary, full S3 integration. (, 2019-12) LTS. |‑lts | 2019-01 | 2020-07 | |
18 | Production | New version numbering: year+version. JOIN syntax, ... (18.1.0 2018-07) ALTER DELETE. (18.12.14 2018-09) ALTER UPDATE. | 18.16.1 | 2018-07 | 2018-12 | |
1 | Production | (1.1.54245 2017-07) pubblic release. Dictionary, distribuited DDL, HTTP interface. (1.1.54310 2017-11) custom partitioning, Kafka Engine, arithmetic with time intervals. (1.1.54337 2018-01) MySQL tables, ODBC support. (1.1.54388 2018-06) ALTER DELETE on replicated tables. | 1.1.54394 | 2017-07 | 2018-07 | |
0 | Production | Developed intitially for internal use for Yandex.Metrica, Open sourced on 2016-06 (Apache license 2.0). | 2016-06 |
Upgrades are generally smooth with ClickHouse: shutdown the database, upgrade the software and start the database again.
With clusters simply upgrade nodes one by one.
"Stable" releases are quite frequent and sometime have regressions...
but You can use
Altinity Stable Releases:
1.1.54292, 1.1.54327, 1.1.54343, 1.1.54385, 18.14.15, 18.14.19, 19.11.8,,,,,,,,,,,
Yandex LTS Releases:,, ...,,,,,, ...
TiDB by PingCAP is an Open Source database and supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) workloads. TiDB is MySQL compatible and features horizontal scalability, strong consistency, and high availability. The architecture includes TiDB (stateless SQL Engine), TiKV (key-value Storage Engine), and PD (Placement Driver).(Sources: Releases GitHub)
7 | Production | Row-level TTL, object storage sink support, ... | 7.5.0 | 2023-05 | 2023-12 | |
6 | Production | Both DMR (Development Milestone Releases) and LTS. Placement rules, Top SQL, cache hotspot, check for data index consistency, TiDB Enterprise Manager | 6.5.6 | 2022-06 | 2023-12 | |
5 | Production | MPP, cluster indexes, async commit, invisible indexes. | 5.4.3 | 2021-04 | 2022-10 | |
4 | Production | Admin commands, range pruning. | 4.0.16 | 2020-05 | 2021-12 | |
3 | Production | SQL Optimizer improvements, Views, Window Functions, Range and Hash Partitioning. (3.1-rc 2020-04) | 3.0.20 3.1.2 | 2019-06 | 2020-12 | |
2 | Production | Improvement in MySQL compatibility, SQL optimizer, executor, and stability. (2.1 2018-11) | 2.1.19 | 2018-04 | 2020-05 | |
1 | Production | MySQL 5.7 compatible, distribuited database that scales both processing and storage. Based on RocksDB key-value engine and Raft consensus algorithm. | 1.0.8 | 2017-10 | 2018-02 |
The graph shows the popularity of each RDMBS.
The scale is logarithmic: Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server are by far the leaders.
Gartner )
This graph from Gartner is about DB... money! It shows the position from the market share point of view.
The growing importance of Cloud DB Services is the most important trend.
Pentaho is a complete Open Source Suite for Business Intelligence. Now [NdE 2015] is owned by Hitachi. With the subscription You have full support, integrated packages and more intermediate stable releases.Data Integration ETL - Kettle - PDI
9 | Production | Multiple Hadoops, Upgrade Installer, S3 support
(9.3 2022-05): Java 11, docker deployment, many upgraded components, Log4j security fix, reduced download size and startup time (9.4 2022-11): light weight Kettle engine, UI improvements, ... Last released as Community Edition (9.5 2023-05): Enterprise only (10.0 2023-12): Enterprise only | CE EE | 2020-01 | 2024-05 | |
8 | Production | (8.0 2017-11) (8.1 2018-04) (8.2 2018-11): OpenJDK 8 support. (8.3 2019-07): data lineage components for AMQP, JMS, Kafka, MQTT. | | 2017-11 | 2019-07 | |
7 | Production | Requires JRE 8. (7.1 2017-05) | | 2016-11 | 2017-05 | |
6 | Production | | 2015-10 | 2016-04 | ||
5 | Production | 5.1(2014-06), 5.2(2014-10), 5.3 (2015-02), 5.4 (2015-06) | | 2014-01 | 2015-06 | |
4.x | Production | 4.3 (2012-04), 4.4 (2012-11), 4.8 (2013-12) | | 2012-04 | 2012-11 | |
4.2 | Production | Excel Writer step improvements; Progress feedback; Google Analytics step; LDAP Writer step | 4.2.0 | 2011-09 | 2011-10 | |
4.1 | Production | Agile BI Plugin 1.0.2. Metadata injection; Enable/Disable hops; New Steps: JSON Input/Output, Conditional, LDAP Output, Run SSH, Email input, String Operation, Write to File, ... | 4.1.0 | 2010-11 | ||
4.0 | Production | 4.0.1 | 2010-06 | |||
3.2 | Production | 3.2.0 | 2009-05 | |||
3.1 | Production | 3.1.0 | 2008-09 | |||
3.0 | Production | 3.0.4 | 2008-06 | |||
2.5 | Production | 2.5.2 | 2007-11 |
The Pentaho Suite is composed by several environments...
Business Intelligence Server BI (Sources: Sourceforge Pentaho Community) |
Reporting PRD (Sourceforge) |
Pentaho Metadata PME (Sourceforge) |
Pentaho Data Mining Weka - PDMCE (Sourceforge) |
OWB (Oracle Warehouse Builder) is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) product developed by Oracle. OWB is generally used to consolidate data between Oracle databases.(Sources: OWB Blog Wikipedia Statement of direction )
11.2 | Production | Last release of OWB (see ODI). | | 2009-09 | 2015-01 (ES 2022-07) | |
11gR1 | Production | Oracle RDBMS 11g certification | 2007-07 | 2012-08 (ES 2015-08) | ||
10gR2 | Production | integrated into the Oracle Developer Suite. Dimensional modelling, data profiling, ... | 2006-05 | 2010-07 (ES 2013-07) | ||
10gR1 | Production | Oracle RDBMS 10g certification | ||||
9i | Production | mapping debugger, process flow editing, multi-table insert, ... | 2003 | |||
3i | Production | ETL mapping designer | ||||
2 | Production | 2000-01 |
OWB upgrades are well
Oracle RDBMS versions 18+ are not supported by OWB.
Migration to ODI 12c, see below, is strongly suggested
Note: 1503877.1)
ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) is an EL-T (Extract, Load, and Transform). ODI uses a central Repository, external Agents and several graphic tools. ODI supports heterogeneous sources and targets.(Sources: ODI Blog Wikipedia MOS 456313.1 )
12.2 | Production | ( 2016-12) ( 2017-08) ( 2019-09) ( 2021-10) | | 2013-07 | 2022-08 (ES 2025-08) | |
12.1 | Production | | 2013-10 | 2017-12 | ||
11 | Production | | 2010-08 | 2018-12 (ES 2021-12) | ||
10 | Production | First version based on Sunopsis (acquired by Oracle on 2006) | | 2008 | 2011-12 | |
Sunopsis | Production | 4.x |
There are several ways to perform an ODI upgrade. You can upgrade to ODI 12c from ODI and above (,
NiFi is an Open Source Project for data flow automation donated by NSA to Apache and currently developed by Hortonworks. NiFi has a cool graphical UI and can easy escalate using a Zero-Master clustering configuration.(Sources: Official site Wikipedia Release Notes )
2 | Production | Technical debt reduction: Java 17, flow.json.gz instead of flow.xml.gz, deprecated and duplicated components removed; migration tools for easy upgrade. New features: Python support, native Kubernetes integration, new UI, stateless flows, Kafka 3 support, additional S3 processors, ... | 2.2.0 | 2024-11 | 2025-01 | |
1 | Production | New UI, Zero Master clustering (1.1.0 2016-11): many improvements. (1.10.0 2019-11): capability to define parameters, stateless NiFi engine. | 1.28.0 | 2016-08 | 2024-10 | |
0 | Production | First version based on NSA sources | 0.7.4 | 2015-07 | 2017-06 |
Upgrades are well documented here.
Linux is a Unix kernel on which many GNU/Linux distributions are built. It runs on many HW and it's Free. Production main releases were even (eg. 2.4, 2.6) while development releases were odd (eg. 2.5). Now... it depends! Kernel upgrades are generally performed by an update tool within the Linux distribution.(Source: Linux Kernel Archives KernelNewbies Wikipedia Version history )
6.14 | Mainline | 6.14-rc3 | 2025-02 | 2025-02 | ||
6.13 | Stable | 6.13.3 | 2025-02 | 2025-02 | ||
6.12 | Stable | 6.12.15 | 2025-02 | 2025-02 | ||
6.11 | EOL | Ubuntu 24.10 | 6.11.4 | 2024-06 | 2024-10 | |
6.10 | EOL | 6.10-14 | 2024-06 | 2024-10 | ||
6.9 | EOL | 6.9.7 | 2024-05 | 2024-06 | ||
6.8 | EOL | Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | 6.8.12 | 2024-03 | 2024-05 | |
6.7 | EOL | Many new features: cachefs, NVIDIA GSP support, ... | 6.7.10 | 2024-01 | 2024-03 | |
6.6 | Longterm | Alpine 3.19, Alpine 3.20 | 6.6.78 | 2023-10 | 2025-02 | |
6.5 | EOL | Ubuntu 23.10 | 6.5.8 | 2023-08 | 2023-10 | |
6.4 | EOL | 6.4.12 | 2023-05 | 2023-08 | ||
6.3 | EOL | 6.3.2 | 2023-04 | 2023-05 | ||
6.2 | EOL | Ubuntu 23.04, Fedora 38 | 6.2.15 | 2023-02 | 2023-05 | |
6.1 | Longterm | Rust support in kernel. Debian 12, Alpine 3.18 | 6.1.128 | 2021-12 | 2025-02 | |
6.0 | EOL | Performance optimization for newest CPUs, new HW support. Fedora 37 | 6.0.19 | 2022-10 | 2023-01 | |
5.19 | EOL | Ubuntu 22.10 | 5.19.17 | 2022-07 | 2022-10 | |
5.18 | EOL | 5.18.19 | 2022-05 | 2022-08 | ||
5.17 | EOL | 5.17.15 | 2022-03 | 2022-06 | ||
5.15 | Longterm | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Alpine 3.15, UEK 7 | 5.15.178 | 2021-12 | 2025-02 | |
5.14 | EOL | RHEL 9 | 5.14.21 | 2021-05 | 2021-09 | |
5.13 | EOL | Ubuntu 21.10 | 5.13.19 | 2021-05 | 2021-11 | |
5.12 | EOL | 5.12.19 | 2021-04 | 2021-07 | ||
5.11 | EOL | Ubuntu 21.04 | 5.11.22 | 2021-02 | 2019-01 | |
5.10 | Longterm | Debian 11, Alpine 3.13 | 5.10.234 | 2020-12 | 2025-02 | |
5.4 | Longterm | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, UEK 6 | 5.4.290 | 2019-11 | 2025-02 | |
5.1 | EOL | 5.1.16 | 2018-11 | 2019-01 | ||
4.19 | Longterm | Debian 10 | 4.19.322 | 2018-09 | 2024-09 | |
4.18 | EOL | RHEL 8 | 4.18.11 | 2018-08 | 2018-09 | |
4.17 | EOL | 4.17.6 | 2018-06 | 2018-07 | ||
4.16 | EOL | 4.16.8 | 2018-04 | 2018-06 | ||
4.15 | EOL | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS | 4.15.18 | 2018-01 | 2018-04 | |
4.14 | EOL | UEK 5 | 4.14.327 | 2017-11 | 2023-10 | |
4.9 | EOL | Logterm. Debian 9, Alpine 3.7 | 4.9.322 | 2017-02 | 2022-07 | |
4.8 | EOL | 4.8.17 | 2016-09 | 2017-01 | ||
4.7 | EOL | 4.7.5 | 2016-09 | 2016-09 | ||
4.6 | EOL | 4.6.4 | 2016-03 | 2016-07 | ||
4.5 | EOL | cgroup v2 | 4.5 | 2016-03 | 2016-03 | |
4.4 | EOL | Super Long Term Support. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, SUSE 12 SP2 | 4.4.296 | 2016-01 | 2021-12 | |
4.3 | EOL | 4.3.4 | 2015-11 | 2016-01 | ||
4.1 | EOL | UEK 4 | 4.1.51 | 2015-06 | 2018-03 | |
3.18 | EOL | Longterm. Alpine 3 | 3.18.133 | 2014-12 | 2019-01 | |
3.16 | EOL | Longterm. Debian 8 | 3.16.69 | 2014-08 | 2018-12 | |
3.15 | EOL | 3.15.10 | 2014-06 | |||
3.14 | EOL | 3.14.79 | 2014-03 | 2016-09 | ||
3.12 | EOL | SUSE 12 | 3.12.70 | 2013-11 | 2017-02 | |
3.10 | EOL | RHEL 7 | 3.10.104 | 2013-06 | 2016-10 | |
3.9 | EOL | 3.9.4 | 2013-04 | |||
3.8 | EOL | UEK 3 | 3.8.13 | 2013-02 | ||
3.7 | EOL | 3.7.10 | ||||
3.6 | EOL | 3.6.11 | ||||
3.5 | EOL | 3.5.7 | 2012 | |||
3.4 | EOL | 3.4.113 | 2012-05 | 2016-10 | ||
3.2 | EOL | Debian 7, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | 3.2.101 | 2012-01 | 2018-03 | |
3.1 | Dev | 3.1.7 | 2011 | |||
3.0 | Old | Xen dom0 support; Btrfs defrag | 3.0.80 | 2011 | ||
2.6 | EOL | Longterm. Full 64 support (PAE, FS up to 16TB), ext4, JFS, XFS, SELinux; RHEL 4,5,6, UEK
(2.6.24 2008-01): cgroup | EOL EOL EOL EOL EOL | 2003-12 | 2015-12 | |
2.5 | Dev | 2.5.75 | 2001 | 2003 | ||
2.4 | Old | Plug&Play, USB, PA-RISC; (later): LVM, ext3, Bluetooth | 2.4.37 | 2001 | ||
2.3 | Dev | 2.3.99pre9 | 1999 | 2000 | ||
2.2 | Old | Better SMP performances, NTFS, PowerPC | 2.2.26 | 1999 | 2004 | |
2.0 | Old | SMP | 2.0.40 | 1996 | 2004 | |
1.2 | Old | Alpha, SPARC, MIPS | 1.2.13 | 1995 | ||
1.0 | Old | Stable! i386 single processor only | 1994 | |||
0 | Old | Based on MINIX; (0.12): GPL; (0.95): X Windows | 0.99 | 1991 | 1994 |
Debian is a free GNU/Linux distribution very well known by system administrators because its stability and richness. Debian supports many platforms (eg. Intel, Sparc, ARM, PA-RISC, SPARC, Alpha, S/390, ...). Debian is the base for many other Linux distribution. Debian uses GNOME UI (User Interface) as default. You can also use a live image that come in different flavors: GNOME, KDE, LXDE and Xfce, and text console(
sid | unstable | ||||||
trixie | testing | ||||||
12 | bookworm | stable | Linux 6.1. Gnome 43, KDE Plasma 5.27, LXDE 11, LXQt 1.2.0, MATE 1.26, Xfce 4.18, LibreOffice 7.4, Apache 2.4.57, Nginx 1.22, OpenSSH 9.2p1, GNU Compiler Collection 12.2, Perl 5.36, PHP 8.2, Python 3, 3.11.2, MariaDB 10.11, PostgreSQL 15, ... | 12.9 | 2023-06 | 2025-01 | |
11 | bullseye | oldstable | Linux 5.10. First release with exFAT native filesystem. Gnome 3.38, KDE Plasma 5.20, LXDE 11, Xfce 4.16, Apache 2.4.48, OpenSSH 8.4p1 Perl 5.32, PHP 7.4, Python 3 and 3.9.1, LibreOffice 7.0, MariaDB 10.5, PostgreSQL 13, ... | 11.11 | 2021-08 | 2024-08 | |
10 | buster | oldstable | Linux 4.19, systemd 241, Xfce 4.12, KDE Plasma 5.14, GNOME 3.30, Apache 2.4.38, GNU C library 2.28, GNU Compiler 8.3, OpenJDK 11, Perl 5.28, PHP 7.3, Python 3.7.2, MariaDB 10.3, PostgreSQL 11, ... | 10.13 | 2019-07 | 2022-09 | LTS up to 2024-06 |
9 | stretch | archived | Linux 4.9, systemd 232, Xfce 4.12, KDE Frameworks 5.28, GNOME 3.22, Apache 2.4.25, GNU C library 2.24, GNU Compiler 6.3, OpenJDK 8, Perl 5.24, PHP 7.0, Python 2.7.13 and 3.5.3, MariaDB 10.1, PostgreSQL 9.6, Asterisk 13.14.1, ... | 9.13 | 2017-06 | 2020-07 | ELTS up to 2027-06 |
8 | jessie | archived | Linux 3.16. systemd; Apache 2.4; PHP 5.6; Python 3.4; PostgreSQL 9.4 | 8.11 | 2015-04 | 2020-06 | ELTS up to 2025-06 |
7 | wheezy | obsolete | Linux 3.2; Xen Hypervisor 4.1.4; PostgreSQL 9.1, MySQL 5.5.30; Asterisk | 7.11 | 2013-05 | 2018-05 | |
6.0 | squeeze | obsolete | Kernel 2.6.32; kFreeBSD kernel preview on i386/amd64; PKG +29000: KDE Plasma workspace&Apps 4.4.5, X.Org 7.5, Gnome 2.30, LXDE 0.5.0, Xfce 4.6; 3.2.1; Firefox/Iceweasel 3.5.16, Thunderbird/Icedove 3.0.11; Apache 2.2.16, Tomcat 6.0.18; GNU comp. 4.4.5, OpenJDK 6b18; MySQL 5.1.49, PostgreSQL 8.4.6; PHP 5.3.3, Python 2.5.5/2.6.6/3.1.1; HW-=alpha,arm (old),hppa | 6.0.10 | 2011-02 | 2016-02 | |
5.0 | lenny | obsolete | Kernel 2.6.26; PKG +23000: X.Org 7.3, Gnome 2.22, KDE 3.5.10, LXDE, Xfce 4.4.2; 2.4.1, KOffice 1.6.3, Evolution 2.22.3, Pidgin (Gaim) 2.4.3; Firefox/iceweasel 3.0.6, Thunderbird/icedove; Apache 2.2.9, Tomcat 5.5.26; GNU comp. 4.3.2, GNU lib. 2.7, openjdk-6-jdk; MySQL 5.0.51a, PostgreSQL 8.3.5; PHP 5.2.6, Python 2.5.2; HW+=Eee PC,arm (EAB) | 5.0.7 | 2009-04 | 2012-02 | |
4.0 | etch | obsolete | Kernel 2.6.18; PKG +18000: X.Org 7.1 (instead of XFree), Gnome 2.14, KDE 3.5.5a, Xfce 4.4; 2.0.4a, KOffice 1.6, Evolution 2.6.3, Gaim 2.0; Firefox/iceweasel, Thunderbird/icedove 1.5; Apache 2.2; GNU comp. 4.1, GNU lib. 2.3.6; MySQL 5.0.32, PostgreSQL 8.1; PHP 5.2, Python 2.4;HW+=amd64 | 40r8 | 2007-04 | 2010 | |
3.1 | sarge | obsolete | Kernel 2.4.7 (2.6.8 also on Intelx86); PKG +10000: XFree86 4.3, Gnome 2.8, KDE 3.3; 1.1, Evolution, Gaim; XFS, LVM | 3.1r3 | 2005-06 | 2008 | |
3.0 | woody | obsolete | Kernel 2.2.20 (2.4 also available); XFree 4.1, Gnome 1.4, KDE 2.2; Mozzilla, Konqueror; HW=I386, m68k, alpha, powerpc, sparc, arm, ia64, mips, s390, hppa, ... | 2002-07 | 2006-06 | ||
2.2 | potato | obsolete | arm, powerpc | 2.2r7 | 2000-08 | 2003-06 | |
2.1 | slink | obsolete | alpha, sparc | 1999 | 2001 | ||
2.0 | hamm | obsolete | m68k | 1998 | 1999 | ||
1.3 | bo | obsolete | 1997 | 1998 | |||
1.2 | rex | obsolete | 1996 | 1997 | |||
1.1 | buzz | obsolete | dpkg | 1996 | 1996 |
Debian folks are much smarter than me... I have no hint for them. If You have installed Debian You do not need any suggestion!
Ubuntu is a free GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian with an easier interface very well suited for end users.(Sources: Ubuntu Wikipedia)
25.04 | Plucky Puffin | Future | 25.04 | 2024-10 | 2026-01 | ||
24.10 | Oracular Oriole | Currrent | Kernel 6.11; systemd 256.5, netplan 1.1, OpenSSL 3.3; GNOME 47, Firefox 130, LibreOffice 24.8, Thunderbird 128 | 24.10 | 2024-10 | 2025-07 | |
24.04 LTS | Noble Numbat | Current | Kernel 6.8; systemd 255.4, netplan 1.0; OpenJDK LTS 21, .NET 8; Year 2038 fixes. Desupport: TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, DTLS 1.0 | 24.04.1 | 2024-04 | 2029-04 | |
23.10 | Mantic Minotaur | End of life | Kernel 6.2; QEMU 8.0, libvirt 9.6.0, systemd 253.5; GNOME 45, OpenJDK v17+v21; Docker 24.0.5 | 23.10 | 2023-10 | 2024-07 | |
23.04 | Lunar Lobster | End of life | Kernel 6.2; QEMU 7.2, Libvirt 9.0; GNOME 44, OpenJDK v17; PostgreSQL 15 | 23.04 | 2023-04 | 2024-01 | |
22.10 | Kinetic Kudu | End of life | 5.19 kernel; QEMU 7.0, Libvirt 8.6; GNOME 43 | 22.10 | 2022-10 | 2023-07 | |
22.04 LTS | Jammy Jellyfish | Current | 5.17 or 5.15 kernel; QEMU 6.2, Libvirt 8.0; GCC 11.2.0, binutils t2.38, glibc to 2.35, Python 3.10.4, Perl 5.34.0. LLVM 14, golang 1.18, rustc 1.58, PHP 8.1.2, Ruby 3.0, OpenJDK 11 (and 18 but not used for package builds); GNOME 41, Apache 2.4.52, OpenStack Yoga; PostgreSQL 14.2, MySQL 8.0.28 | 22.04.5 | 2022-04 | 2027-04 | |
21.10 | Impish Indri | End of life | 5.13 kernel; QEMU 6.0, Libvirt 7.6; GCC 11.2.0, binutils 2.37, glibc 2.34, LLVM 13, golang 1.17, rustc 1.51, PHP 8.0, OpenJDK 18; GNOME 40, Apache 2.4.48, OpenStack Xena | 21.10 | 2021-10 | 2022-07 | |
21.04 | Hirsute Hippo | End of life | 5.11 kernel | 21.04 | 2021-04 | 2022-01 | |
20.10 | Groovy Gorilla | End of life | 5.8 kernel; GNOME 3.38, glibc 2.32, OpenJDK 11, rustc 1.41, GCC 10, LLVM 11, Python 3.8.6, ruby 2.7.0, php 7.4.9, perl 5.30, golang 1.13. nftables | 20.10 | 2020-10 | 2021-07 | |
20.04 LTS | Focal Fossa | Current | 5.4 Kernel: new hardware support, virtio-fs, exFAT. Gnome 3.36, Python3, snap-store, libvirt 6.0, glibc 2.31 | 20.04.6 | 2020-04 | 2030-04 | |
19.10 | Eoan Ermine | End of life | 19.10 | 2019-10 | 2020-07 | ||
19.04 | Disco Dingo | End of life | 5.0 Kernel. Gnome 3.32, OpenStack Stein | 19.04 | 2019-04 | 2020-01 | |
18.10 | Cosmic Cuttlefish | End of life | 4.18 Kernel. OpenSSL 1.1.1, OpenJDK 11, Gnome 3.30, glibc 2.28 | 18.10 | 2018-10 | 2019-07 | |
18.04 LTS | Bionic Beaver | No S.Supp. | 4.15 Kernel (cgroup v2, AMD encryption, MD driver). OpenJDK 10 | 18.04.6 | 2018-04 | 2023-04 | |
17.10 | Artful Aardvark | End of life | 17.10 | 2017-10 | 2018-07 | ||
17.04 | Zesty Zapus | End of life | 17.04 | 2017-04 | 2018-01 | ||
16.10 | Yakket Yak | End of life | 16.10 | 2016-10 | 2017-07 | ||
16.04 LTS | Xenial Xerus | No S.Supp. | Linux kernel 4.4. LXD 2.0, docker 1.10, PHP 7.0, python3, OpenSSH 7.2p2 (with many unsafe components disabled). (2017-02 16.4.2): Fixes. (2017-08 16.4.3): Fixes. | 16.04.7 | 2016-04 | 2021-04 | |
15.10 | Wily Werewolft | End of life | 15.10 | 2015-10 | 2016-07 | ||
15.04 | Vivid Vervet | end of life | 15.04 | 2015-05 | 2016-02 | ||
14.10 | Utopic Unicorn | End of life | 14.10 | 2014-10 | 2015-07 | ||
14.04 LTS | Trusty Tahr | No S.Supp. | Linux 3.13; MySQL 5.6,5.6/MariaDB 5.5/PerconaXtraDB 5.5, LibreOffice 4.2.3 | 14.04.6 | 2014-04 | 2019-04 | |
13.10 | Saucy Salamander | End of life | 2013-10 | 2014-07 | |||
13.04 | Raring Ringtail | End of life | 2013-04 | 2014-01 | |||
12.10 | Quantal Quetzal | End of life | 2012-10 | 2014-04 | |||
12.04 LTS | Precise Pangolin | End of life | Linux 3.2, HUD, Rhythmbox, LibreOffice 3.5.4, PayPal | 12.04.5 | 2012-04 | 2017-04 | |
11.10 | Oneric Ocelot | End of life | Linux Kernel 3.0, Thunderbird, GTK3 (alt+tab) | 2011-10 | 2013-04 | ||
11.04 | Natty Narwhal | End of life | 2011-04 | 2012-10 | |||
10.10 | Maverick Meerkat | End of life | Linux 2.6.35; new fonts; Evolution 2.30 (faster!), richer sound menu. (Server Ed.) Eucaliptus 2.0 | 10.10 | 2010-10 | 2012-04 | |
10.04 LTS | Lucid Lynx | End of life | Linux 2.6.32, faster boot; New languages, Social Network tools | 10.04.4 | 2010-04 2010-08 | 2013-04 (2015 server) | |
9.10 | Karmic Koala | End of life | Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, OpenOffice 3.1, Firefox 3.5 | 2009-10 | 2011-04 | ||
9.04 | Jaunty Jackalope | End of life | Gnome 2.26, OpenOffice 3.0, EXT4, MySQL 5.1, PHP 5.2 | 2009-04 | 2010-10 | ||
8.10 | Intrepid Ibex | End of life | 3G wireless; (server): VM builder, full java stack, directory encryption | 2008-10 | 2010-04 | ||
8.04 LTS | Hardy Henron | End of life | iSCSI, Gnome 2.22, OpenOffice 2.4 | 8.04.4 | 2008-04 | 2011-04 (2013 server) | |
7.10 | Gusty Gibbon | End of life | Compiz, Thunderbird 2.0, OpenOffice 2.3, NTFS-3G | 2007-10 | 2009-04 | ||
7.4 | Feisty Fawn | End of life | OpenOffice 2.2, PHP 5.2; Kernel support for VM | 2007-04 | 2008 | ||
6.06 | Drapper Drake | End of life | Firefox 1.5, Thunderbird 1.5, OpenOffice 2.0, MySQL; LAMP | 2006-06 | 2009 | ||
5.10 | Breezy Badger | End of life | PHP 5.0, Gnome 2.12; Boot grafico, Launchpad | 2005-10 | 2007 | ||
5.4 | Hoary Hedgehog | End of life | MySQL 4.1, Gnome 2.10; kickstart, stand-by | 2005-04 | 2006 | ||
4.10 | Warty Watlog | End of life | Linux 2.6.8; Firefox 1.0, Thunderbird 1.0, OpenOffice 1.1 | 2004-10 | 2006 |
Some Ubuntu versions are labeled LTS indicating Long Term Support. There are many variants: Kubuntu (KDE), Edubuntu (Educational), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE), ...
Most Ubuntu users use LTS releases. Updates are easy and can be automatic; to perform an upgrade use do-release-upgrade command.
Raspberry Pi OS is a free distribution based on Debian to be used with Raspberry Pi small single board computers. Raspberry is highly optimized for the Raspberry Pi single, little with ARM CPUs. The desktop is PIXEL (Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight) and it is based on LXDE.(Sources: Official site Release notes Wikipedia)
12 | bookworm | Pi 5 | Linux 6.1.21; GCC 12.2.0, APT 2.6.1, X Server 1.21.1; Wayland, PipeWire and NetworkManager replacing X11, PulseAudio, dhcpcd. Apps: Chromium 116, VLC 3.0.18, desktop on Wayland. | 2023-10 | 2024-11 | |
11 | bullseye | Linux 5.10.63-6.1.21; GCC 12.2.1, APT 2.2.4, X Server 1.20.11; Desupport: Flash Player, Scratch2. (2022-02): production 64bit version | 2021-01 | 2023-05 | ||
10 | buster | Pi 4, Pi Zero2W | Linux 4.19-5.10.63; GCC 8.3, APT 1.8.2-, X Server 7.7; Apps: Chromium 74, Flash 32, JDK 11. (2020-05): Raspberry Pi OS, 64bit beta version, many updates; (2021-05): Pi Zero 2W | 2019-06 | 2021-10 | |
9 | stretch | Pi 3+ | Linux 4.9-4.14; GCC 6.3, APT 1.4.6-1.4.9, X Server 7.7;
Apps: Chromium 60, Sonic Pi 3.0.1, RealVNC 6.1.1, NodeRED 0.17.4. (2018-04): Pi 3+ | 2017-08 | 2019-04 | |
8 | jessie | Pi 3, Pi ZeroW | Linux 4.1-4.9; GCC 4.9, APT, X Server 7.7; Apps: LibreOffice, Claws Mail, Greenfoot, BlueJ, Alacarte, Lxkeymap, scrot, tree, pip. (2016-02): Pi 3; (2017-03): Pi Zero W; | 2015-09 | 2017-07 | |
7 | wheezy | Pi1/1+, Pi2 | Linux 3.6-3.18; GCC 4.71, APT 0.9.7, X Server 7.7; (2015-02): Pi2; | 2013-09 | 2015-12 | |
Raspbian initial release based on a Debian port to Raspberry Pi | 2012-07 |
Raspberry Pi OS is available in three installable versions: * Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit & 64-bit): smallest image, 4 GiB microSD recommended * Raspberry Pi OS with desktop (32-bit & 64-bit): with PIXEL desktop, 8 GiB microSD recommended * Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software (32-bit): Libre Office, ... Generally images are preloaded on a SD card to speedup the installation process. Software is upgraded with Debian standard APT commands. The operating system is always back compatible with all HW models, 64bit versions can be used on Pi3 (2016) and newer: Pi Zero2, Pi4, ...
Red Hat [now owned by IBM 2018-10] is an Enterprise Level Linux distribution. It's available for Server (Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES (up to 2 CPU/16GB RAM)) or Desktop (Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS, Red Hat Desktop). RHEL AS or RHEL ES license costs depend on Support Level: Basic (ES), Standard (ES/AS), Premium Support (AS) With version 5: AS -> Advanced Platform; ES -> Base Server (limits: 2 CPU sockets, 4 virtual instances, no GFS and CS) With version 5.4 RH anticipated the support for KVM as an enterprise virtualization platform. One RHEL Advanced Platform license enables the support for all the hosted RH OS guests. Free Linux CentOS releases are very, very similar to Red Hat's (CentOS is released a bit later than RHEL). CentOS now is owned by Red Hat [2014]. Later on CentOS 8 Stream become an upstream distribution od RHEL [2021] and Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux become available. Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL or OL) is a close derivative of RHEL too: Oracle offers a standard RHEL but adds the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) and a public yum repository
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Oracle Enterprise Linux
Scientific Linux
Rocky Linux
(Sources: Red Hat
RHEL Life Cycle
Oracle Linux
Scientific Linux
Rocky Linux
RHEL 9 | Plow | Production | Kernel 5.14.0-70.13.1.
Based on CentOS Stream (Beta was on Fedora 34).
Inplace upgrade from 8.
Node.js 16, Perl 5.32, PHP 8.0, Python 3.9, Ruby 3.0;
Git 2.31, Subversion 1.14;
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.51, nginx 1.20;
Varnish Cache 6.6, Squid 5.2;
MariaDB 10.5, MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 13, Redis 6.2;
GCC 11.2.1, glibc 2.34, binutils 2.35.2;
java-17-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-1.8.0-openjdk. EUS (Extended Update Support).
(9.1 2022-11) Kernel version: 5.14.0-162.6.1 (9.2 2023-05) Kernel version: 5.14.0-284.11.1, EUS (9.3 2023-11) Kernel version: 5.14.0-362.8.1 (9.4 2024-04) Kernel version: 5.14.0-427.13.1, EUS (9.5 2024-11) Kernel version: 5.14.0-503.11.1, PostgreSQL 16 with pgvector extension | 9.4 EUS 9.5 | 2022-05 | 2027 (2032 MS2, 2035 EL) | Suggested |
RHEL 8 | Oopta | Production | Kernel 4.18.0-80.
Based on Fedora 28. Web console, Systemd 239, glibc-2.28, Gnome 3.28, PHP 7.2, Perl 5.26, Python 3.6, Node.js 10,
MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.3, PostgreSQL 10 (9.6 too), ...
(8.1 2019-11) Kernel version: 4.18.0-147, EUS (Extended Update Support) (8.2 2020-04) Kernel version: 4.18.0-193, EUS (8.3 2020-11) Kernel version: 4.18.0-240 (8.4 2021-05) Kernel version: 4.18.0-305, EUS (8.5 2021-11) Kernel version: 4.18.0-348 (8.6 2022-05) Kernel version: 4.18.0-372.9.1, EUS (8.7 2022-11) Kernel version: 4.18.0-425.3.1 (8.8 2023-05) Kernel version: 4.18.0-477.10.1, EUS (8.9 2023-11) Kernel version: 4.18.0-513.5.1 (8.10 2024-05) Kernel version: 4.18.0-553. Final | 8.10 | 2019-05 | 2024 (2029 MS2, 2032 EL) | Suggested |
RHEL 7 | Maipo | Production | Kernel 3.10.0-123.
Based on Fedora 20 with many different administration commands: if, systemctl, ...
iSCSI and FCoE in kernel space, XFS as default FS,
Open VMware tools, linux containers, ... In place upgrade from 6.x.
MariaDB instead of MySQL.
(7.1 2015-03) Kernel version: 3.10.0-229 (7.2 2015-11) Kernel version: 3.10.0-327 (7.3 2016-11) Kernel version: 3.10.0-514 (7.4 2017-07) Kernel version: 3.10.0-693 (7.5 2018-04) Kernel version: 3.10.0-862 (7.6 2018-10) Kernel version: 3.10.0-957 (7.7 2019-08) Kernel version: 3.10.0-1062 (7.8 2020-03) Kernel version: 3.10.0-1127 (7.9 2020-09) Kernel version: 3.10.0-1160. Final | 7.9 | 2014-06 | 2019 (2024 P3, 2028 EL) | Suggested |
RHEL 6 | Santiago | Production | Kernel 2.6.32-71.
New kernel with several optimizations for KVM, dracut support.
D language and Tango, Spice, ...
Scalability: support for more sockets, CPU, Memory, Storage, ...
Application Upgrade: MySQL 5.1, PostgreSQL 8.4, Apache 2.2, memcached, ...;
(6.1 2011-05) Kdump, USB 3, CPU/Mem Hot-add, clusterinf (KVM hosts, non-critical resources, SNMP, ...), ... (6.2 2011-12) Many Virtualization Optimizations, finer Resource Management (cgroup), ... (6.3 2012-06) Better performance on large systems, USB 3.0 (6.4 2013-02) Oracle ASMLib, memory managemnt enhancements; HAProxy, samba4 upgrade (6.5 2013-11) Kernel version: 2.6.32-431 (6.6 2014-10) Kernel version: 2.6.32-504. Fixes, updated drivers, JDK 8 (6.7 2015-07) Kernel version: 2.6.32-573 (6.8 2016-05) Kernel version: 2.6.32-642 (6.9 2017-03) Kernel version: 2.6.32-696 (6.10 2018-06) Kernel version: 2.6.32-754. Final | 6.10 | 2010-11 | 2016 (2020 P3, 2024 EL) | |
RHEL 5 | Tikanga | Production | Kernel 2.6.18.
Apache 2.2, PHP 5.1, MySQL 5.0.22, Firefox 1.5
... RHCS and GFS; (5.0 5.1 2007); (5.2 5.3 2008);
(5.4 2009) KVM full support, Hypervisor edition; (5.5 2010) new platform support (eg. Nehalem-EX, Magny-Cours, POWER7), Large memory management, Single Root I/O Virtualization, Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-D), PCI-passthrough, enhanched MS-Windows interoperability (eg. Server 2008 R2); (5.6 2011-01) libvirt 0.8.2, sVirt, para-virtualized Drivers (virtio), global clock sync, ext4, PHP 5.3 (5.7 2011-07) GFS2 fixes (5.8 2012-02) Entitlement (5.9 2013-01) Fixes (5.11 2014-09) Fixes, updated HW support, kernel version: 2.6.18-398. Final | 5.11 | 2007-03 | 2013 (2017 P3, 2020 EL) | |
RHEL 4 | Nahant | Production 3 | Kernel 2.6.9, up to 32 x86 CPU, up to 8 AMD or Power CPU, 8 TB max filesize, Gnome 2.8, Firefox, ... | 4.9 | 2005-02 | 2009 (2012 P3, 2015 EL) | |
RHEL 3 | Taroon | Production 3 | Kernel 2.4.21, up to 16 x86 CPU, up to 8 AMD or Power CPU, Gnome 2.2, Mozilla, ... | 3.9 | 2003-09 | 2006 (2010 P3, 2014 EL) | |
RHEL 2.1 | Pensacola Panama | Unsupported | Kernel 2.4.9, up to 8 x86 CPU, 1 TB max filesize, Gnome 2.0, Netscape, ... | 2.1 upd 7 | 2002-05 | 2004 (2009 P3, 2012 EL) |
CentOS versions followed Red Hat versions since 2.1. In 2020-12 Red Hat announced the desupport of CentOS 8 to move to CentOS Stream 8, which tracks ahead of a current Red Hat version. Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux are now [NdA 2021] the two downstream build alternatives as CentOS was been previously.
Oracle Linux (OEL/OL) versions are the same of RHEL
(since OEL 4.4 on 2017-06) but they use the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
(UEK) available since OEL 5.5.
The following table reports UEK releases:
Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel
Oracle Linux 6
Oracle Linux 7
Oracle Linux 8
Oracle Linux 9
HW Certification List
Cool S.Coter's OL/UEK matrix)
uname -r |
UEK R7 | 5.15.0 | 5.15.0-100 | Upd. 3 | Based on 5.15 LTS linux kernel. Requires OEL 8.5+, default for OEL 8.7+, 9+. | 2022-06 |
UEK R6 | 5.4.17-2011 | 5.4.17-2136 | Upd. 3 | Linux 5.4. OEL 7.7, OEL 8.1. Improved support for the Arm. | 2020-03 |
UEK R5 | 4.14.35 | 4.14.35-2047.500 | Upd. 5 | OEL 7.5 x86-64 or sup. ARM support, ambient capability mask, xz kernel compression, HMM support, KVM full support, KVM backports from 4.15 kernel. Desupport: OL6 | 2018-06 |
UEK R4 | 4.1.12 | 4.1.12-124 | Upd. 7 | x86_64 only. OEL 6.5, OEL 7.0 or sup. | 2016-01 |
UEK R3 | 3.8.13 | 3.8.13-118 | Upd. 7 | x86_64 only. OEL 6.5, OEL 7.0 or sup. DTrace, Linux containers (LXC), Control Groups (cgroups), TCP fast open (TFO), Intel Ivy Bridge (IVB) processor support | 2013-10 |
UEK R2 | 2.6.39 | 3.0.16 | Upd. 5 | OEL 5.8, OEL 6.2 or sup. Not supported on OL7. Scheduler tuning for Java workloads, transmit packet steering (XPS) | 2012-03 |
UEK | 2.6.32 | 2.6.32 | Same kernel base of RHEL 6. Performance optimizations: IRQ balancing, reduced kernel lock contention, receive packet steering and RDS improvements, improved virtual memory performance | 2010-09 |
An important feature of Red Hat/CentOS/OEL is the automatic update of all the packages configured in the target system. Changing Red Hat major version (eg. 5 -> 6) is much more complex and must be planned.
Red Hat contribute to Open Source community with a GPL product: Fedora (since 2003; previously Red Hat Linux). Fedora and Enterprise Linux (and now CentOS Stream) are related:
Fedora 34 - CentoOS Stream | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 |
Fedora 28 - CentoOS Stream | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 |
Fedora 20 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 |
Fedora 13 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 |
Fedora Core 6 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 |
Fedora Core 3 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 |
Red Hat Linux 9 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 |
Red Hat Linux 7.2 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 |
Red Hat Linux 6.2 | Red Hat Linux 6.2E |
(Sources: Fedora
EOL releases
Fedora 40 | Production | 2024-04 | |||||
Fedora 39 | Production | 2023-11 | 2024-11 | ||||
Fedora 38 | Old | Kernel 6.2, Gnome 44, KDE Plasma 5.27 | 2023-04 | 2024-04 | |||
Fedora 37 | Old | Kernel 6.0, Gnome 43 | 2022-11 | 2023-11 | |||
Fedora 36 | Old | Kernel 5.17 | 2022-05 | 2023-05 | |||
Fedora 35 | Old | Kernel 5.14 | 2021-11 | 2022-12 | |||
Fedora 34 | Old | Kernel 5.11 | 2021-04 | 2022-06 | |||
Fedora 33 | Old | Kernel 5.8. Fermium. Node.js 14 | 2020-10 | 2021-11 | |||
Fedora 32 | Old | 2020-05 | 2021-05 | ||||
Fedora 31 | Old | CgroupsV2 | 2019-10 | 2020-11 | |||
Fedora 30 | Old | 2019-04 | 2020-05 | ||||
Fedora 29 | Old | 2018-10 | 2019-11 | ||||
Fedora 28 | Old | 2018-05 | 2019-05 | ||||
Fedora 27 | Old | 2017-11 | 2018-11 | ||||
Fedora 26 | Old | Kernel 4.11, aarch64 48-bit, DNF 2.0, OpenSSL 1.1.0, OpenVPN 2.4.3, OverlayFS for Docker, Python 3.6, PHP 7.1, Gnome 3.24 | 2017-07 | 2018-05 | |||
Fedora 25 | Old | Kernel 4.8, Gnome 3.22 | 2016-11 | 2017-12 | |||
Fedora 24 | Old | Kernel 4.5 | 2016-06 | 2017-08 | |||
Fedora 23 | Old | Kernel 4.2 | 2015-05 | 2016-12 | |||
Fedora 22 | Old | Kernel 4.0 | 2016-07 | ||||
Fedora 21 | Twenty One | Old | Kernel 3.17.
Cloud product with OpenStack images, AMI for Amazon, ... Server product can work as domain controller. Workstation product: Gnome 3.14 | 2014-12 | 2015-12 | ||
Fedora 20 | Heisenbug | Old | Kernel 3.10/3.11 | 2013-12 | 2015-06 | ||
Fedora 19 | Schrodinger's Cat | Old | Kernel 3.9; OpenStack Grizzly, MariaDB (instead of MySQL), LibreOffice 4, Puppet 3.x, Scratch, Node.js, PHP 5.5 | 2013-07 | 2015-01 | ||
Fedora 18 | Spherical Cow | Old | Kernel 3.6.0; firewalld as default | 2013-01 | 2014-01 | ||
Fedora 17 | Beefy Miracle | Old | Kernel 3.3.4; | 2012-05 | 2013-07 | ||
Fedora 16 | Verne | Old | Kernel 3.1.0; BTRFS as defauld FS; Obsoleting HAL; Cloud: Cloudstack, Aeolus, GlusterFS | 2011-11 | 2013-02 | ||
Fedora 15 | Lovelock | Old | Kernel 2.6.42; LZMA for live images; systemd (instead of SysVinit) | 2011-05 | 2012-06 | ||
Fedora 14 | Laughlin | Old | Kernel 2.6.35;
KDE 4.5; Perl 5.12, Python 2.7, Ruby 1.8.7, D programming, Eclipse Helios; EC2, Spice
==>RHEL 6 | 2010-11 | 2012 | ||
Fedora 13 | Goddard | Old | Kernel 2.6.33 KDE 4.4, Gnome 2.30; Phyton 3; many KVM/VirtIO improvements | 2010-05 | 2011 | ||
Fedora 12 | Constantine | Old | Kernel 2.6.31/2.6.32; KDE 4.3; KVM memory management (Huge Pages); Gnome 2.28, KDE 4.3/4.4; PHP 5.3, Perl 6 | 2009-11 | 2010 | ||
Fedora 11 | Leonidas | Old | Kernel 2.6.29; Gnome 2.26, KDE 4.2; 3.1; GCC 4.4, Python 2.6, Eclipse 3.4.2 | 2009-06 | 2010 | ||
Fedora 10 | Cambridge | Old | Kernel 2.6.27; ext4; Gnome 2.24, KDE 4.1, LXDE; 3.0 | 2008-11 | 2009 | ||
Fedora 9 | Sulphur | Old | Kernel 2.6.25; Gnome 2.22, KDE 4.0; OpenJDK, Perl 5.10; Firefox 3.0 | 2008-05 | 2009 | ||
Fedora 8 | Werewolf | Old | Kernel 2.6.23; iceTea (JDK); laptop support | 2007-11 | 2008 | ||
Fedora 7 | Moonshine | Old | Kernel 2.6.21; "Core" and community "Extras" packages merged; Gnome 2.18, KDE 3.5; 2.2, Firefox 2.0; Live CD | 2007-03 | 2008 | ||
Fedora Core 6 | Zod | Old | Kernel 2.6.18; Firefox 1.5
==>RHEL 5 | 2006-10 | 2007 | ||
Fedora Core 5 | Bordeaux | Old | Kernel 2.6.15; Mono | 2006-03 | 2007 | ||
Fedora Core 4 | Stentz | Old | Kernel 2.6.11; Xen; Gnome 2.10, KDE 3.4; Open Office 2.0; HW+=powerpc | 2005-06 | 2006 | ||
Fedora Core 3 | Heidelberg | Old | Kernel 2.6.9; Gnome 2.8, KDE 3.3; Mozzilla; GRUB
==>RHEL 4 | 2004-11 | 2006 | ||
Fedora Core 2 | Tettnang | Old | Kernel 2.6.5; Gnome 2.6, KDE 3.2; SELinux; | 2004-05 | 2006 | ||
Fedora Core 1 | Yarrow | Old | Kernel 2.4.19; based on Red Hat Linux 9; Gnome 2.4, KDE 3.1; XFree86; LILO | 2003-11 | 2004 |
Fedora tipically contains cutting edge features and packages that will be available later on RHEL. Fedora releases are 2 in one year and supported for less than 2 years: it changes fast.
SLES, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the Unix system distribuited by Novell(Source: SUSE Lifecycle Release Date Wikipedia)SLES is targeted for servers (SLED is the Desktop edition). SLES is known to be very stable and very well supported.
SUSE 15 | Production | Kernel 4.12.14. (SP2) Kernel 5.3.18. | 15 SP6 | 2018-07 | 2028 | |
SUSE 12 | Production | Kernel 3.12.60. (SP1 2016-01) Kernel 3.12.67. (SP2 2016-11) Kernel 4.4.21 | 12 SP5 | 2014-10 | 2024 | |
SUSE 11 | Production | Kernel 2.6.27; OCFS; Mono 2.0
(SP1 2010-06) Kernel 2.6.32 (SP2 2012-02) Kernel 3.0.10 (SP3 2013-07) Kernel 3.0.76. GCC 4.3.4, glibc 2.11.3, perl 5.10, php 5.3, python 2.6.8, ruby 1.8.7 (SP4 2015-07) | 11 SP4 | 2009-03 | 2019 | |
SUSE Linux 10 | Old | Xen Virtualization 3.2 | 10 SP4 | 2005-10 | 2013 | |
SUSE Linux 9 | Old | Kernel 2.6 | 9 SP4 | 2003-10 | 2011 | |
SuSE Linux 8 | Old | autoYaST | 8 SP2 | 2002-04 | ||
SuSE Linux 3/94 | Old | First release derived from Slackware | 1994-03 |
OpenSUSE offers both Tumbleweed rolling releases and Leap SLES bases releases.
Alpine is a free GNU/Linux distribution based on musl (instead of glibc) and busybox designed for security and efficiency. Alpine is widely used in containers.(Sources: Alpine Wikipedia)
Edge | Dev | Rolling development release | ||||
3.21 | Production | Kernel 6.12, GNOME 47, KDE 6.2, llvm 19. | 3.21.2 | 2024-12 | 2026-12 | |
3.20 | Production | Kernel 6.6, GNOME 46, KDE 6, llvm 18. | 3.20.5 | 2024-05 | 2026-05 | |
3.19 | Production | Kernel 6.6, GNOME 45, KDE Plasma 5.112, llvm 17, nodejs 20.10, openjdk 21. Raspberry Pi 5 support. | 3.19.6 | 2023-12 | 2025-12 | |
3.18 | Production | Kernel 6.1, GNOME 44, KDE Plasma 5.27 | 3.18.11 | 2023-05 | 2025-05 | |
3.17 | Production | bash 5.2, llvm 15, GNOME 43, OpenSSL 3.0. Deprecation: PHP 8.0 | 3.17.10 | 2022-11 | 2024-11 | |
3.16 | Production | Better support for NVMe devices, llvm 13, nodejs 18.2, openjdk 17, GNOME 42. Desupport: php7, pyton2 | 3.16.9 | 2022-05 | 2024-05 | |
3.15 | Production | Linux kernel 5.15, llvm 12, nodejs 16.13, openjdk 17. Deprecation: sudo (doas), php7. Desupport: MIPS64 | 3.15.11 | 2021-11 | 2023-11 | |
3.14 | Production | Node.js 14.17.0 | 3.14.10 | 2021-06 | 2023-05 | |
3.13 | Production | Linux 5.10.7. Node.js 14.15.4 | 3.13.12 | 2021-01 | 2022-11 | |
3.12 | Production | Linux 5.4.43. Node.js 12.16.3, LLVM 10.0.0 | 3.12.12 | 2020-05 | 2022-05 | |
3.11 | Production | Linux 5.4.5. LLVM 9.0.0, PostgreSQL 12.1 | 3.11.12 | 2019-12 | 2021-11 | |
3.10 | Production | Linux 4.19.53. GCC 8.3.0, Busybox 1.30.1, musl libc 1.1.22, LLVM 8.0.0, OpenJDK 11.0.4 | 3.10.9 | 2019-06 | 2021-05 | |
3.9 | Production | Kernel 4.19 | 3.9.6 | 2019-06 | 2021-01 | |
3.8 | Production | Kernel 4.14 | 3.8.2 | 2018-06 | 2020-05 | |
3.7 | Production | Kernel 4.9 | 3.7.0 | 2017-11 | 2019-11 | |
3 | Old | (3.2 2015-05): kernel 3.18. | 3.6.2 | 2014-06 | 2019-05 | |
2 | Old | 2.7 | 2010-08 | 2015-11 |
postmarketOS is an Alpine fork for Mobile.
Updates are easy: apk update; apk upgrade
A very good reference for Linux distro is Distrowatch...
My favourite distro (not listed yet) are:
Knoppix (live CD/DVD) [9.1],
BackTrack (security/intrusion) [5 R3]
now Kali Linux [2023.3],
Tiny Core [14.0],
DEFT (forensics) [2018.2],
Vyatta [6.5] now VyOS [1.2.9-S1].
Other very important Linux distributions are:
Gentoo [weekly builds],
Slackware [15.0],
Linux Mint [21.1 Vera],
now OpenMandriva Lx [4.3],
Mageia [8],
Photon OS [5.0],
Fedora CoreOS [38],
and last but not least
FreeBSD [13.1].
macOS is the Apple Unix OS for Apple Mac Hardware. The core component (kernel and base utilities) is called Darwin. Called MAC OS X from 10.8 the name became OS X only; then from 10.12 macOS.(Sources: macOS Latest versions Wikipedia Mac OSX Wikipedia Darwin Security Updates endoflife )
15 | Sequoia | Production | iPhone continuity, windows tiling, Passwords app, ... (2024-10 15.1): Apple Intelligence (Apple silicon only, in EU on 2025-04), iPhone Mirroring | 15.3.1 | 2024-09 | ||
14 | Sonoma | Production | Widget on desktop, screen savers, iPhone APP sharing, conferencing, ... | 14.7.4 | 2023-09 | ||
13 | Ventura | Production |
Stage Manager, delayed emails, iPhone as Webcam, Passkey, ...
Requires 8GB RAM, many desupported models. | 13.7.4 | 2022-10 | ||
12 | Monterey | Production | Universal Control, Focus, Shortcuts, improvements in: Safari and FaceTime. (2022-08 12.5.1): CVE-2022-32893, CVE-2022-32894. | 12.7.6 | 2021-10 | 2024-09 | |
11 | Big Sur | Production | M1 ARM chip support. Control Center, Notification Center, renewed graphics and sounds, improvements in many bundled applications: Safari, Messages, Maps, Photos, ... | 11.7.10 | 2020-11 | 2023-09 | |
10.15 | Catalina | Production | 4GB RAM required. Bundled apps for music, video, and podcasts instead of iTunes, Sidecar to connect an iPad. Desupport: 32bit APPs. | 10.15.7 | 2019-10 | 2022-09 | |
10.14 | Mojave | Production | Dark mode, Stacks, iOS APPs, final version for 32-bit APP. Apps enhanchements: FaceTime, AppStore, Safari. | 10.14.6 SU2 | 2018-09 | 2021-10 | |
10.13 | High Sierra | Production | APFS as default, HEVC support, Metal2. Apps enhanchements: Photo, Safari, Siri, Notes. | 10.13.6 | 2017-09 | 2020-12 | |
10.12 | Sierra | Production | Siri, interaction with different devices. | 10.12.6 | 2016-09 | 2019-10 | |
10.11 | El Capitan | Production | Faster and safer, Windows split, Spotlight improvements (move, resize, AI), ... | 10.11.6 | 2015-09 | 2018-12 | |
10.10 | Yosemite | Production | Continuity and handoff, new notification center, new spotlight, better integration with iOS (8.1 for best results), changed fonts and graphics. (10.10.4 2015-06) Apple Music | 10.10.5 | 2014-10 | 2017-08 | |
10.9 | Mavericks | Production | Free upgrade! Darwin 13. Enhanced multi-display support
(eg. Dock on each display), energy saving (using timer coaleshing);
Enhanced APPs: Finder with tab and tags, Safari 7.0, ... New APPs: Maps, iBook
(10.9.1 2013-12) bug fixing: performance, stability, gmail (10.9.2 2014-02) bug fixing: SSL, mail (10.9.3 2014-05) 4K screen support, safari 7.0.3, USB sync (reintroduced) (10.9.4 2014-07) safari 7.0.5, fixes (10.9.5 2014-09) XCode upgrade for iOS 8, fixes | 10.9.5 | 2013-10 | 2016-12 | |
10.8 | Mountain Lion | Production | iOS 5 features: iMessages, Game Center, Facebook and twitter integration, ... Darwin 12.0 | 10.8.5 | 2012-07 | ||
10.7 | Lion | Production | 2GB RAM required, 64bit only. Launchpad (like iOS), Mission Control, document autosave, hiding scrollbars, iCloud. Darwin 11.4 | 10.7.5 | 2011-07 | ||
10.6 | Snow Leopard | Production | Darwin 10.x => Mac OS X 10.6.x; Better performances (eg. 64 drivers); XCode up to 3.2; 2GB RAM required. Desupport: PowerPC; (10.6.4): Safari 5.0; (10.6.6): Mac App Store; (10.6.8) Easy migration to Lion | 10.6.8 | 2009-08 | ||
10.5 | Leopard | Production | Darwin 9.0; Dtrace, ZFS (ro); Many new features: Time Machine, Spaces, Boot Camp, full 64-bit support; Apache 2.2, PHP 5; POSIX UNIX 3 cert.; Desupport: G3 processor | 10.5.8 | 2007-10 | ||
10.4 | Tiger | Production | 10.4.11 | 2005-04 | |||
10.3 | Panther | Production | 10.3.9 | 2003-10 | |||
10.2 | Jaguar | Production | GCC 3.1; IPv6, IPSec; CUPS; Ruby, Python | 10.2.8 | 2002-08 | ||
10.1 | Puma | Production | 10.1.5 | 2001-09 | |||
10.0 | Cheetah | Production | 10.0.4 | 2001-03 | |||
Kodiak | Beta | Public Beta | 2000-09 | ||||
1.0 | Hera | Production | MAX OS X Server based on NeXTSTEP | 1.2v3 | 1999 |
Software patches are automatic. Upgrades take some time.
AIX is the IBM proprietary Unix Operating System. It's a powerful one and supports the IBM hardware like P690 the EL box on P4+, 570 on P5; P595, P575; P750, P780 on P7, ... AIX offers DLPAR (dynamic logical partitioning), WPAR, a powerful JFS, a fully featured SMITTY, ...(Sources: IBM official site TL release dates Wikipedia)
AIX 7.3 | Production | Power 10 support, POWER8 or newer, Matrix Math Accelerator (MMA) for AI on Power10 | 7.3 TL2 | 2022-12 | Suggested | |
AIX 7.2 | Production | POWER7 or newer CPUs, live kernel update | 7.2 TL5 | 2015-12 | ||
AIX 7.1 | Production | 256 cores/1024 threads support; WPAR can host a AIX 5.2 guest; VIOS and FC on WPAR | 7.1 TL5 | 2010-09 | 2023-04 | |
AIX 6.1 | Production | Live Application Mobility, Workload Partitions; Power 6 support; Power 3 desupport | 6.1 TL9 | 2007-11 | 2017-04 | |
AIX 5L 5.3 | Production | Micro-partitioning (up to 10 LPAR per CPU), Virtual SCSI | TL 12 | 2004-08 | 2012-04 | |
AIX 5L 5.2 | Production | Power 5 support. DLPAR Macro-partitioning (1 LPAR per CPU).
Desupport: Microchannel, ISA bus | 2002-10 | 2009 | ||
AIX 5L 5.1 | Production | Security improvements. Web-based System Manager. New HW support | 2001-05 | 2006 | ||
AIX 5L | Production | 2000-10 | ||||
AIX 4.3 | Production | 4.3.3 | 1997-10 | |||
AIX 4.2 | File >2GB | |||||
AIX 4.1 | File System >2GB | 1994 | ||||
AIX 3.1 | 1990 | |||||
AIX/RT 2 | UNIX System V | 1986 |
HP-UX is the Unix OS developed by HP for its hardware platforms on RISC PA and Itanium processors (eg. Superdome, RP-8400, ...). HP-UX is available for different OE (Operating Enviroment): HP-UX 11i v3 BOE: Base (like FOE+TCOE) HP-UX 11i v3 VSE-OE: Virtualization Server (virtualization SW+EOE) HP-UX 11i v3 HA-OE: High Availability (Serviceguard) HP-UX 11i v3 DC-OE: Data Center (fully featured) Before were used: FOE: Foundation OE: base version (with Apache, Tomcat, Mozilla) EOE: Enterprise OE: FOE + GlancePlus, Online JFS MCOE: Mission Critical: EOE + ServiceGuard, Workload Manager TCOE: Techincal Computing OE HP-UX has VPAR (virtual partitioning) and NPAR (physical partitioning), WLM (workload manager) and PRM (process resource manager), iCOD (CPU on demand), a very robust LVM (logical volume manager), ...(Source: HP HP-UX Wikipedia)
11i v3 | Production | Multipath, Veritas ClusterFS, Virtualization; Itanium only: Hyperthreading
(Upd 9 2011-09): Superdome2 32-socket support up to 4TB RAM, Containers 3.0 (Upd 14 2015-03): from this release one update per year | 11.31 upd 16 | 2007-02 | 2025 | Suggested |
11i v2 | Production | Itanium2, ccNUMA; (2004): PA support | 11.23 | 2003-09 | 2015 | |
11i v1.6 | Production | Itanium, Itanium2 only | 11.22 | 2002-06 | 2015 | |
11i v1.5 | Production | Itanium only | 11 | 2001-06 | Not suggested | |
11i v1 | Production | NPAR, gigabit ethernet, dynamic kernel tuning | 11.11 | 2000-06 | 2015 | |
11 | Unsupported | 64-bit addressing, SMP, FC | 1997-11 | 2005 | ||
10.30 | Unsupported | Kernel threads (1x1 model), y2k compliant | 10.30 | 1997-08 | ||
10.20 | Unsupported | PA-RISC PA2.0 (64-bit register) | 10.20 | 1996-08 | 2003 | |
10 | Unsupported | Support for 700 (WS) and 800 (Server), SVR4 like directory structure, LVM for all platforms | 10.10 | 1996-02 | ||
9.0 | Unsupported | SAM, LVM (Logical Volume Manager) | 1992 | |||
8.0 | Unsupported | Shared lib | 1991 | |||
7.0 | Unsupported | Motif | 1989 | |||
1.0 | Unsupported | 1986 |
Applying OS patches is generally easy. Upgrading the operating system is more complex (compatibility iussues). Binary compatibility is generally granted (not from PA to Itanium!).
Solaris/SunOS is the Unix OS from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle). It's an important Unix system who introduced several innovations (eg. Yellow pages, NFS, DTrace, ZFS, ...). Of course Solaris/SunOS support both SUN Sparc processors and Intel ones.(Sources: Solaris Official Site Wikipedia)
11 | Production | SunOS 5.11. Full virtualization support (OS, network, storage), Zones and ZFS as default,
read-only Zones, ZFS with deduplication,
Cloud management, Image Packaging System (pkg)
HW: + SPARC T4 - UltraSPARC II, III, IV, Intel 32-bit
(11.1): up to 32 TB RAM, up to 1000 processors; optimized interface to Oracle SGA, Cloud management (11.2): OpenStack, puppet, elastic virtual switch (11.3): live migration of zones, Infiniband for kernel zones, ZFS LZ4, OpenStack Juno (11.4): bundled software (eg. MySQL 5.7, Oracle instant client 12.2, ...), cloudbase-init, | 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 | 2011-11 2012-10 2014-04 2015-10 2018-08 | 2034-11 | |
11 Express | Production | SunOS 5.11; Containers, network virtualization, ZFS deduplication | 11/10 | 2010-11 | 2034-11 | |
Solaris 10 | Production | SunOS 5.10. Container/Zones (virtualization), DTrace, NFS v4,
AMD and x86 processor full support;
(6/06 U2): ZFS (advanced FS) (8/07 U4): iSCSI, Samba with AD, containers for Linux (5/09 U7): Nehalem, containers cloning using ZFS (9/10 U9): P2Zone | 8/11 (U10) | 2005-01 | 2021-01 | |
Solaris 9 | Production | Resource management, SVM (solaris volume manager), 1x1 thread model as default | 9/05 | 2002-05 | 2014 | |
Solaris 8 | Production | Freeware version available, CPC (cyclic page cache), forced unmount, IPv5, IPsec, enhanched thread library | 8 2/04 | 2000 | 2012 | |
Solaris 7 | Unsupported | 64-bit kernel, 64-bit procs, UFS log | 7 11/99 | 1998 | 2008 | |
Solaris 2.6 | Unsupported | Large files, Processor sets, UFS directIO | 2.6 | 1997 | 2006 | |
Solaris 2.5 | Unsupported | SunOS 5.5. NFS v3, large kernel pages, UltraSPARC | 2.5.1 | 1995 | 2003 | |
Solaris 2.4 | Unsupported | SunOS 5.4. First SPARC/x86 version, 20-way SMP, CDE | 2.4 | 1994 | 2003 | |
Solaris 2.0 | Unsupported | VFS, SunOS 5.0, Many System V enhanchements; (1992): Intel edition | 2.3 | 1992 | 2002 | |
SunOS 4 | Unsupported | First Solaris version | 4.1.4 | 1991 | 2003 | |
SunOS 1 | Unsupported | Based on BSD 4.1 | 1982 |
OSF/1 is the original name of the Unix OS designed by Dec for their powerful Alpha processor. The name changed to Digital UNIX after the X/Open standard adoption. The name changed to Compaq Tru64 after Compaq's purchase. Later on HP puchased Compaq and Tru64 will not have an evolution but only maintenance releases. Tru64 is a powerful Unix system: AdvFS, 64-bit complete support, cluster file system, ...
Tru64 5.1 | Production | ES80, GS* new cc-NUMA system support, Capacity on Demand, IPv6, cluster enhanchements | 5.1B-3 | 2000 | ||
Tru64 5.0 | Unsupported | Cluster File System | 1999 | |||
Compaq Tru64 4.0 | Unsupported | NFS on TCP, X11R6, CDE, PCMCIA, SCSI Dynamic Device Recognition; (4.0A): AlphaServer 8200, 8400 support | 4.0G | 1996 | 2000 | |
Digital Unix | Unsupported | 1995 | ||||
OSF/1 1.2 | Unsupported | BSD flavour with Mach kernel. Alpha processor support. | 1.3 | 1992 |
Tru64 is in phase-out. You must migrate to an other OS. It is not easy since it has several unique features...
Microsoft produces MS-Windows Operating System for both Client and Server Environments. Name changes, releases and patches are very frequent. Sometimes there are problems with stability... but the OS is very feature rich. Each version has several editions with different functionalities and prices.(Sources: Wikipedia Microsoft product lifecycle)
Windows 11 | Production | New look and feel, widgets, snap layouts | NT 10.0.22631 | 2021-10 | Client | |
Windows Server 2022 | Production | Enhanced security, Advanced Storage functions (easy migration to Azure), ... | NT 10.0.20348 | 2021-08 | Server | |
Windows Server 2019 | Production | Admin Center, Advanced Threat Protection; Kubernetes, Linux containers | NT 10.0.17763 | 2018-11 | 2024 2029 ES | Server |
Windows Server 2016 | Production | PowerShell 5.1, IIS 10 with HTTP/2 support, Windows Server Containers, rolling Hyper-V cluster update, ... | NT 10.0.14393 | 2016-10 | 2022 2027 ES | Server |
Windows 10 | Production | Action center, Start menu, Cortana voice assistant, Project Spartan browser. | NT 10.0.19045 | 2015-07 | 2020 2025 ES | Client |
Windows Server 2012 | Production | Metro UI, Power shell 3.0, IE 10, USB 3 (Windows Server 2012 R2 2013-10) NT 6.3. Power shell 4.0 | NT 6.3 | 2012-09 | 2018 2023-10 ES | Server |
Windows 8 | Production | Metro UI, Power shell 3.0, IE 10, USB 3.
(8.1 2013-10) NT 6.3. Updated user interface and desktop, update App set.
(8.0 2016-01) Desupport. | NT 6.3 | 2012-10 | 2018 2023-01 ES | Client |
Windows Server 2008 R2 | Production | 64 bit only, many virtualization features (eg. Hyper.V live migration), IIS 7.5, Active Directory new features | NT 6.1 SP1 | 2009-10 | 2013 2020 ES | Server |
Windows 7 | Production | Stabler and better performances then Vista; Superbar, new shell | NT 6.1 SP1 | 2009-10 | 2015 2020 ES | Client |
Windows Server 2008 | Production | Improved security, .NET Framework 3.0, CPU and Memory Plug and Play | NT 6.0 SP2 | 2008-02 | 2013 2018 ES | Server |
Windows Vista | Production | New 3D desktop (Aero available in Home Premium Edition) | 6.0 SP2 | 2007-01 | 2012 2017 ES | Client BAD |
Windows 2003 | Production | More scaleable and better performances, New IIS Server, better NT 4 compatibility, AD Enhancements. | 5.2 SP2 | 2003 | 2015 ES | Server |
Windows XP | Production | Home and Professional editions | 5.1 SP3 | 2001 | 2014 ES | Client |
Windows 2000 | Production | Professional and Server editions; Active Directory, Plug and Play, USB | 5.0 SP4 R1 v2 | 2000 | 2010 ES | |
Windows Me | Production | Based on Windows 98 | 4.90.3000 | 2000 | 2006 | Client |
Windows 98 | Production | Based on Windows 95 | 4.10.2222A | 1998 | 2006 | Client |
Windows NT 4 | Production | Last major release of NT to support the Alpha, MIPS or PowerPC architectures | 4.0 SP 6a | 1996 | 2004 | Server |
Windows 95 | Production | SR 2.5 | 1995 | 2001 | Client | |
Windows NT 3.51 | Production | 1995 | Server | |||
Windows 1 | Production | 1.01 | 1985 | Client |
If You do not costantly update the system with the latest patches the risk of a security break is very high.
There are several OS that are installed on mobile phones.
Smartphone generally indicate a powerful,
feature rich (eg. multitasking, touch screen,
WiFi, GPS, ...) phone on which You can install
downloadable custom Apps.
Among others:
Apple iOS,
Google Android,
Microsoft Microsoft Phone,
Microsoft Microsoft Mobile,
Nokia Symbian OS,
Nokia Maemo,
RIM BlackBerry,
HP PalmOS,
Amazon Kindle,
iOS (previously iPhone OS) is the operating system for iPhones (for iPad, iPod, Apple TV and Apple Watch) developed by Apple. iOS derives from MAC OS X.(Source: Apple iOS Wikipedia)
18 | Production | Initial release for iPhone 16. Rich Communication Services (RCS), Passwords, ... (18.1) Apple Intelligence (for 15 Pro+). | 18.3.1 | 2024-09 | ||
17 | Production | Initial release for iPhone 15. Automatic standby mode, wallpaper improvements, interactive widgets, ... | 17.7.2 | 2023-09 | ||
16 | Production | Initial release for iPhone 14. Lock Screen. Focus. Messages, Mail, Home. Passkeys, ... | 16.7.10 | 2022-09 | 2024-08 | Final for iPhone 8, X |
15 | Production | Initial release for iPhone 13. Focus, FaceTime, Notifications, ... | 15.8.3 | 2021-09 | 2024-07 | Final for iPhone 6S/6S Plus, iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone SE 1st |
14 | Production | Widgets, App library, several core App updates (14.1 2020-10): initial release for iPhone 12 | 14.8.1 | 2020-12 | 2021-10 | |
13 | Production | Optimized battery charging. Dark mode, new emoji, video resolution and framerate in Camera (13.5 2020-05): COVID-19 tracking API | 13.7 | 2019-09 | 2020-09 | |
12 | Production | Stocks, more battery information; Enhancements: Books, Measure, Compass (12.1 2018-10): dual SIM for X models (12.5.6 2022-08): security fixes | 12.5.7 | 2018-09 | 2019-10 | Final for iPhone 5S, iPhone 6/6 Plus |
11 | Production | Augmented Reality, Machine Learning; Enhancements: Control Center, AppStore, Siri, Camera, Photo, Maps | 11.4.1 | 2017-09 | 2018-09 | |
10 | Production | Built-in icons hiding, Siri APPs integration, new lock/unlock, camera magnifier | 10.3.4 | 2016-09 | 2019-07 | Final for iPhone 5, 5C |
9.3 | Production | 9.3.6 | 2016-03 | 2019-07 | Final for iPhone 4S | |
9.2 | Production | 9.2.1 | 2015-12 | 2016-01 | ||
9.1 | Production | iPad Pro support. New emoji, several fixes in many Apps | 9.1 | 2015-10 | ||
9.0 | Production | iPhone 6S; Apple Pay; enhanched inApps: Siri, Notes, Maps, ...; Car Play | 9.0.2 | 2015-09 | ||
8.4 | Production | Apple Music and Beat 1 Radio (8.4.1 2015-08): fixes | 8.4.1 | 2015-06 | 2015-08 | |
8.3 | Production | Upgrade APP: messages, WiFi, Keyboard with emoticons, Safari tabs, Control Center, ... | 8.3 | 2015-04 | ||
8.2 | Production | Apple Watch support. Health App improvements. | 8.2 | 2015-03 | ||
8.1 | Production | Mac integration (Yosemite): Instant Hotspot, SMS messages, iCloud. Apple Pay (US only), ...
Initial for iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3. | 8.1.3 | 2014-10 | ||
8 | Production | New keyboard, family sharing, improved multidevice sharing, health, new messaging interface, Apple Watch support, better security, ... | 8.0.2 | 2014-09 | ||
7.1 | Production | Refined user interface, Siri listens as "walkie-talkie", CarPlay, HDR Photo on 5S, better responsiveness also on old devices. | 7.1.2 | 2014-03 | 2014-06 | Final for iPhone 4 |
7.0 | Production | Control Center, AirDrop for iOS, and smarter multitasking.
64bit support for A7 for iPhone 5S. Touch ID. Over-the-air cellular download limit increased up to 100MB.
(7.0.3): bug fixing (lockscreen, iMessage). (7.0.4): bug fixing
Programming for iOS 7 requires Xcode 5.0 which requires OS X 10.8.4 | 7.0.4 | 2013-09 | Compatible with iPhone 4 to iPhone 5x; iPod touch 5th; iPad 2, iPad Retina, iPad mini | |
6.0 | Production | Passbook, FaceTime, Siri (italian too), Apple Maps (Google Maps were better), Panoramic Photos (iPhone 5 and 4S only). Based on Darwin kernel 13.0 | 6.1.6 | 2012-09 | 2014-02 | Final for iPhone 3GS |
5.1 | Production | First released on new iPad (3rd generation) | 5.1.1 | 2012-03 | 2012-05 | Final for iPad 2 |
5.0 | Production | First released on iPhone 4S. iCloud, Notification Center, Siri. Based on Darwin kernel 11.0. (5.0.1): better battery usage | 5.0.1 | 2011-10 | 2011-11 | |
4.3 | Production | Performance (Nitro JavaScript engine in Safari); iTunes upgrade; (4.3.3): reduced location cache (for privacy) | 4.3.5 | 2011-03 | 2011-07 | |
4.2 | Production | All Apple A4 support; AirPlay, AirPrint (4.2.1): Final for iPhone 3G, iPad 2 initial release | 4.2.1 4.2.10 | 2010-11 2011-07 | 2011-07 | Final for iPhone 3G |
4.1 | Production | Many bug fixes, Game Center, ... | 4.1 | 2010-09 | ||
4.0 | Production | Multitasking, iPhone 4, iAD, iBooks, ... Unsupported 1st gen. devices. Based on Darwin kernel 10.0 | 4.0.3 | 2010-06 | ||
3 | Production | Compass, Cut&Paste, ... | 3.1.3 3.2.2 iPad | 2009-06 | 2010-03 | Final for first generation iPhone |
2 | Production | App Store, Certificate, IPsec VPN, Active Sync, ... | 2.2.1 | 2008-07 | 2009-01 | |
1 | Production | First release for iPhone only. Based on Darwin kernel 9.0.
(1.1): iPod Touch, iTunes. (1.1.1): Many new features: TV out, | 1.1.5 | 2007-06 | 2008-02 |
iOS device success depends mostly on APPs which are developed with
a iOS SDK. iOS SDK Beta is available since 2008-03.
iOS 8.0 Golden Master (2014-09),
iOS 7.1 (2014-03), iOS 7.0 Final (2013-09),
iOS 6.1 (2013-01), iOS 6.0 Final (2012-09),
iOS 5.1 Final (2012-03), iOS 5.0 Final (2011-10),
iOS 4.3 Final (2011-03),
iOS 4.2 Final (2010-11),
iOS 4.1 Final (2010-09),
4.0 Final (2010-06),
iPhone OS 3.2 iPad only (2010-04),
3.0 Final (2009-06),
2.2 Official Release (2008-11),
2.0 Official Release with App Store (2008-11),
2.0b2 with Interface Builder (2008-03),
1.2b1 (2008-03).
iOS SDK is free but Xcode (the development environment) requires a subscription
with an annual fee.
OS upgrade depends mainly on the model and is automatic.
The following table reports the relations between iPhone models and iOS.
Apple iPhone
iPhone models
Legacy models
iPhone SE 4th | 2025-03 | 18.1 | current | A17, 6.1 OLED all-screen display, USB-C, Face ID, IP68, 48MP camera. |
iPhone 16 Pro /Max | 2024-09 | 18.0 | current | A18 Pro, camera control, action button, ... Screen size: 6,3 6,9. |
iPhone 16 /Plus | 2024-09 | 18.0 | current | A18, camera control, action button, ... Screen size: 6,1 6,7. |
iPhone 15 Pro /Max | 2023-09 | 17.0 | current | USB-C, A17, titanium case. Max: optical zoom x5. |
iPhone 15 /Plus | 2023-09 | 17.0 | current | USB-C, A16, Dynamic Island, 48 megapixel camera. |
iPhone 14 Pro /Max | 2022-09 | 16.0 | current | Apple A16 Bionic system on a chip. Dynamic Island. |
iPhone 14 /Plus | 2022-09 | 16.0 | current | Apple A15 Bionic system on a chip with 6-core CPU, 5-core GPU, and 16-core Neural Engine. |
iPhone SE 3rd | 2022-03 | 15.4 | current | Size like SE2: 4.7 inch display; features like iPhone 13: CPU A15, 5G support. IP67. |
iPhone 13 /Mini/Pro/Max | 2021-09 | 15.0 | current | CPU A15 Bionic. IP68. |
iPhone 12 /Mini/Pro/Max | 2020-10 | 14.1 | current | CPU A14 Bionic. 5G. LiDAR Scanner. Screen: 6.1, 5.4, 6.1, 6.7 |
iPhone SE 2nd | 2020-04 | 13.4 | current | CPU A13 Bionic 6-core 64-bit, 4.7 display |
iPhone 11 Pro/Max | 2019-09 | 13.0 | current | CPU A13 Bionic 6-core 64-bit, 3-lens, 5.85 / 6.46 display |
iPhone 11 | 2019-09 | 13.0 | current | CPU A13 Bionic 6-core 64-bit, 6.1 display, IP68 |
iPhone XR | 2018-10 | 12.0 | current | A12 Bionic. Liquid Retina, eSIM |
iPhone XS | 2018-09 | 12.0 | current | A12 Bionic. 3D Touch, eSIM |
iPhone X | 2017-11 | 11.0 | 16.7 | A11 chip Esa-core, full Super Retina OLED screen, no home button, face ID, animoji, eSIM. IP67. |
iPhone 8 / 8Plus | 2017-09 | 11.0 | 16.7 | A11 chip Esa-core, all glass, wireless charging, touch ID, IP67 |
iPhone 7 / 7Plus | 2016-09 | 10.0 | 15.8 | A10 chip Quad-core, Water resistant, 2+1 camera on iPhone 7 Plus |
iPhone SE | 2016-03 | 9.3 | 15.8 | CPU 1.8 GHz Dual-core A9 64-bit, 4.0 display |
iPhone 6S / 6SPlus | 2015-09 | 9.0 | 15.8 | CPU 1.8 GHz Dual-core A9 64-bit |
iPhone 6 / 6Plus | 2014-09 | 8.0 | 12.5.6 | Display 4.7, 5.5 for 6Plus, A8 chip |
iPhone 5S | 2013-09 | 7.0 | 12.5.6 | CPU 1.3 GHz Dual-core ARMv8s 64-bit |
iPhone 5C | 2013-09 | 7.0 | 10.3.3 | CPU 1.3 GHz Dual-core ARMv8s 64-bit |
iPhone 5 | 2012-09 | 6.0 | 10.3.3 | Display 4.0, CPU 1.3 GHz Dual-core ARMv7s, Lightning connector, nano SIM |
iPhone 4S | 2011-10 | 5.0 | 9.3.5 | CPU 1 GHz Cortex-A9, Bluetooth 4.0 LE |
iPhone 4 | 2010-06 | 4.0 | 7.1.2 | CPU 1 GHz Cortex-A8, Front camera, Retina display, micro SIM |
iPhone 3GS | 2009-06 | 3.0 | 6.1.6 | CPU 833 MHz Cortex-A8, Compass, Bluetooth 2.1 |
iPhone 3G | 2008-07 | 2.0 | 4.2.1 | GPS |
iPhone | 2007-06 | 1.0 | 3.1.3 | Display 3.5 3:2 480x320, 4-16 GB RAM, 620 MHz 32-bit ARM CPU, Quad band, Bluetooth 2.0 |
Android is an Open Source operating system for cellular phones developed by Google and by Open Handset Alliance (OHA): Google, ASUS, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, Samsung, NVIDIA, ... XOR Android Green Alliance (AGA): Huawei, Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, NetEase, ... Android is based on Linux.(Source: Android Studio Android version usage Wikipedia Version History)
14.0 | Upside Down Cake | Production | API 34; | 14.0.0 | 2023-3Q | ||
13.0 | Tiramisu | Production | API 33; permission request before notifications, Bluetooth LE Audio and the LC3 audio codec, ... | 13.0.0 | 2022-08 | ||
12.0 | Snow Cone | Production | API 31; new UI with Material You, One handed mode, scrolling screenshot, Android Runtime, privacy dashboard, ...
(2022-03 12L): Improvements for larger screens | 12.1.0 | 2021-10 | ||
11.0 | Red Velvet Cake | Production | API 30; chat bubbles, screen recorder, one-time permission, Android Auto 5Ghz WiFi | 11.0.0 | 2020-09 | ||
10.0 | Queen Cake | Production | API 29; Project mainline update, notification bubbles, background apps, biometric authentication, foldable phones, ... | 10.0.0 | 2019-09 | 2023-02 | |
9.0 | Pie | Production | Linux Kernel 4.10, API 28; New user interface, adaptive battery, ... | 9.0.0 | 2018-08 | 2022-01 | |
8.0 | Oreo | Production | API 26; Picture in picture, notification channels/dots, improved battery life, less background app activity, Google Play Protect, ... (8.1): API Level 27 | 8.1.0 | 2017-08 | 2021-10 | |
7.0 | Nougat | Production | API Level 24-25; Screen zoom, Emergency, DaydreamVR, Instant Apps, multi-windows support, ... | 7.1.2 | 2016-08 | 2019-10 | |
6.0 | Marshmallow | Production | API Level 23; Doze power management, USB Type-C, fingerprint auth, new permission model, MIDI support. | 6.0.1 | 2015-10 | 2018-08 | |
5.0 | Lollipop | Production | API Level 21-22; Android Runtime (ART) instead of Dalvik, 64bit support, OpenGL ES 3.1, WebRTC, ...; Material design, better battery usage (Project Volta), multiple profile, per APP connection, ... (5.1): API Level 22 | 5.1.1 5.0.2 | 2015-03 2014-11 | 2018-03 2017-11 | |
4.4 | KitKat | Production | API Level 19; Comprensive Memory Management (can run with only 512MB of RAM; APP awareness), Host Card Emulation for NFC transactions, Low-power consuption sensors, new WebView with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript full support, Printing framework, Full-screen mode, translucent UI, ... | 4.4.4 | 2013-11 | 2017-10 | |
4.1 | Jelly Bean | Production | API Level 16;
Smoother and faster interface, offline voice recognition, notification, voice search. API Level 16.
(4.2): Faster, new camera app, API Level 17 (4.3): API 18 | 4.1.2 4.2.2 4.3.1 | 2012-07 2012-11 | ||
4.0 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Production | A Gingerbread+Honeycomb release: for both tablets and small mobiles. New supported devices: temperature and humidity. Additional USB and OTG support. (4.0.3): API Level 15 | 4.0.4 | 2011-10 | ||
3.0 | Honeycomb | Production | Optimized for tablet; 3D widget; multicore support;
Google Maps5, Google eBooks, Google Talk; Linux 2.6.36
3.1: API12; Optimized UI, upgraded std. apps (eg. browser with HTML5 support and faster zoom), USB Host support, strong WiFi support (also offline), external keyboard, mouse, joystick support | 3.0 3.1 3.2.6 | 2011-02 2011-05 2011-07 | ||
2.3 | Gingerbread | Production | Linux 2.6.35; API9; Copy&Paste; XXL screen support;
native support for: multiple cameras, additional sensors (eg. barometer), SIP VoIP, NFC (Near Field Communication)
(2.3.3): API Level 10 | 2.3.2 2.3.7 | 2010-12 | ||
2.2 | Froyo | Production | Linux 2.6.32; API8 rev.1; many optimizations, WiFi hotspot, Chrome, Flash 10.1. Can install Google Play Service that allows automatic update of user applications | 2.2.2 | 2010-05 | ||
2.0 | Eclair | Production | Linux 2.6.29; API5-7 rev.2; new UI, new browser with HTML5 support (Obsoleted: 2.0/API5 rev.1, 2.0.1/API6 rev.1) | 2.1-upd1 | 2009-10 | ||
1.6 | Donut | Production | Linux 2.6.29; API4 rev.3; Better Android Market, integrated interface for camera, camcorder and gallery, WVGA, Voice search, CDMA/EVDO, 802.1x, VPN, T2S | 1.6 | 2009-09 | ||
1.5 | CupCake | Production | Linux 2.6.27; API3 rev.4; new smart soft-keyboard, Bluetooth A2DP and AVCP | 1.5 | 2009-04 | ||
1.1 | Petit Four | First Official Release. API Level 2. Linux Kernel 2.6. | 2009-02 | ||||
1.0 | Released as Open Source with an Apache License. Linux Kernel 2.1. | 2008-10 |
Available SDK (Java based with a cool Eclipse Plug-in) are:
4.0.3, 4.0,
3.2, 3.1, 3.0,
2.3.4, 2.3.3,
2.2 (May 2010), 2.1 (Jan 2010).
Old ones were: 2.3 2.0.1 (Dec 2009), 2.0, 1.6, 1.5, 1.1.
AppDeveloper, the easy web interface development environment, is available as BETA since Jun 2010.
Windows Mobile was the first Microsoft OS based on Windows CE for Pocket PCs and Smartphones. Microsoft Phone replaced Windows Mobile on 2010 without any compatibility. Nokia adopted Microsoft Phone platform on February 2011. Nokia Lumia 800 was the first model available since Nov 2011.(Sources: Official site (10) Official site (8.1) Wikipedia)
Windows 10 Mobile | Prod | It is a Windows 10 OS branded for mobile devices. Not a successul release... | 10.0.15063.540 | 2016-03 | 2020-01 | |
Windows Phone 9 | Dev | |||||
Windows Phone 8 | Prod | Based on Windows NT kernel. Multicore support, higher resolution screens (8.1 2014-04): IE 11, tab syncingCortana Voice Assistant (beta for US only) | 8.1 upd 2 | 2012-10 | ||
Windows Phone 7 | Prod | Metro interface; (NoDo 2011-03): CDMA support, Copy&Paste.
(Windows Phone 7.5 Mango 2011-05): IE9, multitasking (Tango 2012): lower CPU requisites (Windows Phone 7.8 2013-01): backport of some 8.0 features for HW not supporting the new release | 7.8 | 2010-11 | ||
Windows Mobile 6.5 | Old | Based on Windows CE | 6.5.3 | 2007 | 2010 |
Amazon sell two different kind of device: Book Readers and tablets. Kindle is an eReader with eInk screen. Only simple applications can be hosted on them. The development environment is called Kindle Development Kit (KDK) for active content for E Ink Kindles The second kind of device is Kindle Fire. It is a standard tablet with Android OS. Kindle Fire applications are hosted on a different market (Amazon Appstore for Android) than Google Play. The development environment is the standard Android Eclipse enviroment with some differences. See the Amazon Appstore Developer Program for details.(Source Amazon Kindle publishing
Kindle E-reader | 5.13.4 | Kindle / Kindle Oasis / Kindle Paperwhite 10th Generation | ||
Kindle Fire | | HD8 /Plus 10th Gen., HD 10 9th Gen., Fire 7 9th Gen., HD 8 8th Gen. | ||
... | ||||
Kindle Oasis | 5.9.2 | 9th Generation | ![]() | 2017 |
Kindle Fire HD 10 | | 7th Generation | ![]() | 2017 |
... | ||||
Kindle Voyage | | New model: automatic light, page turn. | ![]() | 2015 |
Kindle Paperwhite | | 2nd Generation. (2015-06): 300 dpi, Bookerly font | ![]() | 2012 |
Kindle Paperwhite | | Frontlight | ![]() | 2012 |
Kindle Fire HD 8.9" | 8.1.3 | ![]() | 2012-09 | |
Kindle Fire HD 7" | 7.2.1 | Android Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3) | ![]() | 2012-09 |
Kindle Fire 2nd | 10.1.3 | ![]() | 2012-09 | |
Kindle Fire | 6.3.1 | Android Gingerbread (2.23) Social Sharing, Movie rental upd. (6.2.1) Bug fixing | ![]() | 2011 |
Kindle4 Kindle | 4.1.0 | Improved fonts, complex layout support, parental control. (4.0.1) Smooth Page refresh | ![]() | 2011 2012-09 |
Kindle Touch | 5.1.2 | Bug fixing (5.1) Kindle format 8, TTS | ![]() | 2011 (US only) 2012 |
Kindle Keyboard | 3.4 | Personal documents; (3.4) Parental control | ![]() | 2010 |
Kindle DX | 2.5 | Zoom on PDF, post on Facebook and Twitter | ![]() | 2009 |
Kindle 2 | 2.5 | Zoom on PDF, post on Facebook and Twitter | ![]() | 2009 |
Kindle 1 | 1.2 | ![]() | 2007 |
Update is automatic with WhisperNet (WiFi).
There are several development platforms for RIM (Research In Motion) Blackberry Smartphones:
Ubuntu Phone (aka Ubuntu Touch) has been announced on 2 February 2013 by Canonical.(Source: Ubuntu Wikipedia)
Ubuntu Phone | Preview | 14.0 | 2013-02 | 2017-04 |
Boot to Gecko is the original project launched on July 2011. Firefox OS has been announced on July 2012 by Mozilla.(Source: Firefox OS Wikipedia)
Firefox OS 2.0 | Production | 2.2 | 2014 | 2015-04 | ||
Firefox OS 1.0 | Production | 1.3 | 2013-02 |
I know Smart-TV it's not a Mobile Phone... but this section is the nearest(Source Samsung Developer Forum)
5 | Production | +Platform TV 2014. (5.1 2014-04) | 5.1 | 2014-01 | ||
4.1 | Production | Platform TV Year: 2011, 2012, 2013 | 2013-04 | |||
4.0 | Production | Linux and Mac OS partial support (less functionalities and requires VirtualBox to run the emulator). Gesture events (2013 only). Platform TV Year: 2011, 2012, 2013 | 2013-01 | |||
3.5 | Production | Eclipse IDE added. (3.5.1): In-App Ads Platform TV Year: 2010, 2011, 2012 | 3.5.2 | 2012-06 | ||
2.5 | Production | Platform TV Year: 2010, 2011 | 2.5.1 | 2011-08 | ||
1.5 | Production | Platform TV Year: 2010 | 1.510 | 2010-09 |
VMware gives the possibility to install different operating systems on the same HW. Thanks to VMware these features, once available only on Enterprise System such as mainframes or partitionable Unix, are available on commodity Hardware. They offer many products, most common ones are: VMware ESX and ESXi (Enterprise products for vCenter on bare metal), VMware Server (Free), VMware Workstation (cool desktop tool), ...(Sources: VMware vSphere Product-Lifecycle Versions Wikipedia)
ESXi 8.0 | Production | Increased limits: 8 vGPU devices, 1000 managed ESXi hosts, 10000 VM per cluster, 32 VM DirectPath I/O devices per host. Distributed Services Engine (DSE), Device Virtualization Extensions (DVX), Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 2.0, changes in: Security, Lifecycle Management | 8.0 Upd1 | 2022-10 | 2027-10 | |
ESXi 7.0 | Production | Virtual appliance vCenter with HTLM5 interface, Kubernetes support (Tanzu), improved DRS cluster, improved vSAN for hyperconvergence, latest guest OS support: Windows Server 2019, Ubuntu 19, SUSE Linux 11.x, Red Hat / CentOS 8.x, ... Notice: 7.0 vCenter manages ESXi 6.5+ hosts only, no VNC support. (7.0 U1c 2021-02) fixes CVE-2021-21972, CVE-2021-21974. (7.0 U3c 2022-01) fixes CVE-2021-22040. | 7.0 Upd3l | 2020-04 | 2025-04 | |
ESXi 6.7 | Production | vCenter Server Appliance, Instant Clone API, ESXi Quick Boot, ... (ESXi670-202102401-SG 2021-02) fixes CVE-2021-21972, CVE-2021-21974. (ESXi670-202111101-SG 2022-01) fixes CVE-2021-22040. | 6.7 Upd3b | 2018-04 | 2022-10 | |
ESXi 6.5 | Production | Photon OS, Proactive HA, quaratine mode, HA Orchestrated Restart, REST API, VM encryption, ... (ESXi650-202102101-SG 2021-02) fixes CVE-2021-21972, CVE-2021-21974. (ESXi650-202202401-SG 2022-01) fixes CVE-2021-22040. | 6.5 Upd3a | 2016-11 | 2022-10 | |
ESXi 6.0 | Production | Up to 64 nodes and 8K VMs, larger VMs (128 vCPU, 4TB RAM), VVol, FT snapshot, vMotion across vCenter, ... | 6.0 Upd2 | 2015-03 | 2020-03 | |
ESXi 5.5 | Production | Expanded vGPU Support, Support for 62 TB VMDK, QoS Tagging, ... | 5.5 Upd3 | 2013-09 | 2018-09 | |
ESXi 5.1 | Production | Larger VMs (up to 64 vCPU, up to 1TB RAM), new disk format optimized for VDI, vSphere vMotion, vSphere Replication | 5.1 Upd3 | 2012-09 | 2016-08 | |
ESXi 5.0 | Production | ESXi only. Advanced Memory Management. Optimized Device Drivers. PowerCLI+enhanced vCLI. ESXi Shell | 5.0 Upd3 | 2011-08 | 2016-08 | |
ESXi 4.1 | Production | No service console. PowerCLI+vCLI. Partial SNMP support | 4.1 Upd3 | 2010 | 2014 | |
ESX 4.1 | Production | Last ESX release, now rebranded ESXi | 4.1 U2 | 2010 | 2014 | |
ESX 4 | Production | Up to 64 hosts CPU in Cluster; Host up to 1TB RAM, 64 CPUs, 512 VM; Guest up to 255GB RAM, 8 vCPUs | 4.0 Upd4 | 2009 | 2014 | |
ESX 3.5 | Production | Both ESX and ESXi. Guest up to 4 vCPUs | 3.5 Upd5 | 2007 | 2010 (2013 ext) | |
ESX 3 | Unsupported | One Step P2V Convert tool, Memory management enhancements (>2.5 GB RAM), boots from initrd | 3.0.3 U1 | 2006 | 2008 (2011 ext) | |
ESX 2 | Unsupported | Boot from Linux, then S90vmware loads vmkernel | 2.5.5 | 2002 | 2007 (2010 ext) | |
GSX 1 | Unsupported | 1.5 | 2001 |
VMware Server 2.0 | Production | Web interface (tomcat 6 based), 64-bit support, Volume Shadow Copy, VMI support | 2.0.2 | |||
VMware Server 1.0 | Production | 1.0.10 | 2006 | |||
GSX Server 3 | Unsupported | More security. Serveral new OS supported | 3.2.1 | |||
GSX Server 2 | Unsupported | 2.5.2 |
Workstation 16 | Production | 16.2.0 | 2020-09 | |||
... | ||||||
Workstation 12 | Production | DirectX 10, OpenGL 3.3, IPv6 NAT | 12.1.0 | 2015-08 | ||
Workstation 11 | Production | Guest support: Ubuntu 14.10, Windows 10, RH/CentOS 7 | 11.1.2 | 2014-12 | ||
Workstation 10 | Production | Up to 16 vCPUs, SSD pass-through | 10.0.7 | 2013-09 | ||
Workstation 9 | Production | USB 3.0. Guest support: Ubuntu 12.04, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 | 9.0 | 2012-08 | ||
Workstation 8 | Production | Requires x64 CPU. Shared Virtual Machines | 8.0 | 2011-09 | ||
Workstation 7 | Production | More than 2 Host CPU supported, WDDM->Windows Aero; Windows7, Windows Server 2008 R2 | 7.0.1 | 2009-10 | ||
Workstation 6.5 | Production | More guest and host supported both 32 and 64bit; several performance improvements | 2008-9 | |||
Workstation 6 | Production | USB 2.0, Multiple monitor display, VM Record/Replay, Windows Vista, Integrated Virtual Debugger (Visual Studio, Eclipse), Automation APIs (VIX API 1.1) | 6.0.2 | 2007 | ||
Workstation 5 | Unsupported | 5.5 | 2005 | |||
Workstation 4 | Unsupported | 4.5 | 1999 | |||
Workstation 3 | Unsupported | 3.1 | 1999 | |||
Workstation 2 | Unsupported | 1999 | ||||
Workstation 1 | Unsupported | First cool virtualization product! | 1 | 1999 |
VMware is great for consolidation and server upgrade!
VirtualBox is a free virtualization environment developed by Oracle (since 2010). VirtualBox has got a strong reputation for performance and ease of use. VirtualBox requires an host operating system and supports many of them: Linux, MS-Windows, OS X, Solaris, ... The optional VirtualBox Extension Pack increases some guest specific features (eg. better USB, video support)(Sources: Wikipedia Official Site)
7.0 | Production | Manage OCI VM, full VM encryption, macOS hosting based on Apple frameworks (7.0.2 2022-10): many fixes for macOS | 7.0.4 | 2022-10 | 2022-11 | |
6.1 | Production | Support for importing and exporting virtual machines from/to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,
shared clipboard, nexted HW-virtualization on Intel
Desupport: Software based virtualization | 6.1.40 | 2019-12 | 2021-10 | Supported till 2023-12 |
6 | Production | New GUI, OCI (Oracle Cloud Interface) integration to export a VM in cloud, new API, VRDE audio attach/detach support | 6.0.24 | 2018-12 | 2020-07 | |
5 | Production | Paravirtualization, USB3 support, bidirectional drag&drop.
(5.0.40 2017-04): last 5.0, no longer supported
(5.1 2016-07): better performances, improved logging. (5.1.38 2018-05): last 5.1, no longer supported (5.2 2017-10): export to Oracle Cloud, unattended guest installation. | 5.2.44 | 2015-07 | 2020-07 | |
4 | Production | Sun acquired by Oracle. GNU License (GPL v2). (4.0.36 2015-11): last 4.0
(4.1 2011-07) Aero support, VM clone. (4.1.44 2015-11): last 4.1 (4.2 2012-09) VM dynamic settings, VM groups. (4.2.36 2015-11): last 4.2 (4.3 2013-10) touch support, video capture. | 4.3.40 | 2010-12 | 2016-08 | |
3 | Production | (3.2) OS X support | 3.2 | 2009 | ||
2 | Production | Innotek acquired by Sun | 2.2 | 2008 | ||
1 | Production | Initially developed by Innotek GmbH. PUEL license | 1.6 | 2007 |
Several VM templates are available on
Xen is a virtualization environment developed initialy by the University of Cambridge, later on by XenSource which had been acquired by Citrix on 2007... the Community develop Xen as open software (GPL2). Xen has a very large installed base (eg. Amazon Web Services, Rackspace) and many commercial products are based on it.(Sources: New features list (4.14) Xen Versions Old Releases features Wikipedia Git)
4 | Stable |
Scalability: up to 128 vcpu per guest, 1TB RAM, 128 CPU per host;
linux 2.6.31 on dom0; Memory page sharing; Xen Cloud Platform;
online disk resize; IOMMU and VGA pass-through (VT-d, AMD IOMMU).
(4.1) linux kernel on dom0, more than 255 processors. (4.2) up to 4095 host processors and up to 512 guest processors; XL (xenlight) toolstack instead of xm/xend command (4.3) ARM support (experimental), Open vSwitch. Desupport: x86-32bit hypervisor, ia64 hypervisor (4.4) libvirt support for libxl, new event channel interface, nested virtualization (on Intel), ARM stable support. x86 Host limits: 4095 CPUs, 16TB RAM; x86 PV Guest limits: 512 CPUs, 512GB RAM; x86 HVM Guest limits: 128 CPUs, 1TB RAM. (4.5) libxl replacement for phyton xend. Several processor specific updates for better performance, security and larger support. (4.6) Several quality and security fixes: Migration v2, scalability improvements, ARM support, Xen’s Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) improvements for security, ... (4.7) Improved live migrations, performances and workload. ARM and Intel Xeon support. x86 PV Guest: >1TB RAM (4.8) Faster big domain creation, new Credit2 scheduler, HVM USB passthrough. (4.9) Security hardening, code quality, PCI Passthrough on ARM; for automotive and embedded: “null” scheduler, new ABIs for sharing devices between VM. (4.10) PVHv2 DomU (PVHv2 requires OS support available since Linux 4.11) | 4.0.4 4.2.5 4.3.4 4.4.4 4.5.5 4.6.6 4.7.6 4.8.5 4.9.4 4.10.4 4.11.3 4.12.3 4.13.1 4.14.1 4.15 4.16 4.17 | 2010-04 2011-03 2012-09 2013-07 2014-03 2015-01 2015-10 2016-06 2016-12 2017-07 2017-12 2018-07 2019-04 2020-01 2020-07 2021-04 2021-12 2022-12 | EOL EOL EOL EOL 2017-01 2018-01 2018-10 2019-06 2019-12 2020-07 2020-12 2021-07 2022-04 2022-12 2023-07 2024-04 2024-12 2025-12 | |
3 | Stable | HVM support: unmodified Windows and legacy Linux guests;
(3.1) XenAPI 1.0, 32bit guest on 64bit hypervisor, HVM save/restore/migrate; (3.2) device pass-through, better network performances; (3.3) full x86 real-mode emulation, power management (P & C states); (3.4) RAS (offline CPU, memory), power management (deep sleep, frequency/voltage controls) | 3.0.4 3.1.4 3.2.3 3.3.2 3.4.2 | 2005 2007-05 2008-01 2008-08 2009-05 | ||
2 | Old | Live Migration. Copy-on-write LVM volumes or loopback files. Network enanchements: arbitrary firewalling, bridging and routing of guest virtual network interfaces. | 2.0.7 | 2004 | ||
1 | Old | First public stable release of the Xen virtual machine monitor for x86, and port of Linux 2.4.22 as a guest OS by Cambridge University. Xen uses para-virtualization which is very fast. | 2003 |
Many commercial products and solutions are based on Xen Hypervisor.
Oracle VM and Citrix XenServer are the most important ones.
Many internet providers use Xen. Among others: Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud, IBM SoftLayer, ...
Oracle VM (OVM) is an Enterprise virtualization environment based on Xen developed and supported by Oracle. The architecture is composed by one Oracle VM Manager that manages one ore more Oracle VM Servers (Xen) throught an agent hosted on dom0. VM guest can be Linux, which natively supports Xen, or Windows which require PV Drivers for better performances.(Sources: Oracle Doc Downloads Guest Support HW CL Blog )
3.4 | Stable |
Xen Hypervisor 4.4, UEK4 kernel for Dom0.
Storage live migration, Virtual Appliance support, Ksplice kernel upgrade,
VNC and Serial Console automatic deploy, OVM Manager UI better performances,
SNMP monitoring, P2V utility, 256 guest vCPU, UEFI and FCoE boot support, ...
(3.4.2 2016-09): Xen 4.4.4, UEK4 upd2, NVMe support, PVHVM hot memory modification (3.4.3 2017-05): Microsoft Windows Clustering support; upgraded kernel, packages and MySQL; better RAID support, Manager performance enhancements, CentOS 7 officially supported (3.4.4 2017-08): UEK R4 U4 (Skylake processors support), July 2017 Critical Patch Update for all the components (3.4.5 2018-06): UEK R4 U7, OL 6.9, new balance server policy, TLSv1.2, April 2018 Critical Patch Updates. Deprecation: paravirtualized guests (PVM) guests, management of OVM Server 3.2.1x for x86; VM SOAP API, some Oracle VM Utilities scripts, HugePages. (3.4.6 2018-11): October 2018 CPU, move running VM to another repository. Desupport: paravirtualized guests (PVM) guests, management of OVM Server 3.2.1x for x86. ( 2019-06): April 2018 CPU and additional security patches. ( 2019-07): CVE-2019-2729. ( 2019-12): Guest support: OL/RH/CentOS 8.x, Microsoft Server 2019; October 2019 Critical Patch Update. ( 2020-06): Export to OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure); April 2020 Critical Patch Update. (3.4.7 2021-04): OVM Server stays at 3.4.6-2105, bundled MySQL updated to 8.0, January 2021 patches. | | 2016-03 | 2021-03 | Extended support up to 2024-06 |
3.3 | Stable | OVM Manager: MySQL 5.6 EE, Java 7, WebLogic 12c; OVM Server: Xen Hypervisor 4.3, OEL 6 with UEK3 for Dom0. New features: Xeb Services API (both SOAP and REST), new event model, Huge Page Support, SSL for Agent, enhancements in the network architecture, better and certified Windows PV drivers, new JavaScript/HTML5 console, better SPARC support (iSCSI, FC, ZFS, local disk, HA, bonding, ), ... OVM 3.3 can be integrated in a OpenStack Cloud (preview feature). (3.3.2 2015-02) Available on MOS. Many bug fixes (3.3.3 2015-07) Available on MOS. Bug and security fixes, FCoE support, more CNA support, ... (3.3.4 2016-03) Available on MOS. Bug, performance (eg. networking) and security fixes. kernel-uek-3.8.13-118. | 3.3.5 | 2014-07 | ||
3.2 | Stable | Xen Hypervisor 4.1.3. MySQL on Manager (instead of Oracle XE for Simple install). SPARC Agent support. New CLI.
Better GUI with more information (eg. health tab, tagging). Hot cloning. Direct VM import. Serial console. (3.2.6 2013-10) Xen and Dom0 linux kernel upgrade (3.2.7 2013-12) Many fixes, some related to upgrade from previous versions (3.2.8 2014-04) Many fixes, API SDK in the installer (3.2.9 2014-12) Available on MOS. Bug fixes | 3.2.11 | 2013-01 | ||
3.1 | Stable | Xen Hypervisor 4.1.2. Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 2 for Dom0.
LUN/OCFS2 resize, Virtual Machine Templates, hot add vCPU, Oracle VM Servers discover, multi-path SAN boot (KO since 3.0), ... | 3.1.1 | 2012-05 | ||
3.0 | Stable | Xen Hypervisor 4.0. Dom0 uses Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel. Better EM integration.
Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS), Distributed Power Management (DPM), ADF user interface. Desupport: user roles, file based deployment. (3.0.3 2012-01): Anti-Affinity Support, configuration wizards, live migration assistant | 3.0.3 | 2011-08 | ||
2.2 | Old | Xen 3.4
(2.2.1) large farm support (up to 32 nodes), HA enhancements (2.2.2) driver and software update (eg. OCFS 1.4.8, nic drivers), vmpinfo | 2.2.3 | 2011-06 | 2015-11 | |
2.1 | Old |
Xen based virtualization platform with a web console management
(2.1.1) bug fixing, guest features: preferred server, boot source (2.1.2) larger HW support, High Availability, guest and hypervisor debugger, faster I/O, P2V and V2V (2.1.5) stability fixings, documentation update, Web Services API | 2.1.5 | 2009-06 | ||
2.0 | Old | 2.0 | 2007-11 |
KVM is an Open Source virtualization environment. KVM is available as an external module since 2.6.16 and from release 2.6.20 it's included in mainline Linux kernel.(Sources: Official site Guest support)
2.6.33 | Stable | | 2010-2 | |||
2.6.32 | Stable | | 2009-12 | |||
2.6.31 | Stable | | 2009-11 | |||
2.6.30 | Stable | First kvm-kmod-xx release | | 2009-6 | ||
kvm-88 | Stable | Last kvm-xx | kvm-88 | 2009-7 | ||
kvm-12 | Stable | Linux 2.6.20 | kvm-12 | 2007-01 | ||
kvm-1 | Devel | kvm-1 | 2006-11 |
Proxmox is an Open Source Virtualization Environment who manages both LXC containers and KVM full virtualization. Proxmox has features similar to commercial products: the GUI is easy to use and it supports node clustering for HA.(Sources: Official site Wikipedia)
8.0 | Production | Debian Bookworm 12.0, QEMU 8.0.2, LXC 5.0.2, Ceph Quincy 17.2.7, ZFS 2.1.12;
Seamless upgrade from 7.4
(8.1 2023-11): Linux kernel 6.5, Debian Bookworm 12.2, QEMU 8.1.2, LXC 5.0.2, Ceph Reef 18.2.0, ZFS 2.2.0; Secure boot support, Software-Defined Network moved to supported, official MAC address BC:24:11 | 8.1 | 2023-06 | 2023-11 | |
7.0 | Production | Debian Bullseye 11.0, QEMU 6.0, LXC 4.0, Ceph Pacific 16.2, ZFS 2.0.4
(7.4 2023-03): Debian Bullseye 11.6, QEMU 7.2, LXC 5.0.2, Ceph Pacific 16.2.11, ZFS 2.1.9, linux kernel 5.15 otp-in 6.2; CRS rebalance service on start up, dark theme | 7.4 | 2021-07 | 2023-03 | |
6.0 | Production | Debian Buster 10.0, Kernel 5.0, QEMU 4.0, LXC 3.1
(6.1 2019-12): Debian Buster 10.2, Linux kernel 5.3, QEMU 4.1.1, LXC 3.2, ZFS 0.8.2; more datacenters via GUI, HA stack improvements, Fedora 31, CentOS 8, and Ubuntu 19.10 support, ... | 6.4 | 2019-07 | 2021-04 | |
5.0 | Production | Debian Stretch 9.0, Kernel 4.10.15, QEMU 2.9, LXC 2.0.8, live migration with local storage
(5.1 2017-10): Debian Stretch 9.2, Linux kernel 4.13.3, QEMU 2.9.1, LXC 2.1, ZFS 0.7.2 (5.3 2018-12): Debian Stretch 9.6, Linux kernel 4.15.18, QEMU 2.12.1, LXC 3.0.2, ZFS 0.7.12 (5.4 2019-04): Debian Stretch 9.8, Linux kernel 4.15.18, QEMU 2.12.1, LXC 3.1.0, ZFS 0.7.13 | 5.4 | 2017-07 | 2019-04 | |
4.0 | Production | Linux kernel 4.2, Debian Jessie 8.2, LXC instead of OpenVZ, IPv6, new HA
(4.1 2015-12): Linux kernel 4.2.6, LVM thin support (preview), systemd (4.2 2016-04): Linux kernel 4.4.6, Debian Jessie 8.4, HA improvments, LVM thin (4.3 2016-09): Linux kernel 4.4.19, GUI improvements, VM wizard better settings (4.4 2016-12): Linux kernel 4.4.35, LXC improvements, new dashboards, HA GUI | 4.4 | 2015-10 | 2016-12 | |
3.0 | Stable | VM templates, cloning
(3.2 3.3): SPICE, HTML5 GUI, firewall, ZFS plugin | 3.4 | 2013-05 | 2015-02 | |
2.0 | Stable | New GUI, HA, RESTful API | 2.3 | 2012-03 | 2013-03 | |
1.0 | Stable | First stable release. KVM and OpenVZ live migration | 1.9 | 2008-10 | 2011-09 | |
0.x | Devel | Proxmox Virtual Environment (VE) with OpenVZ and KVM | 0.9 | 2008-04 | 2008-07 |
Proxmox VE versions are supported at least as long as the corresponding Debian is oldstable.
Proxmox VE uses a rolling release model and using the latest stable version is always recommended.
oVirt is an Open Source virtualization environment to manage KVM virtualization.(Sources: Official site RPM Repository Release Notes Blog Wikipedia)
4.x | Production | Red Hat / CentOS 7.2. (4.4.6) both oVirt Node and oVirt Engine Appliance are based on CentOS Stream (4.5) based on RHEL 8.6 / CentOS Stream 8 | 4.0.6 4.1.9 4.2.8 4.3.10 4.5.4 4.5.5 | 2016-06 2017-02 2017-12 2019-02 2020-05 2022-04 2023-12 | 2017-01 2018-01 2019-01 2020-06 2022-03 2022-12 2023-12 | Only the last release is supported (currently 4.5.5) |
3.x | Production | First Open Source release based on Red Hat code. oVirt Engine on JBoss AS7, Python SDK, Fedora oVirt Node | 3.6.7 | 2012-02 | 2016-06 |
Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager (OLVM) is a virtualization environment based on oVirt for Oracle Linux.(Sources: GA Official Doc What's new)
4.x | Production |
(4.2.8 2019-06) First Oracle release with UEK 5, OL 7.6, oVirt 4.2.8, PostgreSQL 9.5.
(2019-10): Hard Partitioning officially documented.
(4.3.6 2020-03) Self hosted deployment. OL/RH/CentOS 8, SUSE 12 SP5, SUSE 15 SP1, MS-Windows Server 2019 support, virt-v2v utility. Deprecated: Export Domain (use Export to OVA). (4.3.10 2021-02) OL 7 upd 9 with UEK6 support. PostgreSQL 10.7, Wildfly 17.0, ... (4.4.8 2022-05) Based on oVirt 4.4.8; added OL 8 KVM host support, both OL7 and OL8 hosts are supported. PostgreSQL 13.7, Grafana 7.5, Wildfly 23.0, ... Full VM customization when cloning, asynchronous snapshots, Gluster 8 support, auto-start configuration, UI updates, ... (4.4.10 2022-09) Updated to oVirt 4.4.10. (4.5.4 2023-12) Based on oVirt 4.5.4. | 4.5.5 | 2019-06 | 2024-07 |
Docker simplifies the deployment of applications inside software containers. Docker is written in Go.
(Source: Official Site GitHub previous)
1.0 | Production | Enhanced security for LXC.
(1.10 2016-02): removed LXC support
(1.11.1-beta12 2016-05): native client for Mac OSX and MS Windows
(17.3): montly release cycle based on 1.13.1 with montly and quaterly channels (2020-06): Compose V2 available; GA on 2022-04 (2023-06): desupport of Compose V1 | 27.5.1 | 2014-06 | 2025-01 | |
0.1 | Old | Released as Open Source. (0.8.0 2014-02) Mac official support. (0.9 2014-03): native exec uses libcontainer. | 0.12.0 | 2013-03 | ||
Old | Developed in dotCloud as internal project to provide PaaS with LXC, libvirt or systemd-nspawn containers. |
Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system written in Go for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts.
(Source: Official Site Releases )
1 | Production | Mantained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). (1.5 2016-12): StatefulSets [NdA Beta]. (1.9 2017-12): apps/v1 Workloads API (DaemonSet, Deployment, ReplicaSet, StatefulSet). (1.19 2020-08): N-3 minor release patch support. | 1.31.0 | 2015-07 | 2024-08 | |
0 | Old | Developed in Google based on Borg, an internal cluster project. | 2014-06 |
Kubernetes support policy is minor-3 (was minor-2 up to 1.18): K8s 1.19 and newer receive approximately 1 year of patch support. New features are introduced as Alfa, then they promote to Beta and then to Stable. Version skew policy between K8s components is a bit complex...
There are several
platforms (distro)
based on K8s, to name a few:
Veritas Cluster Server [now Veritas InfoScale Availability] is a well known cluster environment. Veritas merged with Symantec (now known as NortonLifeLock) in 2005 and later on [NdA 2016] was demerged.
(Sources: Official Site)
8.0 | Production | 8.0.1 | 2022-05 | 2022-06 | ||
7.0 | Production | Veritas Infoscale Availability | 7.0.1 7.1 7.2 7.3.1 7.4.3 | 2015-05 2016-05 2016-11 2017-06 2018-06 | 2021-05 2021-11 | 2022-12 |
6.2 | Production | Supported OS:
AIX 6.1, AIX 7.1, RH 6, RH 7, SUSE 11, Solaris 10, Solaris 11.
(6.2.1 2015-05): SUSE 12 and Oracle Linux 7 (OL 7) with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 (UEK R3). | 6.2.1 | 2014-11 | 2020-10 | |
6.1 | Production | 6.1 | 2014-04 | 2019-12 | ||
6.0 | Production | 6.0.4 | 2012-09 | 2018-12 | 2020-12 | |
5.1 | Production | Packaging and installation changes. Agent upgrades | 5.1 SP2 | 2010 | 2016-12 | 2018-12 |
5.0 | Production | Cluster Management Console | 5.0.1 | 2006 | 2014-08 | 2017-07 |
4.0 | Desupported | (4.1 2005-03): Security, NFS lock failover | 4.1 | 2004-01 | 2012-06 | 2013-08 |
3.x | Desupported | 3.5 |
Veritas developed also VxFS, VxVM and the Veritas Storage Foundation product package. In 2005 Veritas and Symantec merged.
Pacemaker is The Open Source cluster resource manager. Pacemaker can be used with Corosync, Heartbeat, and CMAN.
(Sources: Pacemaker ReleaseMatrix )
2.1 | Production | 2.1.4 | 2021-06 | 2022-06 | ||
2.0 | Deprecated | 2.0.5 | 2018-07 | 2020-12 | ||
1.1 | Deprecated | Corosync 2.x support. (1.1.15 2016-06): better integration with CMAN | 1.1.23 | 2010-01 | 2019-06 | |
1.0 | Deprecated | 1.0.13 | 2008-10 | 2013-02 | ||
0.7 | Deprecated | 0.7.3 | 2008-06 | 2008-09 | ||
0.6 | Deprecated | 0.6.7 | 2008-01 | 2008-12 | ||
0.0 | Deprecated | Developed by Red Hat and Suse with a considerable support from the community | 2004 |
Corosync is an Open Source Cluster Engine. Corosync provides reliable communication between nodes to communicate as a cluster.
3 | Production | Camelback branch. | 3.1.6 | 2012-04 | 2021-08 | |
2 | Production | Needle branch. (2.4.0 2016-06): Qdevice | 2.4.5 | 2012-04 | 2019-07 | |
1 | Archived | Flatiron branch. | 1.4.10 | 2008-10 | 2018-12 |
HAProxy is a well known and fast software reverse proxy by Willy Tarreau.
(Sources: Official Site)
3.0 | Production LTS | Focus on reliability and robustness | 3.1.2 | 2024-05 | 2025-01 | 2029-06 |
2.9 | Production | Reverse-http, log server health checking, thread scalability | 2.9.9 | 2023-12 | 2024-06 | 2025-03 |
2.8 | Production LTS | Full-Lua mailers, HTTP/2 is advertised by default, SSL improvements | 2.8.10 | 2023-05 | 2024-06 | 2028-06 |
2.7 | Unmaintained | Traffic shaping, QUIC improvements, switch to alternate SSL libraries | 2.7.12 | 2022-12 | 2024-04 | 2024-03 |
2.6 | Production LTS | QUIC HTTP/3 protocol | 2.6.18 | 2022-05 | 2024-06 | 2027-03 |
2.5 | Unmaintained | 2.5.14 | 2021-11 | 2023-05 | 2023-03 | |
2.4 | Critical Fixes | 2.4.27 | 2021-05 | 2024-06 | 2026-06 | |
2.3 | Unmaintained | 2.3.21 | 2020-11 | 2022-04 | 2022-03 | |
2.2 | Critical Fixes | Runtime certificate and crtlist management, dynamic error pages, logging over TCP, optimization for lower latency. LTS. | 2.2.33 | 2020-07 | 2024-04 | 2025-06 |
2.1 | Unmaintained | 2.1.12 | 2019-11 | 2020-11 | 2021-03 | |
2.0 | Unmaintained | LTS. | 2.0.35 | 2019-06 | 2024-04 | 2024-04 |
1.9 | Unmaintained | 1.9.16 | 2017-11 | 2020-07 | 2020-06 | |
1.8 | Unmaintained | Multi-threading, HTTP/2, cache, on-the fly server addition/removal, seamless reloads, DNS SRV, hardware SSL engines, ... | 1.8.31 | 2017-11 | 2022-12 | 2022-12 |
1.7 | Unmaintained | Added server hot reconfiguration, content processing agents, multi-type certs, ... | 1.7.14 | 2016-11 | 2019-10 | 2021-12 |
1.6 | Unmaintained | Added DNS resolution support, HTTP connection multiplexing, full stick-table replication, stateless compression, desupport for long deprecated keywords, ... | 1.6.16 | 2015-10 | 2019-10 | 2020-12 |
1.5 | Unmaintained | Added SSL, IPv6, keep-alive, DDoS protection, HTTP/1.1 compression, ... | 1.5.19 | 2014-06 | 2016-12 | 2016-12 |
1.4 | Unmaintained | Client-side keep-alive, source-based stickiness, support for HTTP authentication, server management from the CLI ... | 1.4.27 | 2010-05 | 2016-03 | |
1.3 | Unmaintained | Content switching, more load-balancing algorithms, transparent proxy, ... | 1.3.28 | 2006-06 | 2016-03 | |
1.2 | Unmaintained | Performance improvements | 1.2.18 | 2003-11 | 2008-05 | |
1.1 | Unmaintained | Very stable | 1.1.34 | 2002-03 | 2006-01 | |
1.0 | Unmaintained | First version | 1.0.2 | 2001-12 | 2001-12 |
ProxySQL is a fast and powerfull proxy for MySQL by Rene Cannao.
(Sources: Official Site GitHub)
3 | Alfa | PostgreSQL support. | 3.0.0 | 2024-10 | 2024-10 |
2 | Production | Native Galera support, SSL support, check_type for hostgroups,
more statistics (eg. stats.mysql_errors), faster fast_forward, ...
(2.0.7): native support for AWS Aurora. (2.0.9): whitelist firewall. (2.1 2021-01): Prometheus exporter, support for Galera wsrep_sst_donor_rejects_queries. (2.2 2021-06): query annotations for prepared statements. (2.3 2021-09): runtime reload of TLS files. (2.4 2022-05): improvements in query parsing and for ProxySQL Cluster. (2.5 2023-02): mysql_hostgroup_attributes, native Group Replication monitoring support for MySQL 8.0. (2.6 2024-03): initial support for caching_sha2_password, new web interface, support for warnings. (2.7 2024-09): PROXY Protocol V1 support. | 2.7.1 | 2019-01 | 2024-09 |
1 | Old | High performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL and its forks.
(1.2): scheduler. (1.3 2016-10): several performance improvements, support for millions of connections. (1.4.1 2017-08): Native Support for MySQL Group Replication mysql_group_replication_hostgroups, more complex routing. (1.4.2 2017-09): Initial ProxySQL Cluster support. (1.4.3 2017-09): ClickHouse support, SQLite3 internal server. (1.4.4): HTTP server for statistics. (1.4.7 2018-03): mysql_query_rules_fast_routing. | 1.4.16 | 2015-12 | 2020-01 |
PgBouncer is lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
(Sources: Official Site Changelog GitHub )
1 | Production | (1.6 2015-08): load user password from PostgreSQL, pooling mode per-database and per-user | 1.24.0 | 2007-03 | 2025-01 | |
0 | EOF | 0 |
Pgpool-II is a powerful proxy and connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
(Sources: Downloads History Version EOF )
4 | Production | (4.1 2019-10). (4.2 2020-11). (4.3 2021-12). (4.4 2022-12). (4.5 2023-12). | 4.5.3 | 2018-10 | 2028-12 | |
3 | Production | (3.2): watchdog. (3.5): watchdog quorum, external mode. (3.7 2017-11): quorum failover | 3.7.25 | 2016-07 | 2022-12 | |
2 | EOF | 2 | ||||
1 | EOF | Public project renamed as pgpool-II. More than two server support, parallel query mode, PCP commands. | 1 | 2006 | ||
pgpool 2.0 | EOF | Load balancing, PG protocol 3 support. (2005): automated fail over, master slave mode. | 2 | 2004 | ||
pgpool 1.0 | EOF | Native replication (SQL statement based replication). | 1 | 2004 | ||
pgpool | EOF | Personal project by Tatsuo Ishii for connection pooling. | 0 | 2003 |
Distribuited architectures and virtual enviroments are not new
(eg. OSs;
Physical/Logical Partitioning, Workload Manager,
Terminal Server, Client/Server, ...;
Tarantella, Citrix, ...;
Cygwin, Wine, ...;
...) they were available since the beginning of IT.
But now Public or Private Clouds can handle complex services:
On-premise deployment opens the possibility to hybrid cloud... In the following we list some of the IaaS solutions that can be deployed On-Premise: vSphere, XenServer / XCP; OpenStack, CloudStack, OpenNebula, Eucaliptus.
Initialy called VMware Infrastructure 4 (VI 4), vSphere manage VMware ESX/ESXi with many Internet and Cloud features. vSphere 5 is very comprehensive and widely used.(Source: Official Site)
5 | Stable | vShield 5, Recovery Manager 5, vCloud Director 1.5 5 Update 1 (2012-03): guest customization for new OS (eg. Windows 8, Ubuntu 11.10, ...) | 5.5 upd 3e | 2011-8 | ||
4 | Stable |
Many Internet and cloud features, very stable
(Update1 2009-11): Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 support (4.1 2010-08): parallel vmotion (4.1 Update1): RHEL 6, RHEL 5.6, Ubuntu 10.10, ... support | 4.1 upd 1 | 2009-5 |
The cloud architecture is managed by vCloud Director and can be programmed by vCloud REST API.
(Source: Official Site)
5.5 | | 2013-9 | ||||
1.5 | 1.5 | 2011-9 | ||||
1.0 | 1.0.1 | 2010-8 | ||||
0.9 | 0.9 | 2010-4 |
XCP stands for Xen Cloud Platform. XCP and XenServer were closely related and now they are the same product mantained by Citrix.(Sources: XCP XenServer Xen Wikipedia)
7.2 | Production | Desupport: Windows Vista, XP, 2003, CentOS 4.x, RHEL 4.x, SLES 10 | 7.2.0 | 2015-05 | 2018-03 | ||
7.1 | Production | Xen 4.7.1. LTRS (Long Term Service Release). | 7.1.0 | 2017-02 | 2022-08 2027-08 EOES | Suggested | |
7.0 | Production | Xen 4.6.1. | 7.0.0 | 2016-05 | 2021-05 | ||
6.5 | Production | Xen 4.4.1. | 6.5 SP1 | 2015-01 | 2018-06 | ||
6.2 | 6.2 | Production | XCP merged with the product XenServer. Monitoring pack integrated. Xen 4.1.5. Limit for VM: 16 vCPU, 7 VDI, 7 vNIC, 128GB RAM, 2TB LVM, 2TB NFS. Limit for Host: 160 CPU, 12000 vCPU, 650 concurrent VMs, 1TB RAM. | 6.2 SP1 | 2013-06 | 2018-06 | |
1.6 | 6.1 | Beta2 | Xen 4.1.2, Storage XenMotion, performance and scalability enhancements, IPv6 | 1.6 | 2012-10 | ||
1.5 | 6.0 | Beta4 | Xen 4.1, vSwitch as default stack; AP NIC bonding on vSwitch; Ubuntu guest, SLES 10 SP4 support. Will remain Beta | 1.5 | 2012-02 | ||
1.1 | 5.6 FP2 | Production | Many fixes; IntelliCache; support for RHEL6; reset-on-boot disks; full SCSI support | 1.1 | 2011-07 | ||
1.0 | 5.6 SP1 | Production | 1.1 | 2011-02 | |||
0.5 | 5.6 | Prod | 0.5 | 2010-07 |
OpenStack is an Open Source Project launched in 2010 by Rackspace and NASA to provide IaaS software. Many important companies have joined the OpenStack project since then. OpenStack modular architecture has several components: Nova (computing), Swift (Object Storage), ... OpenStack fully supports XenSever and KVM while there is a limited support for VMware and Hyper-V.(Sources: Official site Releases Wikipedia)
Dalmatian | Future | 2024-10 | |||
Caracal | Dev | Skip Level Upgrade Release Process (SLURP) release | 2024-04 | ||
Bobcat | Mantained | 2023-10 | |||
Antelope | Mantained | Skip Level Upgrade Release Process (SLURP) release | 2023-03 | ||
Zed | Mantained | Added components: Skyline-apiserver, Skyline-console, Venus | 2022-10 | ||
Yoga | Unmantained | 2022-03 | |||
Xena | Unmantained | 2021-10 | |||
Wallaby | Unmantained | 2021-04 | |||
Victoria | Unmantained | Added components: Aodh | 2020-10 | ||
Ussuri | EOL | Added components: Adjutant | 2020-05 | 2024-02 | |
Train | EOL | 2019-10 | 2024-02 | ||
Stein | EOL | Added components: freezer, monasca-events-api, placement, searchlight | 2019-04 | 2024-01 | |
Rocky | EOL | Added components: Cyborg, ec2-api, Masakari, Qinling | 2018-08 | 2023-08 | |
Queens | EOL | Added components: blazar, ceilometer-powervm, karbor, octavia, storlets, tricircle, zun | 2018-02 | 2023-01 | |
Pike | EOL | Add storage to an existing Cinder volume without shutdown, Ironic and Neutron Integration, Live VM Migration. | 2017-08 | 2022-10 | |
Ocata | EOL | Stability, scalability, and performance of the core compute and networking services. | 2017-02 | 2021-06 | |
Newton | EOL | Focused on high availability, self-healing, and versatility for both bare metal, virtualization and containers. Internal component Kolla (containers for internal services). Added components: aodh, cloudkitty, congress, freezer, mistral, monasca-api, monasca-log-api, murano, panko, senlin, solum, tacker, vitrage, Watcher | 2016-10 | 2017-10 | |
Mitaka | EOL | Added components: Magnum (Containers) | 2016-04 | 2017-04 | |
Liberty | EOL | Added components: Zaqar (Messaging), Manila (Shared FS), Designate (DNS), Barbican (Key Manager), Searchlight | 2015-10 | 2016-11 | |
Kilo | EOL | Added components: Ironic (Bare Metal) | 2015-04 | 2016-05 | |
Juno | EOL | Added components: Sahara (Data Processing) | 2014-10 | 2015-12 | |
Icehouse | EOL | Added components: Trove (Database) | 2014-04 | 2015-07 | |
Havana | EOL | Added components: Heat (Orchestration), Ceilometer (Telemetry). Quantum component has been renamed as Neutron. | 2013-10 | 2014-09 | |
Grizzly | EOL | 2013-04 | 2014-03 | ||
Folsom | EOL | Added components: Quantum (Networking), Cinder (Block Storage) | 2012-09 | 2013-11 | |
Essex | EOL | Added components: Horizon (Dashboard), Keystone (Identity Service) | 2012-04 | 2013-05 | |
Diablo | EOL | 2011-09 | 2013-05 | ||
Cactus | EOL | 2011-04 | |||
Bexar | EOL | Added components: Glance (Image Service) | 2011-02 | ||
Austin | EOL | Based on NASA's Nebula and Rackspace Cloud File Platform.
Availabile components: Nova (Computing), Swift (Object Storage) | 2010-10 |
CloudStack was initially developed as proprietary software by The software become Open Source in several steps, released under GNU by, then Citrix acquired and donated CloudStack to Apache, and now it is a project by Apache SF. CloudStack has a broad support for Hypervisors: XenServer, VMware, KVM, Hyper-V, Oracle-VM, ... bare metal!(Sources: Official site Wikipedia)
4.0 | Stable | By Apache Software Foundation (4.2): convergence with Citrix CloudPlatform. | | 2012-11 | Current LTS | |
3.0 | Stable | Swift (S3 like) | 2012-02 | |||
2.0 | Stable | 2.2.14 | ||||
1.0 | Stable |
OpenNebula is a toolkit to manage IaaS supporting different technologies.(Sources: Official site Wikipedia)
6.0 | Production | 6.4.1 | 2021-11 | |||
5.0 | Production | | 2016-06 | 2019-07 | ||
4.0 | Production | 4.14.2 | 2013-05 | 2015-11 | ||
3.0 | Production | 3.8.5 | 2011-10 | 2013-10 | ||
2.0 | Production | 2.2.1 | 2010-10 | 2011-06 | ||
1.0 | Production | 1.4 | 2008-07 | 2009-12 |
Eucaliptus is an cloud environment that can manage Xen, KVM and VMware virtual resources to build an IaaS. The interface is 100% AWS compatible. Eucaliptus is Open Source but they also offer a paided subscription for support.(Sources: Official site Compatibility Matrix Wikipedia)
4.0 | Stable | 4.4.5 | 2014-08 | 2018-12 | ||
3.0 | Stable | 3.4.2 | 2012-02 | |||
2.0 | Stable | 2.0 | 2010-08 | |||
1.6 | Stable | Multiple clusters support, components (cloud, walrus, nc, cc) can be installed on different machines.
(1.6.2 2010-02): better scalability, S3 server logging API (beta), Windows Brocker (beta). Available in Debian. | 1.6.2 | 2009-11 | ||
1.0 | Old |
(1.1): URL query interface, network control configuration, in memory DB
(1.2): RPM, image caching
(1.3): EC2 support
(1.4): Walrus (Amazon S3 compatible) (1.5.1): Elastic Block Store (EBS), Available in Ubuntu (1.5.2): pre-packaged images | 1.0 | 2008-05 | 2009-07 |
Browsers allow the navigation of the World Wide Web. Enjoy!
Browsers' versions always change... please do not put Your blame on me if the following tables are not updated!
Future | Development channels: Beta, Aurora, Nightly
| |||||
11.+ | Production | Page Inspector, Add-on Sync; Better HTML5 support (muted and loop attribute for audio and video); (12.0 2012-04): line numbers in page source (13.0 2012-06): feature full Page Inspector, most visited site on new tab opening, SPDY protocol (13.0.1 2012-06): Many fixes (14.0 2012-07): URL auto-completion, stability fixes (15.0 2012-08): Silent update, debugger, SPDY (16.0 2012-10): Web Apps (basic support), HTML5 (unprefixed CSS Animations, TAG meter, ...) (29.0 2014-05): New menu (45.0 2016-03): ESR (52.0 2017-03): Removed support for Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI): Java, Silverlight, and Acrobat are no longer supported. ESR (57.0 2017-11): Quantum. Fast! (60.0 2018-03): ESR | 124.0.1 | 2013-10 | 2024-03 | |
> 4.0 | Production | Rapid release like Chrome! (5.0 2011-06) HTML5, CSS, security, WebGL, ...
(6.0 2011-08): domain highlight, scratchpad, ... (7.0 2011-09): MemShink, no http:// in URL, ... (9.0 2011-12): many bug fixes, ... (10.0 2012-01): ESR, HTML5 full video API, style inspector, ... | 10.0.1 | 2011-06 | ||
4.0 | Production | Gecko 2.0 Engine (HTML5, CSS3, WebM, WebGL); Enhanchements: Speed, Account Manager and Security, New interface, Sync; Acid3 97/100 | 4.0.1 | 2011-03 | ||
3.6 | Production | Skins (Personas) | 3.6.26 | 2010-01 | ||
3.5 | Production | HTML 5 (audio, video tag), better performances: TraceMonkey (JavaScript), native JSON, ... | 3.5.19 | 2009-06 | ||
3.0 | Production | New download Manager, ACID2 | 3.0.14 | 2008-06 | ||
2 | Production | Spell check, anti-phishing | 2.0 | 2006-10 | ||
1.0 | Production | Tabs | 1.5 | 2004 |
Since Firefox 10 has also an Extended Support Release (ESR) with freezed functionalies. A Firefox ESR lasts for 54 weeks. Latest releases: Firefox 10 ESR, .., Firefox 45 ESR, Firefox 52 ESR, Firefox 60.5.0 ESR, ... Firefox 102.11.0 (Sources: Firefox ESR FAQ Download Calendar).
Tor Browser is based on ESR Firefox releases; Tor (The Onion Router) provides anonymous communication through tunnels between thousand of relays. Latest browser version is 10.0.2 (2020-10 based on Mozilla Firefox 78.4.0esr).
11.0 | Production | Many HTML5 features. Fast. | 11.0.220 | 2013-10 | 2022-06 | Windows 8.1 |
10.0 | Production | Better standard support: HTML5 Drag&Drop, CSS3 gradients. Vista not supported | 10.0.9200.16521 | 2012-10 | Windows 2012 Server, Windows 8 | |
9.0 | Production | Standard compliance: CSS 3, Acid3 95/100... Faster JScript Engine (Chakra); Pinned Site, secure download; (2011-09) Acid3 100/100. XP not supported | 9.0.26 | 2011-03 | ||
8.0 | Production | Some web standard compliance (ACID2), at least! | 8.0.7601.17514 | 2009 | Windows 7 | |
7.0 | Production | Tabs, anti-phishing,PNG alpha | 7.0.6002.18005 | 2006 | Windows Vista | |
6.0 | Production | W3C compliance; (SV1): Popup blocker | 6.0 SV3 | 2001 | Windows XP; (SV1): Windows Server 2003 | |
5.0 | Production | XML/XSL, favicons | 5.5 | 1999 | Windows 2000 | |
4.0 | Production | MS-DOM | 4.01 SP2 | 1997 | Windows 98 | |
3.0 | Production | VBScript, JScript, CSS, Java | 3.03 | 1996 | ||
2.0 | Production | SSL, cookies | 2.01 | 1995 | Windows NT 4.0 | |
1.0 | Production | 1.5 | 1995 | Windows95 Plus! |
79.+ | Production | New Edge "Anaheim" is based on the Chromium source code using Blink engine instead of EdgeHTML. Support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, and 2019, and macOS. | 122.0.2365 | 2020-01 | 2024-02 | |
40 | Production | Advanced Tab Management, support for: CSS Custom Properties, EPUB file format, WebRTC 1.0, ... | 44.19041 | 2017-04 | 2020-05 | |
38 | Production | Default browser for Windows 10. based on EdgeHTML has a good support for HTML5. Dropped support for ActiveX and Browser Helper Objects | 38.14393 | 2016-08 | Windows 10 | |
25 | Production | 25.10586 | 2015-11 | Xbox One | ||
20 | Production | Initial release with engine EdgeHTML rendering engine. Edge does not support NPAPI (mainly for security reasons). | 20.10240 | 2015-07 |
40.+ | Production | (45 2015-09): Removed support for NPAPI | 123.0.6312.87 | 2015-07 | 2024-03 | |
36.0 | Production | | 2014-07 | |||
32.0 | Beta | WebApps Home support on Android, Vibration API | 31-0-165 | |||
31.0 | Production | Web payments, Portable Native Client, security fixes | 31-0-165 | 2013-11 | ||
25.0 | Production | Desktop and Android versions are aligned | ||||
24.0 | Production | |||||
23.0 | Production | |||||
22.0 | Production | 22.0.1229.94 | 2012-10 | |||
21.0 | Production | 21.0.1180.79 | 2012-08 | |||
17.0 | Production | 17.0.963 | 2012-03 | |||
13.0 | Production | 13.0.782 | 2011-08 | |||
12.0 | Production | 3D hw acceleration. Better security | 12.0.742 | 2011-07 | ||
11.0 | Production | HTML5 Speech. New Icon | 11.0.696 | 2011-04 | ||
10.0 | Production | Faster JS | 10.0.648 | 2011-03 | ||
9.0 | Production | WebGL by default | 9.0.597 | 2011-02 | ||
8.0 | Production | Chrome Instant, Cloud Printing | 8.0.558 | 2010-12 | ||
7.0 | Production | WebGL, HTML5 pgm. interface, late binding for SSL | 7.0.517.41 | 2010-10 | ||
6.0 | Production | New UI; native pdf; (63) Skins | 6.0.472.63 | 2010-08 | ||
5.0 | Production | Performance: JavaScript; native Flash Player | 5.0.375 | 2010-07 | ||
4.0 | Production | ACID3 100/100 | 4.1.249 | 2010-01 | ||
3.0 | Production | 3.0.195 | 2009-10 | |||
2.0 | Production | Faster | 2.0.172 | 2009-05 | ||
1.0 | Production | Fast, stable, ACID1&ACID2 100/100
Rapid Release (changes without user intervention) since the first release | 1.0 | 2008-12 |
18.0 | Production | 18.3 | 2024-09 | 2025-01 | ||
17.0 | Production | 17.4.1 | 2023-09 | 2024-03 | ||
16.0 | Production | 16.6.1 | 2022-09 | 2023-08 | ||
15.0 | Production | 15.6.1 | 2021-09 | 2022-08 | ||
14.0 | Production | 14.1.2 | 2020-09 | 2021-07 | ||
13.0 | Production | 13.1.2 | 2019-09 | 2020-07 | ||
12.0 | Production | Removed support for NPAPI except Adobe Flash | 12.1.2 | 2018-09 | 2019-07 | |
11.0 | Production | 11.1.2 | 2017-09 | 2018-07 | ||
10.0 | Production | 10.1.2 | 2016-09 | 2017-07 | ||
9.0 | Production | 9.1.3 | 2015-09 | 2016-09 | ||
8.0 | Production | 8.0.8 | 2014-10 | 2015-08 | ||
7.0 | Production | 7.1.8 | 2013-10 | 2015-08 | ||
6.0 | Production | 6.2.8 | 2012-07 | 2015-08 | ||
5.0 | Production | Extentions; HTML5 features, faster Javascript. (5.1) Reading list, better privacy, resume facility | 5.1.10 | 2010-06 | 2013-09 | |
4.0 | Production | ACID3 | 4.1.3 | 2009-06 | 2010-11 | |
3.0 | Production | MAC OS X, MS Windows | 3.2.3 | 2007-10 | 2009-05 | |
2.0 | Production | ACID2 | 2.0.4 | 2005-04 | 2006-01 | |
1.0 | Production | MAC OS X 10.2, MAC OS X 10.3 | 1.3.2 | 2003-01 | 2006-01 |
10 | Production | ACID3, Turbo (by compression), Visual tabs, web integration (mail, RSS, ...), spell checking, ... | 10.00 | 2009 | ||
9 | Production | Fast! ACID2 | 9.64 | 2006 | Also on Nintendo DSi, Wii (as Internet Channel) | |
4.0 | Production | Multiplatform | 2000 | |||
2.0 | Production | 1996 | ||||
1 | 1994 |
2 | Production | Developed at The University of Kansas.
Small, fast, fully featured command line text browser.
Developlment is still active! | 2.9.2 | 1992 | 2024-05 |
Upgrade: my Lynx scripts are still working after 20 years without any difference...
2 | Production | Based on Firefox (7.5 2018-02): based on Firefox ESR 52.6.0. (8.0 2019-01): Firefox ESR 60.5.0. (12.5.2): Firefox ESR 102.14.0. (13.0.1): Firefox ESR 115.4.0. (13.0.13): Firefox 115.9.1esr. | 13.0.13 | 2024-03 | ||
Production | Tor project network | | 2002-09 | 2017-09 |
Other browsers:
WorldWideWeb (1990) ➡️
Mosaic (1993) ➡️
Netscape Navigator (1994) ➡️
Chromium ➡️
Brave, ...
Last but not least:
(1996, ... 2024-11, 1.24.5),
(1998, ... 2025-02, 8.12.1).
The first httpd server was the CERN httpd (1990), the NCSA httpd was the following and, since 1996, Apache HTTPD is the most widespread web server although others are gaining popularity recently.
Apache is the most widely used web server and... it's free software! Many commercial products (eg. Oracle AS, IBM WebSphere) use Apache too.(Source: Download Documentation SVN Archives Wikipedia)
2.4 | Production | MPM support, per-module and per-directory LogLevel configuration, AllowOverrideList, better memory management | 2.4.62 | 2012-02 | 2024-07 | Suggested |
2.3 | Dev | Apache uses the odd releases (eg. 2.1, 2.3) as development... | 2.3.16 | 2010-08 | 2011-12 | |
2.2 | Production | New cache and proxy modules. Very stable and widely used | 2.2.34 | 2006-07 | 2017-07 | Legacy |
2 | Production | Unix threads, IPv6, new API, improved support for non-Unix OS | 2.0.65 | 2002-04 | 2013-07 | |
1 | Production | Powerfull web server based on NCSA httpd (0.6.2 1995-04). (0.8.8) new engine. Many modules (Perl, Python, PHP, rewrite engine, access, ...) | 1.3.42 | 1995-12 | 2010-02 |
The Apache license is very open. Many proprietary HTTP Servers contain an embedded Apache HTTPD Web Server.
NGINX is a fast, small footprint, Open Source web server widely used as a reverse proxy and load balancer too. NGINX company was founded on 2011 to provide Nginx support and Nginx Plus. F5 Networks acquired the company on 2019-03.(Sources: Official site Github Wikipedia)
1 | Production |
Very fast and efficient since the beginning; it uses an asynchronous event-driven approach
(instead threads like in Apache).
(1.9.11 2016-02): dynamic module loading. | 1.25.3 | 2004-10 | 2023-10 |
OpenResty is an open source platform based on NGINX and LuaJIT for building scalable, high-performance web applications and services.(Sources: Official site Github Wikipedia)
1 | Production | Based on NGINX uses an event-driven approach also with remote resources, such as databases. | | 2011-06 | 2023-11 |
LiteSpeed Web Server is proprietary web server with an event driven architecture. LiteSpeed gives high-performance and great scalability for high-traffic websites. LSWS uses Apache configuration files. OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source version available since 2013-05.(Sources: Offical site Wikipedia)
2+ | Production | (2007-03): 3.0. (2009-03): 4.0. (2015-04): 5.0. (2021-03): 6.0. | 6.2 | 2005-03 | 2023-06 | |
1 | Production | 1.5.x | 2003-07 | 2004-06 |
IIS is an other important Web Server but it's described later. Latest version is 10.
Apache Tomcat is a free, powerful Servlet/JSP engine.(Sources: Apache Tomcat Wikipedia)
10.1 | Production | Servlet 6.0, JSP 3.1, EL 5.0, WebSocket 2.1, Authentication 3.0; Java 11 and later | 10.1.0-M18 (beta) | 2022-02 | ||
10 | Production | Servlet 5.0, JSP 3.0, EL 4.0, WebSocket 2.0, Authentication 2.0; Java 8 and later | 10.0.22 | 2021-02 | ||
9 | Production | Servlet 4.0, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0, WebSocket 1.1; Java 8 and later | 9.0.64 | 2018-01 | ||
8 | Production | Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0, WebSocket 1.1; Java 7 and later
(8.5 2016-06): backported from Tomcat 9; support for: HTTP/2, OpenSSL for JSSE | 8.0.53 8.5.81 | 2014-06 2016-06 | 2018-06 | |
7 | Production | Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2, WebSocket 1.1; Java 6 and later | 7.0.109 | 2011-01 | 2021-03 | |
6 | Archived | Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1; JDK 1.5; Java 5 and later | 6.0.53 | 2006-12 | 2016-12 | |
5.5 | Archived | Performance optimizations | 5.5.36 | 2004-08 | 2012-10 | |
5.0 | Archived | Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0; Deployment and management (JMX) enhachements; JDK 1.4 | 5.0.30 | 2002 | 2004-08 | |
4 | Archived | Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2, Catalina (container), Jasper (compiler); JDK 1.3; (4.1): Coyote connector | 4.1.40 | 2001 | 2009-06 | |
3 | Archived | Servlet 2.2, JSP 1.1; JDK 1.1 | 3.3.2 | 1999 | 2004-03 | |
2 | Archived | Servlet reference implementation | 1998 |
JBoss (now WildFly) is a free, powerful, pure java 100% EJB Container. JBoss platforms contain an embedded Apache Tomcat Server.The following table refers to the JBoss community version who merged into the RH product and had a fork with a new name: WildFly
WildFly | (8 2014-10) up to 8.2.11. (9 2015-07) up to 9.0.2. (10 2016-02). (11 2017-10)... (14 2018-08)... (24 2021-07). | 26.1.1 | 2014-10 | 2022-01 | ||
EAP 6.3 | Built from AS 7.4 | 6.3.0 | 2014-08 | |||
EAP 6.2 | Built from AS 7.3 | 6.2.0 | 2013-12 | |||
EAP 6.1 | Built from AS 7.2 | 6.1.0 | 2013-05 | |||
7.1 | Java EE 6 (Full Profile) | 7.1.1 | 2012-02 | |||
7.0 | Smaller and faster startup than 6.0. JMS resources (eg. datasources) can not be defined in .ear .war. | 7.0.2 | 2011-07 | |||
6.0 | Java EE 6 (Web Profile) | 6.1.0 | 2010-12 | |||
5.0 | Java EE 5 (partial), new architecture: JBoss Microcontainer; (5.1) Java EE 5 (certified), Web Console, Web Beans Update, Farming Service (the return) | 5.0.1 / 5.1.0 | 2008-12 | |||
4.0 | J2EE 1.4 | 4.0.5 / 4.2.3 | 2004-09 | |||
3.0 | 3.0.8 3.2.8.SP1 | 2002-05 |
On April 2006 JBoss had been acquired by Red Had. The following table refers to the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) with precisely defined Support Policies and Supported Configurations (eg. EAP 6) by Red Hat.
7.x | Production | 7.4 upd. 05 | 2016-05 | 2020-05 (MS 2023) | Suggested | |
6.4 | Production | 6.4 upd. 16 | 2015-04 | 2016-06 (MS 2019) | Suggested | |
6.3 | Production | 6.3 upd. 03 | 2014-08 | (Last 2015-01) | ||
6.2 | Production | 6.2.4 | 2013-12 | (Last 2014-06) | ||
6.1 | Production | 6.1.1 | 2013-05 | (Last 2013-09) | ||
6.0 | Production | Based on JBoss AS 7.1.2. J2EE 6.
Modular classloading, managed domains, Management API (REST+JSON), fast start/restart
Test integration with: Oracle 11g R1/R2 Standalone/RAC, 10g R2 Standalone; MySQL 5.1, 5.5; PostgreSQL 8.4, 9.1; DB2 9.7; ... | 6.0.1 | 2012-06 | (Last 2012-12) | |
5.0 | Production | JDK 1.6, J2EE 5 (Java Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, JSF 1.2,
EJB 2.1/3.0, ...), SOAP 2.1, WSDL 1.1/2.0, JDBC 3.0; (5.1): J2EE 6
Certified with: Oracle 11g R1/R2 Standalone/RAC, 10g R2 Standalone; MySQL 5.0, 5.1; PostgreSQL 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1; PostgreSQL Plus AS 9.0; DB2 9.7; ... | 5.0.1 5.1.2 5.2.0 | 2009-11 | 2013-11 (MS 2016) | |
4.3 CP10 | Production | JDK 1.5/1.6
Certified with: Oracle 11g R2 Standalone/RAC, 10g R2 Standalone; MySQL 5.0, 5.1; PostgreSQL 8.2, 8.3, 8.4; DB2 9.1, 9.7; ... | 4.3 | 2008-01 | 2011-01 (MS 2013) | |
4.2 | Production | JDK 1.5 | 4.2 CP09 | 2007-06 | 2010-06 (MS 2012) | |
4 | Unsupported | J2EE 1.4, EJB 3.0, clustering, failover, distributed deployment, distributed cache | 4.0.4 | 2004-09 | 2007-10 (MS 2009) |
WebSphere is a large IBM web product family. WebSphere Application Server is the... Application Server!(Sources: Wiki IBM)
9.0 | Production | JSE 8, JEE 7. | | 2016-06 | ||
8.5 | Production | JSE 6 and 7; Java EE 6. (8.5.5 on 2012-06): JSE 8 | | 2012-06 2013-06 | ||
8 | Production | JSE 6, Java EE 6, Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, EJB 3.1, JDBC 4.0 | | 2011-06 | 2018-04 | |
7 | Production | Java EE 5, Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, EJB 3.0, JDBC 4.0 | | 2008-09 | 2018-04 | |
6 | Production | J2EE 1.4, Community Edition; (6.1): JDK 1.5 JSR 168 Portlets | | 2004-12 2006-06 | 2010-09 2013-09 | |
5 | Unsupported | J2EE 1.3; (5.1): JDK 1.4.2, Jython scripts | | 2003-01 2004-01 | 2006-09 2008-09 | |
4 | Unsupported | J2EE 1.2, several Editions | 4.0.7 | 2001-08 | 2005-04 | |
3 | Unsupported | JDK 1.2, J2EE 1.0 (with enhancements) | 3.5.7 | 2000-08 | 2003-11 | |
2 | Unsupported | JavaBean support | ||||
1 | Unsupported | A simple servlet engine | 1998 |
WebLogic is the Oracle (formerly BEA) application server product. Now it is core component of the Oracle Fusion Middleware.(Source: Support Policy)
12c 12.2 | Production | See Oracle Fusion Middleware | | 2015-10 | 2023-12 (2025 ES) | |
12c | Production | See Oracle Fusion Middleware. Full Java EE 6: Servlet 3.0, JAX-RS 1.1, Java Server Faces 2.1, EJB 3.1 | 12.1.3 | 2011-12 | 2017-12 (2019 ES) | |
11gR1 | Production | Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server | 10.3.6 | 2009 | 2014 (2017 ES) | |
10 | Production | 10.3 | 2008 | 2014 (2017 ES) | ||
9 | Production | Stable; (9.2 2006): WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Workshop | 9.2.2 | 2006 | 2011 (2013 ES) | |
8.1 | Production | JDK 1.4 | 8.1.6 SP6 | 2003 | 2009 (2011 ES) | |
7.0 | Production | JDK 1.3 | SP7 | 2002 | 2009 (2011 ES) | |
6 | Unsupported | 6.1 | 2001 | |||
5 | Unsupported | Hot deployment | 5.1 | |||
4 | Unsupported | 4.0 | ||||
3 | Unsupported | 3.1 | 1998 |
Oracle Application Server again!
10.1.4 | Production | Portal only WSRP | 10.1.4 | Suggested | ||
10g R3 | Production | J2EE only J2EE 1.4, EJB 3.0, ADF Struts 1.2, SOAP 1.1 and 1.2, Oblix | 10.1.3 | BAD | ||
10g R2 | Production | Very stable release, Forms, Portlets struts, HA migration, larger HW support (eg. AIX) | | Suggested | ||
10g SE | Production | SEO version | | |||
10g R2 | Production | Stable release, JDK 1.5, Discoverer integration, farm topology | 10.1.2 | |||
OAS 10g | Production | Optimized web cache; ( OPatch | | |||
9iAS R2 | Production | JDK 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 EJB 1.1, OC4J; (9.0.3): EJB 2.0 | | |||
... | see above table |
IIS (Internet Information Server) is a web/application server by Microsoft and is widely used on Windows OS.(Sources: MS Support, Wikipedia)
10 | Production | Included in Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10. HTTP/2 support. | 10.0 v1809 | 2016-10 | ||
8.5 | Production | Included in Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1. Dynamic Site Activation, Enhanced Logging, ... | 2013-11 | 2023-10 | ||
8.0 | Production | Available only in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8. | 2012-10 | 2023-10 | ||
7.5 | Production | Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 | 2009-10 | 2020-01 | ||
7.0 | Production | Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista | 2007-01 | 2020-01 | ||
6.0 | Production | Windows Server 2003; XML configuration | 2003-05 | 2015-07 | ||
5.1 | Production | Windows XP Professional, XP Media Center Ed.; 32/64 bit | 2001-12 | |||
5.0 | Production | Windows 2000 | 2000-05 | |||
4.0 | Production | Windows NT 4 Option Pack | 1997 | |||
3.0 | Production | Windows NT 4 Service Pack 3; Active Server Pages (ASP) | 1997-03 | 2000 | ||
2.0 | Production | Windows NT 4 | 1996-10 | 1997 | ||
1.0 | Production | Windows NT 3.51 add-on | 1996-05 | 1996 |
Node.js is an Open Source environment for executing JavaScript code server-side. Node.js uses an event-driven architecture for asynchronous I/O serving thousands of requests as a single thread: It's very fast!(Sources: Releases Release schedule Changelogs)
v23 | Current | 23.7.0 | 2024-10 | 2025-04 | |||
v22 | LTS | Jod | ESM graphs, WebSocket client, updates of the V8 JavaScript engine, ... LTS on 2024-10 | 22.3.0 | 2024-04 | 2027-04 | |
v21 | EOL | V8 JavaScript engine 11.8, stable fetch and WebStreams, ... | 21.7.3 | 2023-10 | 2024-11 | ||
v20 | Maintenance | Iron | New permission model, synchronous import.meta.resolve, stable test_runner, V8 JavaScript engine 11.3, Ada 2.0, ... | 20.12.2 | 2023-04 | 2026-04 | |
v19 | EOL | 19.9.0 | 2022-10 | 2023-06 | |||
v18 | Maintenance | Hydrogen | Native Fetch API, watch, V8 Version 10.1 | 18.20.2 | 2022-04 | 2025-04 | |
v17 | EOL | 17.9.0 | 2021-10 | 2022-06 | |||
v16 | EOL | Gallium | V8 -->, Async hooks, DNS ordering | 16.20.2 | 2021-04 | 2023-09 | |
v15 | EOL | 15.1.0 | 2020-10 | 2021-06 | |||
v14 | EOL | Fermium | V8.1, Stable Diagnostic Report, experimental: Async Local Storage API, Web Assembly System Interface. LTS. | 14.21.2 | 2020-04 | 2023-04 | |
v13 | EOL | 13.14.0 | 2019-10 | 2020-06 | |||
v12 | EOL | Erbium | Import/export support, V8 7.4 engine, private class fileds, TLS 1.3 (TLS 1.0 and 1.1 disabled by default), ... | 12.22.12 | 2019-04 | 2022-04 | |
v11 | EOL | 11.15.0 | 2018-10 | 2019-06 | |||
v10 | EOL | Dubnium | (2018-10): LTS | 10.23.0 | 2018-04 | 2021-04 | |
v9 | EOL | 9.11.2 | 2017-05 | 2018-06 | |||
v8 | EOL | Carbon | npm 5.0, v8 comp. 5.8 (2017-10): LTS | 8.17.0 | 2017-05 | 2019-12 | |
v7 | EOL | 7.10.1 | 2016-10 | 2017-06 | |||
v6 | EOL | Boron | New Buffer constructors, v8 comp. 5.0. | 6.14.4 | 2016-04 | 2019-04 | |
v5 | EOL | npm 3.3, v8 compiler | 5.12.0 | 2015-10 | 2016-06 | ||
v4 | EOL | Argon | Convergence from io.js 3.3 fork and Node.js. | 4.9.1 | 2015-09 | 2018-04 | |
v0.12 | EOL | 0.12.18 | 2015-02 | 2016-12 | |||
v0.10 | EOL | 0.10.48 | 2013-03 | 2016-10 | |||
v0 | EOL | Originally written by Ryan Dahl | 0.8.28 | 2009-11 | 2014-07 |
Express is a minimalist web framework for Node.js(Sources: Releases Changelog)
4 | Production | API version 4, app.router(), removed Node 0.8 support | 4.18.2 | 2014-04 | 2022-10 | |
3 | Deprecated | API version 3 | 3.21.2 | 2012-10 | 2015-07 | |
2 | Deprecated | HTTPS support | 2.5.9 | 2011-03 | 2012-04 | |
1 | Obsolete | Faster | 1.0.8 | 2010-07 | 2011-03 | |
0 | Obsolete | 0.14 | 2010-01 | 2010-06 |
ENSEMBLE is the InterSystems application server product. It uses the Cache' database and shares the version number since 2008.
2008 | Prodution | See Cache' | 2008 | Cache' 2008 | ||
2007 | Production | X12, SSL; Additions: BPL, DTL, HL7, Utility Functions, Message Management | 2007 | Cache' 2007 | ||
4 | Production | Enanchements: BPL, Management Portal | 2006 | Cache' 5.2.2 | ||
3.0 | Production | First publicy available release; Monitoring Dashboard, Workflow management; HL7 (3.1) | 3.1 | 2004 | Cache' 5.0.5 (5.0.16 for 3.1) | |
2 | Unsupported | Message Engine, BPL, DTL | 2.1 | 2003 | ||
1 | Unsupported | Application Integration, SQL Gateway, Studio | 2002 |
FORTE' was a successful 4GL development environment and Application Server. It is not longer supported.
5.2 | Old | Sun ONE Unified Development Server Support Matrix (5.2.4): Support Matrix | 5.2.4 | 2004 | 2009 | |
3.5 | Old | Acquired by SUN Support Matrix: SQL*Net (Oracle 7, 8 only) | 30N0 | 2000 | ||
1 | Old | 1994 |
J2EE or Java EE is a programming platform for developing and running multitier architecture Java applications. J2EE includes several API and features: JDBC, XML, RMI, JNDI, EJB, Servlet, Portlets, JSP, ... Of course is based on the Java Language and on its development kit (JDK on J2SE).(Source: Oracle J2EE Wikipedia)
Jakarta EE 8 | Fully compatible with Java EE 8 | 1.8 | 2019-08 | |
Java EE 8 | Servlet 4.0, JSP 2.3, EJB 3.2, JSF 2.3, JPA 2.2, WebSocket 1.1, JSON-P 1.1 | 1.8 | 2017-08 |
Full Profile: GlassFish 5, WildFly 14,
IBM WebSphere Application Server, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2
Web Profile: Full Profile: GlassFish 5, WildFly 14, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2 |
Java EE 7 | Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, EJB 3.2 lite, JSF 2.2, JPA 2.1, WebSocket 1.0, JSON-P 1.0 | 1.7 | 2013-05 |
Full Profile: GlassFish 4, WildFly 8, Tmax Jeus 8, Oracle Weblogic Server 12.2.1,
IBM WebSphere Application Server and 9.x, Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.0, Cosminexus: Hitachi Application Server v10.0,
InforSuite Application Server Enterprise Edition V10.0, NEC WebOTX Application Server V10.x,
Fujitsu Interstage Application Server v12.0
Web Profile: GlassFish 4 Web Profile, WildFly 8 Web Profile, ... |
Java EE 6 | JSR 316: Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, EJB 3.1 lite, JSF 2.0, JPA 2.0, Connector 1.6, Web Beans 1.0, JDBC 4.0 | 1.6 | 2009-12 |
Full Profile: GlassFish 3 (both CE and Oracle), WebLogic 12c, WebSphere AS v8,
WebSphere CE v3, Geronimo 3.0, ...
Web Profile: JBoss 6.0, JBoss 7.0, TomEE, ... |
Java EE 5 | JSR 244: EJB 3.0, JAXB 2.0, JavaServer Faces 1.0, JPA (Persistance API) 1.0 | 1.5 | 2006-05 | GlassFish v2, JBoss 5, JBoss EAP, Apache Geronimo 2, IBM WebSphere AS 7, Oracle WebLogic 10, Oracle OC4J 10, Oracle Application Server 11, ... |
J2EE 1.4 | JSR 151: JSP 1.3, Servlet 2.4, JAXP 1.2, JDBC 3.0 | 1.4 | 2003-11 | JBoss 4, Geronimo 1, Oracle OAS 10g, IBM WebSphere AS, BEA WebLogic 9 |
J2EE 1.3 | JSR 58: JAAS, EJB 2.0, Servlets 2.3, JSP 1.2, enhanced XML and WebDAV, JDBC 2.1 | 1.3 | 2001-09 | |
J2EE 1.2 | EJB 1.1, Servlets 2.2, JSP 1.1, JDBC 2.0 | 1.2 | 1999-12 | |
Java | The Java language! | 1.0 | 1996 |
JSE or JRE are the Java language runtime enviroment while JDK is the Java development kit. Starting with JDK 11 accessing the long time support Oracle JDK/Java SE will now [2019-01] require a commercial license, Oracle OpenJDK can be used instead.(Sources: Oracle Support Wikipedia Java Wikipedia Java versions )
Java SE 21 | 2023-09 | 2028-09 | 2031-09 | LTS |
Java SE 18-20 | 2022-03 | 2023-09 | non-LTS. | |
Java SE 17 | 2021-09 | 2026-09 | 2029-09 | LTS |
Java SE 12-16 | 2019-03 | 2021-09 | non-LTS. 19.3. Unicode 11.0.0. | |
Java SE 11 | 2018-09 | 2023-09 | 2026-09 | 18.9 LTS release. Epsilon garbage collectore, HTTP client, Flight recorder. Unicode 10.0.0. Deprecation: Nashorn. Desupport: Applet, Java Web Start |
Java SE 10 | 2018-03 | 2018-09 | 18.3 non-LTS. Time-based release versioning, application class-data sharing, root certificates | |
Java SE 9 | 2017-09 | 2018-03 | non-LTS. Better multigigabyte support, self-tuning, jshell. Deprecation: Applet | |
Java SE 8 | 2014-03 | 2017-09 | 2025-03 | Lambda expressions (closures), Nashorn (JavaScript rutime), InitialRAMPercentage, MinRAMPercentage, MaxRAMPercentage.
End of Public Updates process: 2019-01 (Commercial Users), 2020-12 (Personal Users) |
Java SE 7 | 2011-07 | 2015-04 | 2022-07 | Autoupdate |
Java SE 6 | 2006-12 | 2013-04 | 2018-12 | JDBC 4.0, performance |
JSE 5.0 | 2004-09 | 2009-10 | 2015-05 | Compile-time type safety, enum, better multi-threading |
JSE 1.4 | 2002-02 | Assert | ||
JSE 1.3 | 2000-00 | HotSpot JVM, JNDI | ||
JSE 1.2 | 1998-12 | Swing in core classes | ||
JDK 1.1 | 1997-02 | JDBC, RMI, JIT compiler | ||
JDK 1.0 | 1996-01 |
JDK 23 | 2024-10 | Latest: 23.0.2 | |
JDK 22 | 2024-03 | Latest: 22.0.2 | |
JDK 21 | 2023-09 | 2031-09 | LTS. Latest: 21.0.6 |
JDK 20 | 2023-03 | 2023-09 | Latest: 20.0.2 |
JDK 19 | 2022-09 | 2023-03 | Latest: 19.0.2 |
JDK 18 | 2022-03 | 2022-09 | Latest: |
JDK 17 | 2021-09 | 2029-09 | LTS. Latest: 17.0.9 |
JDK 16 | 2021-03 | ||
JDK 15 | 2020-09 | ||
JDK 14 | 2020-03 | ||
JDK 13 | 2019-09 | ||
JDK 12 | 2019-03 | ||
JDK 11 | 2018-09 | 2032-01 | LTS. Latest: 11.0.25 |
JDK 10 | 2018-03 | ||
JDK 9 | 2017-09 | ||
JDK 8 | 2014-03 | 2030-12 | LTS. Latest 8u391 |
JDK 7 | 2011-07 | ||
Java SE 12 | 2019-03 | JSR 386 | |
Java SE 11 | 2018-09 | JSR 384 | |
Java SE 10 | 2018-03 | JSR 383 | |
Java SE 9 | 2017-09 | JSR 379 | |
Java SE 8 | 2014-03 | JSR 337; LTS | |
Java SE 7 | 2011-07 | OpenJDK 7 is based only on the JDK 7 version of the Java platform. JSR 336 |
JInitiator or Jinit is the Oracle JSE used for SQL*Forms and in EBS. Now is desupported (since 2010-01) and Java SE should be used instead.(Sources: Wikipedia Desupport )
1.3 | 2002 | 2010-01 | 2013-01 | | Based on JDK 1.3, EBS desupport on 2009-07 |
1.1 | 1999 | 2008-12 | | Based on JDK 1.1 |
Joomla! is a successful Open Source CMS written PHP as a fork of Mambo. It is very feature rich and can be easly extended with thousands of Extensions (8K). There are 5 different types of extensions: components, modules, plugins, templates, and languages.(Source: Joomla! Wikipedia)
5.1 | Production | Dark mode enhancements, SEO optimisation. TUF (The Update Framework) | 5.1.1 | 2024-04 | 2026-10 | |
5.0 | Production | Improved security. Requires MySQL 8.0 and PHP 8.2 | 5.0 | 2023-10 | 2024-04 | |
4.4 | Production | Bridge Version between 4.x and 5.x | 4.4.4 | 2023-10 | 2025-10 | |
4.3 | Production | Guided tours | 4.3.4 | 2023-04 | 2023-10 | |
4.2 | Production | Multi-factor authentication | 4.2.9 | 2022-08 | 2023-04 | |
4.1 | Production | Task scheduler; inline help | 4.1.5 | 2022-02 | 2022-08 | |
4.0 | Production | PHP 8 support. Desupport: PHP 5, Microsoft SQL Server | 4.0.6 | 2021-08 | 2022-02 | |
3.10 | Production | Joomla! 4 compatibility layer | 3.10.12 | 2021-08 | 2023-08 | |
3.9 | Production | Privacy Tool Suite (GDPR) | 3.9.28 | 2018-10 | 2021-08 | |
3.8 | Production | New Routing System, PHP 7.2 Encryption Support, faster codebase | 3.8.13 | 2017-09 | 2018-10 | |
3.7 | Production | Custom Fields, Improved Workflow, Multilingual Associations Manager, Backend Menu Manager, improved update system, cache systems and package/extension management, Easier Extension Maintenance, and UX improvements | 3.7.5 | 2017-04 | 2017-09 | |
3.6 | Production | Joomla! Update improvments, new Sub Form Field function, Menu type ACL (3.6.2 2016-08): PHP 5.3 fix | 3.6.5 | 2016-07 | 2017-04 | |
3.5 | Production | PHP7 support, drag&drop images, system info | 3.5.1 | 2016-03 | 2016-07 | |
3.4 | Production | Collapsible Sidebar, reCAPTCHA (3.4.5): security revision | 3.4.8 | 2015-02 | 2015-12 | |
3.3 | Production | Better password hashing, microdata. New versioning (semantic). | 3.3.6 | 2014-04 | 2014-09 | |
3.2 | Production | Content Versioning | 3.2.7 | 2013-09 | 2014-10 | |
3.1 | Production | Content tagging | 3.1.6 | 2013-04 | 2013-12 | |
3.0 | Production | Added PostgreSQL backend | 3.0.4 | 2012-09 | 2013-05 | |
2.5 (LTS) | Production | Added SQL Server backend | 2.5.28 | 2012-01 | 2014-12 | |
1.7 | Production | Enhanced security and improved migration tools. | 1.7.5 | 2011-07 | 2012-02 | |
1.6 | Production | Ddmin interface improvements | 1.6.6 | 2011-01 | 2011-08 | |
1.5 (LTS) | EOL | PHP 5 | 1.5.26 | 2008-01 | 2012-09 | |
1.0 | EOL | Based on Mambo. MySQL backend, witten with PHP 4 | 1.0.15 | 2005-09 | 2009-07 |
Joomla!, like many other CMS, is very subject to attacks (eg.
SQL injection,
session exploit).
For this reason is very important to upgrade to the latest version or,
at least, to the last patch level of a supported version.
Upgrading Joomla! is generally easy. In 1.5 You have to migrate manually,
since 1.6 You can use the One-click upgrade:
1.5 should migrate to 2.5;
1.6, 1.7 should one-click upgrade to 2.5;
2.5, 3.x should one-click upgrade to the latest version;
Drupal is a successful Open Source CMS written PHP. Core functionalities can be extended with thousands of addons (30K) like Modules or Themes.(Source: Drupal Wikipedia)
10.3 | Production | 10.3.0 | 2024-06 | 2024-06 | Suggested | |
10.2 | Production | 10.2.7 | 2023-12 | 2024-06 | ||
10.1 | Production | 10.1.8 | 2023-06 | 2024-01 | ||
10.0 | Production | 10.0.10 | 2022-07 | 2023-04 | Supported until 2023-12 | |
9.0 | Production | Backward compatibility, faster, improved headless CMS. Deprecation: Panelizer Planned: Symfony 4.0, Twig 2.0 | 9.5.11 | 2020-06 | 2023-09 | Supported until 2023-11 |
8.0 | Production | Symfony 3.0 based. Drupal core modules: CKEditor, Multilingual, Views UI, Configuration Manager, Media, ...; Twig theme engine; Security; Breakpoint media queries for responsive design | 8.9.20 | 2015-11 | 2023-03 | EOL 2021-11 |
7.0 | Production |
Entities, Overlay Admin Theme, better Database integration, SQLite support.
(7.31 2014-08). (7.32 2014-10): important security fix for CVE-2014-3704 | 7.101 | 2011-01 | 2024-06 | Supported until 2025-01 |
6.0 | Production | 6.33 (2014-08). | 6.38 | 2008-08 | 2016-02 | |
5.0 | Production | 5.23 | 2007-01 | 2010-08 | ||
4.0 | Production | 4.5 (2004-10). 4.6 (2005-04). 4.7 (2006-05). | 4.7.11 | 2002-06 | 2008-01 | |
3.0 | Production | 2001-09 | ||||
2.0 | Production | 2001-03 | ||||
1.0 | Production | 2001-01 |
Minor release upgrades are always suggested (eg. Drupal 7 SQL injection fix) while major release updates (eg. v7 to v8) require a big effort but can be delayed. Migration to v9 is now suggested.
WordPress is a successful Open Source CMS written PHP. The interface can be easly modified with Themes and functionalities can be easly extended with Plugins.(Source: WordPress Releases Wikipedia MySQL Versions PHP Versions Requirements )
6.5 | Regina Carter | Production | Requires MySQL 5.5+ | 6.5.5 | 2024-04 | 2024-06 | |
6.4 | Shirley Horn | Production | Supports PHP 8.3 | 6.4.5 | 2023-11 | 2024-06 | |
6.3 | Lionel Hampton | Production | Requires PHP 7.0+ | 6.3.5 | 2023-08 | 2024-06 | |
6.2 | Eric Dolphy | Production | 6.2.6 | 2023-03 | 2024-06 | ||
6.1 | Misha | Production | "Twenty Twenty-Three", supports PHP 8.2 | 6.1.7 | 2022-11 | 2024-06 | |
6.0 | Arturo O'Farrill | Production | Gutenberg writing improvements, additional design tools, ... | 6.0.9 | 2022-05 | 2024-06 | |
5.9 | Josephine Baker | Production | New default theme "Twenty Twenty-Two". Supports PHP 8.1 | 5.9.10 | 2022-01 | 2024-06 | |
5.8 | Art Tatum | Production | 5.8.10 | 2021-07 | 2024-06 | ||
5.7 | Esperanza Spalding | Production | 5.7.12 | 2021-03 | 2024-06 | ||
5.6 | Nina Simone | Production | New default theme "Twenty Twenty-One". Supports PHP 8.0 | 5.6.14 | 2020-12 | 2024-06 | |
5.5 | Billy Eckstine | Production | 5.5.15 | 2020-08 | 2024-06 | ||
5.4 | Nat Adderley | Production | 5.4.16 | 2020-03 | 2024-06 | ||
5.3 | Rahsaan Roland Kirk | Production | Block Editor Improvements, PHP 7.4 full support [NdA PHP 7.4 supports MySQL 8.0] | 5.3.18 | 2019-11 | 2024-06 | |
5.2 | Jaco Pastorius | Production | Requires PHP 5.6.20+. "White screen of death" better handling, Site Health enhancements, new Dashboard Icons, plugin compatibility checks | 5.2.21 | 2019-05 | 2024-06 | |
5.1 | Betty Carter | Production | Site Health, cron API | 5.1.19 | 2019-02 | 2024-06 | |
5.0 | Bebo Valdés | Production | Block-based new editor. Supports PHP 7.3 | 5.0.22 | 2018-12 | 2024-06 | |
4.9 | Billy Tipton | Production | More developer friendly. Supports PHP 7.2 (4.9.6 2018-05): GDPR fixings | 4.9.26 | 2017-11 | 2024-06 | |
4.8 | Bill Evans | Production | Link boundaries, widget updates | 4.8.25 | 2017-06 | 2024-06 | |
4.7 | Sarah Vaughan | Production | Twenty Seventeen, theme starter, video headers, custom CSS, PDF Preview, WP REST API; supports PHP 7.1 | 4.7.29 | 2016-12 | 2024-06 | |
4.6 | Pepper Adams | Production | Native fonts, editor improvements, browser resource hints, faster multisite | 4.6.29 | 2016-08 | 2024-06 | |
4.5 | Coleman Hawkins | Production | Device Previewer | 4.5.32 | 2016-04 | 2024-06 | |
4.4 | Clifford Brown | Production | Twenty Sixteen, Responsive images, supports PHP 7.0 | 4.4.33 | 2015-12 | 2024-06 | |
4.3 | Billie Holiday | Production | Menu management, site icons, improved password, editor shortcuts | 4.3.34 | 2015-08 | 2024-06 | |
4.2 | Bud Powell | Production | Better language support, Theme customizer, Plugin Screen | 4.2.38 | 2015-04 | 2024-06 | |
4.1 | Dinah Washington | Production | Twenty Fifteen, supports PHP 5.6 | 4.1.41 | 2014-12 | 2024-06 | |
4.0 | Benny Goodman | Production | Localized installation | 4.0.38 | 2014-09 | 2022-11 | |
3.9 | Jimmy Smith | Production | HTML5 markup, image management | 3.9.40 | 2014-04 | 2022-11 | |
3.8 | Charlie Parker | Production | Twenty Fourteen, new admin | 3.8.41 | 2013-12 | 2022-11 | |
3.7 | Count Basie | Production | Automatic background updates, supports PHP 5.5 | 3.7.41 | 2013-10 | 2022-11 | |
3.x | Thelonious Monk, ... | Production | Twenty Ten default theme. (3.2): requires MySQL 5.0.15 or sup., requires PHP 5.2.4+ (3.4): supports PHP 5.4 | 3.6.1 | 2010-06 | 2013-09 | |
2.x | Duke Ellington, ... | Production | Requires MySQL 3.23.23 or sup., requires PHP 4.2+, support up to PHP 5.1- (2.0.5): Ronan Boren (2.1): requires MySQL 4.0 or sup., supports PHP 5.2 (2.5): requires PHP 4.3 or sup. (2.9): requires MySQL 4.1.2 or sup., supports PHP 5.3 | 2.0.11 2.9.2 | 2005-12 2009-12 | 2007-08 2010-02 | |
1.5 | Billy Strayhorn | Production | 1.5.2 | 2005-02 | 2005-08 | ||
1.2 | Charles Mingus | Production | Since 1.2.2 a database version fingerprint is available | 1.2.2 | 2004-04 | 2004-03 | |
1 | Miles Davis | Production | (1.0.2): Art Blakey | 1.0.2 | 2004-01 | 2004-03 | |
0 | Pre-Production | 0.72 | 2003-05 | 2003-10 |
It is always suggested to upgrade to the newest WordPress version.
Since 2.7 one-click upgrade is available.
Since 3.7 the automatic upgrade of minor and security fixes is available.
It is also important to check themes and plugins compatibility and upgrades.
Moodle is a successful e-learning software written PHP.(Source: Moodle Wikipedia)
4.4 | Production | 4.4.1 | 2024-04 | 2025-12 | Current Stable | |
4.3 | Production | 4.3.0 | 2023-10 | 2025-04 | Current Stable | |
4.2 | Production | 4.2.1 | 2023-04 | 2024-10 | Current Security | |
4.1 | Production | LTS. | 4.1.4 | 2022-11 | 2025-12 | LTS Current Security |
4.0 | Production | 4.0.9 | 2022-04 | 2023-12 | ||
3.11 | Production | 3.11.15 | 2021-05 | 2023-12 | ||
3.10 | Production | 3.10.11 | 2020-11 | 2022-05 | ||
3.9 | Production | LTS. | 3.9.22 | 2020-06 | 2023-12 | LTS |
3.8 | Production | 3.8.9 | 2019-11 | 2021-05 | ||
3.7 | Production | Requires PHP 7.1 For all: Dynamic Forums, Personalized Messaging, new Classic Theme For teachers: Analytics | 3.7.9 | 2019-05 | 2020-11 | |
3.6 | Production | For all: course overview, new messanging For teachers: group messanging, quiz improvements For admins: privacy enhancements | 3.6.10 | 2018-12 | 2020-05 | |
3.5 | Production | LTS. For all: GDPR. For devel: All plugins must implement Privacy API, Boostrap v.4 | 3.5.18 | 2018-05 | 2021-05 | LTS |
3.4 | Production | For all: Better calendar management, Drag and drop calendar events, Private files storage display, Improved Global search, Easier activity navigation, Moodle from your Mobile! For teachers: More efficient user management, Mark activities as complete, Helpful file type selector, Tag database entries. For admins: Inspire Analytics in core (previously was a plugin), New filters for user tours, HTTPS conversion, OAuth2 services trusted email, Manage all Tokens, Site registration. | 3.4.9 | 2017-11 | 2019-05 | |
3.3 | Production | For all: Better Office integration, Improved dashboard, Font Awesome, Emoji support. For teachers: Set a 'Grade by' reminder, Specify assignment file types, Collapse comments in assignments, Better activity completion management, Drag and drop media, 'Stealth' activities - available but not shown, More tag areas. For admins: OAuth2 authentication, Document file converters, Improved MySQL support (utf8mb4), New "Stealth" mode setting, Learning analytics plugin. | 3.3.9 | 2016-12 | 2018-11 | |
3.2 | Production | For all: User-friendly messaging and alerts, improved Mobile app. For teachers: Better navigation and Easier editing with Boost, Media player improvements, Interactive report charts, Discussion locking, Assignment overrides, Workshop portfolio export, Select for students in Choice, Negative scores for rubrics. For admins: New customisable Boost theme, User tours, Competency frameworks import and export New media player plugins, LTI 2 compliance, Course end dates. | 3.2.9 | 2016-12 | 2018-05 | |
3.1 | Production | LTS. For all: Bulk download files in a zipped folder, Search everywhere, Message others more efficiently, Easily link to forum posts. For teachers: Competencies, Assignment grading, Download selected assignments, Easily restore deleted content, Pinned forum discussions, Workshop enhancements, Share activities on your site, Tag course activities, Easier section editing, Search metalinked courses. For admins: Competency frameworks, Learning plan templates, Global search Assignment file conversion, Search the file system repository, Lesson default settings, Tagging enhancements. | 3.1.18 | 2016-05 | 2019-05 | LTS |
3.0 | Production | 3.0.10 | 2015-11 | 2017-05 | ||
2.9 | Production | 2.9.9 | 2015-05 | 2016-11 | ||
2.8 | Production | 2.8.12 | 2014-11 | 2016-05 | ||
2.7 | Production | LTS. | 2.7.20 | 2014-05 | 2017-05 | LTS |
2.6 | Production | 2.6.11 | 2013-11 | 2015-05 | ||
2.5 | Production | 2.5.9 | 2013-05 | 2014-11 | ||
2 | EOL | 2.0.10 2.4.11 | 2010-11 2012-12 | 2012-06 2014-06 | ||
1.0 | EOL | 1.0.9 1.9.19 | 2002-08 2008-03 | 2003-05 2013-12 |
Magento is the most famous ecommerce software. It's written in PHP with the Zend framework. Magento Inc. has been acquired by Adobe on 2018-05. Magento Enterprise Edition is now called Adobe Commerce and is available both as a Cloud Service and on-premises.(Source: Release notes Download Wikipedia)
2.4 | Production | PHP 7.4 support, MySQL 8.0 support, MariaDB 10.4 support, Elasticsearch 7.6 support. Deprecated: PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 Desupport: MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0, MariaDB 10.1 | 2.4.3-p1 | 2021-08 | ||
2.3 | Production | Inventory management, PWA studio | 2.3.7 | 2018-12 | 2020-04 | |
2.2 | Production | Upgraded technology stack | 2.2.11 | 2018-06 | 2019-12 | |
2.1 | Production | PayPal and management interfaces enhancements | 2.1.15 | 2016-06 | 2018-09 | |
2.0 | Production | 2.0.18 | 2015-11 | 2018-02 | Requires MySQL 5.6 or later | |
1.9 | Production | | 2014-05 | 2016-11 | ||
1.8 | Production | 1.8.1 | 2013-09 | 2013-12 | ||
1.7 | Production | | 2012-04 | 2012-07 | ||
1.6 | Production | 1.6.2 | 2011-08 | 2012-01 | ||
1.5 | Production | 1.5.1 | 2011-02 | 2011-04 | ||
1.4 | Production | 1.4.2 | 2010-02 | 2010-12 | ||
1.3 | Production | 1.3.3 | 2009-03 | 2010-04 | ||
1.2 | Production | | 2008-12 | 2009-03 | ||
1.1 | Production | 1.1.9 | 2008-07 | 2008-11 | ||
1.0 | Production | 1.0.0 | 2008-03 | 2008-03 |
![]() | WebCrawler | 1994 | |
![]() | Lycos | 1995 | |
![]() | Yahoo! | 1995 | |
![]() | Excite | 1995 | |
![]() | AltaVista | 1995 | Redirects to Yahoo! |
![]() | Yandex | 1997 | Initially only for Russia |
![]() | 1998 | ||
![]() | MSN Search | 1998 | Active as Bing |
![]() | Baidu | 2000 | For China |
![]() | DuckDuckGo | 2008 | |
![]() | Bing | 2009 | |
![]() | Brave Search | 2021 | |
![]() | SearchGPT | 2024 |
There are much more Search Engines than the listed ones...
![]() | Sixdegrees | | 1997-12 | First social-circles network |
![]() | | 2003-05 | Business and career social media. Acquired by Microsoft on 2016-12 | |
![]() | | 2004-02 | The most famous social media and social networking service.
The Like button was first enabled on 2009-02 and was expanded into Reactions on 2016-02.
In October 2021 the company name changed to Meta Platforms Inc. | |
![]() | | 2006-07 | Information and message sharing network. In 2017 the post message size was increased from 140 to 280 characters.
Acquired by Elon Musk on 2022-10 Twitter changed its name to X on 2023-07. | |
![]() | X | | 2023-07 | New Twitter name and logo. With X users can share and post text messages, images, and videos known as tweets. |
![]() | YouTube | | 2005-02 | Video sharing network.
Acquired by Google on 2006-10. |
![]() | VKontakte | | 2006-09 | Russian online social media and social networking service. |
![]() | | 2009-02 | Voice-over-IP and Instant Messaging service.
Acquired by Facebook on 2014-02. | |
![]() | | 2010-03 | Image sharing service. | |
![]() | | 2010-10 | Photo and video sharing social networking service.
Initially photos where 1:1, 640 pixels sized. Instagram allows sharing of
Stories since 2016-10, with post accessible for 24 hours only, and changed video format
to Reel on 2022-07.
Acquired by Facebook on 2012-04. | |
![]() | | 2011-01 | Chinese instant messaging and mobile payment APP. | |
![]() | Messenger | | 2011-08 | Evolution of Facebook Chat (2018) allows one-to-one and group video calls. |
![]() | Snapchat | | 2011-09 | Multimedia instant messaging. |
![]() | Telegram | | 2013-08 | Instant messaging service available on several platforms. Telegram provides end-to-end encryption and private chats called Secret Chats. Can be programmed with an open API to create custom bots. |
![]() | TikTok | | 2016-09 | Short video sharing network. Known as Douyin in China. |
![]() | Threads | | 2023-07 | Information sharing network. Initially available for Instagram users. For EU users since 2023-12. |
QQ (1999-02),
Friendster (2003-03),
MySpace (2003-08),
Skype (2003-08),
Vimeo (2004-11),
Reddit (2005-06),
Tumblr (2007-02),
Weibo (2009-08),
Kuaishou (2011-03),
Twitch (2011-06),
Google+ (2011-06),
RED (2013-06),
Mastodon (2016-03),
OnlyFans (2016-11),
Hive Social (2019-06),
BeReal. (2020-01),
Lemon8 (2020-05),
BlueSky Social (2023-02),
![]() | Second Life | | 2003-06 | |
![]() | Roblox | | 2006-09 | |
![]() | Decentraland | | 2020-03 | |
![]() | The Sandbox | | 2021-02 | |
![]() | Horizon Worlds | | 2021-12 |
Others: The Sims, AltspaceVR, Dreams, Fortnite, Minecraft, Axie Infinity, Illuvium, ...
![]() | ChatGPT | ![]() | | 2022-11 | Initially based on the LLM GPT-3.5, then updated to use GPT-4. |
![]() | Copilot | ![]() | | 2023-02 | Based on GPT-4, replaced Cortana and had been integrated in many Windows software. |
![]() | Llama | ![]() | | 2023-02 | Family of autoregressive large language models (LLMs) released by Meta AI. |
![]() | Gemini | ![]() | | 2023-03 | Bard was the first release of the Google chatbot then replaced by Gemini in 2023-12. |
![]() | Claude | ![]() | | 2023-03 | Claude is a family of large language models fine tuned with Constitutional AI. |
![]() | Qwen | ![]() | | 2023-04 | Qwen is a LLM developed by Alibaba, it does not have an official chatbot but
![]() |
![]() | Ernie | ![]() | | 2023-08 | Ernie Bot is AI chatbot, mainly for chinese language, built on a large language model called ERNIE (Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration). |
![]() | Grok | ![]() | | 2023-11 | Initially called TruthGPT has a direct access to X. |
![]() | Apple Intelligence | ![]() | 2024-10 | Available from iOS 18.1 and Sequoia 15.1, bundled to applications. Currently non available in Europe and in China. | |
![]() | Le chat | ![]() | | 2024-11 | Mistral AI, a French artificial intelligence startup, produces open-source AI models. |
![]() | DeepSeek | ![]() | | 2025-01 | Chinese chatbot based on the Open Source DeepSeek-V3 foundation model. |
Metis | ![]() | 2024-?? | Maybe it'll be integrated with Alexa. | ||
A more serious list should compare the LLMs (Large Language Models) on benchmarks (eg.,, ... Chatbot Arena;-) but chatting is more fun!
Asterisk is a powerful Open Source PBX.
Asterisk was initially developed in 1999 by Mark Spencer of Digium; Digium was acquired by Sangoma in 2018.
(Sources: All versions Asterisk svn archives (old) Documentation Downloads Wikipedia)
22 LTS | Production | 22.2.0 | 2025-01 | 2025-02 | 2029-01 (SecFix 2027) | Suggested | |
21 | Production | 21.7.0 | 2023-10 | 2023-12 | 2024-10 | ||
20 LTS | Production | 20.12.0 | 2022-10 | 2023-12 | 2026-10 (SecFix 2027) | Suggested | |
19 | Production | 19.8.1 | 2021-11 | 2021-11 | 2022-11 | ||
18 LTS | Production | STIR/SHAKEN standard support, add/remove video durign the call, video conference bridge, configurable SIP logging | 18.20.1 | 2020-10 | 2023-12 | 2024-10 (SecFix 2025) | Suggested |
17 | Production | Application event filtering, RTP/ICE, BlindTransfer, DUNDi, MWI | 17.9.4 | 2019-10 | 2021-08 | 2020-10 (SecFix 2021) | |
16 LTS | Production | REMB and NACK support for WebRTC, PJSIP AMI, Conference Text Messaging | 16.30.1 | 2018-10 | 2022-12 | 2022-10 (SecFix 2023) | |
15 | Production | Streams management (SFU: selective forwarding unit), simplified WebRTC support | 15.7.4 | 2017-09 | 2019-09 | 2018-10 (SecFix 2019) | |
14 | Production | Pluggable API for DNS, media play on file and on HTTP/HTTPS, ARI: separation for channel creation and dial, list media playback | 14.7.8 | 2016-09 | 2018-09 | 2017-09 (SecFix 2018) | |
13 LTS | Production | Based on 12 new architecture, enhanced REST Interface (ARI), new funtionalities in AMI, dialplan applications | 13.38.3 | 2014-10 | 2021-07 | 2020-10 (SecFix 2021) | |
12 | Production | New architecture with an perfomant SIP channel driver built on pjsip Asterisk REST Interface. WebRTC: VP8 video codec support (Chrome), Opus codec support (audio) | 12.8.2 | 2013-12 | 2014-12 (SecFix 2015) | ||
11 LTS | Production | Call Identifier Logging, Hangup Handlers, Pre-dial routines, WebRTC (initial support) | 11.25.3 | 2012-10 | 2016-10 (SecFix 2017) | ||
10 | Production | High-performance conferencing application for 8-192kHz clients New Media negotiation framework supporting for an array of common sampling rates SKYPE's SILK codec Pass-ThroughSupport for the CELT low-latency audio codec at 32 and 48kHz Support for the SPEEX codec at 32kHz Receive-side jitter buffer capabilities CCSS Device State Information | 10.12.4 | 2011-12 | 2013-12 | ||
1.8 LTS | Production | Secure RTP, IPv6 Support, Connected Party Identification Support, Calendaring Integration, Channel Event Logging (CEL), Distributed Device State using Jabber/XMPP PubSub, Call Completion Supplementary Services support, Advice of Charge support | | 2010-10 | 2015-10 | ||
1.6 | Production | SIP over TCP and TLS support, Distributed presence, T.38 FAX over SIP improvements | | 2008-10 | |||
1.4 LTS | Production | Generic Jitter Buffer, Asterisk Extension Language Version 2, T.38 (IP FAX), Jabber/Jingle/GoogleTalk compatibility, Increased language capabilities, Unified Messaging (central mailbox with voicemail, email, ...), AJAM (HTTP access to Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)) | 1.4.44 | 2006-12 | 2012-04 | ||
1.2 | EoL | Many fixes. Improved performances and memory management | 1.2.40 | 2005-11 | 2010-11 | ||
1.0 | First production release | 1.0.12 | 2004-09 |
Asterisk patching is generally painless. Asterisk upgrades are not very commons: You generally install and configure a new server! Anyway the process is well documented.
xCALLY is a powerful Customer Care solution based on Asterisk produced by XeniaLAB. The xCALLY suite is a complete multi channel solution for Inbound, Outbound and Blended Contact Centers.
(Sources: xCALLY Motion v2
xCALLY Motion v3
xCALLY Shuttle
Motion v3 | Production | Based on Asterisk 18 LTS, Debian 11 Bullseye, Docker (3.0.1 2022-03): many fixes | 3.28.1 | 2022-01 | 2023-12 | |
Motion v2 | Production | New dialer, security enhancements.
(2.0.6): Incompatible change: license manager.
(2.0.52 2018-04): Security Suite fully GDPR compliant.
(2.0.71 2018-12): DialogFlow integration for chat channels (chatbot).
(2.0.75 2019-02): important fixes: MOTV2-2525 (security).
(2.0.76 2019-02): performance: Emptied sessions table.
(2.0.78 2019-03): Japanese GUI, Amazon LEX support.
(2.1.0 2019-07): major change: user profiles (2.2.0 2019-07): videosupport option (2.3.0 2019-09): MS Dynamics CRM integration, Service Now integration (2.4.0 2019-12): new General Search, Screen Recording (2.5.0 2020-08): AI tools, WhatsApp connector (2.5.22 2021-03): mail performance improvements (upgrade may require some time), removed API /api/notifications (2.5.32 2021-03): autoreply improvements (upgrade may require some time) (2.5.44 2021-12): timezone for single contect (upgrade may require some time) (2.5.49 2022-01): auto answer for connector channels (2.6.0 2022-01): multiple contact numbers for outbound dialer (upgrade may require some time) (2.6.11 2022-07): many components require Node.js 6.13+, downgrade is not possible | 2.6.34 | 2017-06 | 2023-05 | End of support 2023-03 |
Motion | Production | Multichannel: Voice, Chat, eMail | 1.0.38 | 2016-12 | 2018-11 | |
Shuttle v2 | Production | Asynchronous architecture based on node.js and angular.js. Real Time dashboards and Business Intelligence section for reporting. On click upgrade. (2.4.74 2018-06): compatible with xCally Universal Bar/Motion Bar that implement GDPR compliant security updates | 2.4.89 | 2014-10 | 2020-09 | |
Shuttle v1 | Production | New HTML5 responsive supervisor interface. External SIP phone support. Full package installer for Linux CentOS available. | ||||
2.0 | Production | Fast and Distributed phone bar provisioning, Analytics and Call Center Reports improvements, Mobile CTI App | | 2012-09 | ||
1.5 | Production | Easy to use desktop interface, CTI phone bar, multiSkill and multiCampaign improvement, several timer management improvements | 1.5.21 | 2012-02 | ||
1.0 | Production | First version, CTI support | 1.0.7 | 2010-11 |
Call-center operators generally use the xCALLY Phone Bar and a professional headset.
(Sources: Motion Phone Bar Shuttle Phone Bar ) |
MotionBAR 5.0 | Production | New SIP stack (5.1.1): SIP stack upgrade (5.1.22 2018-05): xCALLY Universal Bar GDPR compliant (5.1.31 2020-01): Screen Recording, TLS 1.2 support | 5.1.31 | 2017-05 | 2020-01 | |
MotionBAR 4.0 | EOL | | 2016-10 | 2017-05 | ||
ShuttleBAR 3.0 | Production | | 2016-02 | 2018-06 |
xCALLY release changes require reinstall.
Zabbix is a powerful Open Source monitoring tool for systems, applications, and networks. Zabbix is feature rich and suitable for very large enterprise environments. Agents are written in C Language, the web interface is written in PHP and Java Script. The database is generally MySQL but many others are supported.
(Source: Release Notes, Release Policy, Wikipedia)
6.4 | Production | 6.4.5 | 2023-03 | 2023-10 | ||
6.2 | Production | Official AWS EC2 template, extended VMware monitoring, enhanced host discovery, ... | 6.2.1 | 2022-07 | 2023-02 | |
6.0 LTS | Production | Advanced SLA calculation logic, root cause analysis, machine learning, k8s monitoring, new widgets (eg. Geomap, SLA, ...); cluster mode (HA), performance improvements, new Agents | 6.0.20 | 2022-02 | 2025-02 (LS 2027-02) | |
5.4 | Production | Scheduled PDF reports, new trigger syntax, advanced data aggregation, multipage dashboards, ... | 5.4.12 | 2021-05 | 2022-02 (LS 2022-05) | |
5.2 | Production | User roles, MQTT and Modbus support, HAproxy for HA, syntetic monitoring, insights, ... | 5.2.7 | 2020-10 | 2021-07 | |
5.0 LTS | Production | Advanced automated discovery, new go Agents, scalability, on Cloud/on Premises, new GUI, ITSM integration, new templates, ... | 5.0.36 | 2020-05 | 2023-05 (LS 2025-05) | Suggested |
4.4 | Production | zabbix_agent2, container deploy, metric documentation, ITSM integration,... | 4.4.9 | 2019-10 | 2020-03 | |
4.2 | Production | TimescaleDB support | 4.2.8 | 2019-04 | 2019-10 | |
4.0 LTS | Production | Enhanced visualization, Time range selection, Tag management, Workflows, HTTP/HTTPS data collection, Kiosk mode, ... | 4.0.47 | 2018-10 | 2021-10 (LS 2023-10) | Suggested |
3.4 | Production | Collected data preprocessing, command execution througt Proxies, customizable Dashboard, parallel alerts, time period macros, problem acknowledgement notification | 3.4.15 | 2017-08 | 2018-10 | |
3.2 | Production | Event tags. | 3.2.11 | 2016-09 | 2017-10 | |
3.0 LTS | Production | (2015-08) 2.5 First Alpha. (2015-09) 3.0 Alpha2. (2016-02) New Web Interface, forecasting, per-process monitoring, private maps | 3.0.32 | 2016-02 | 2019-02 (LS 2021-02) | Suggested |
2.6 | Production | Cancelled | ||||
2.4 | Production | Multiple filters for low level discovery, Advanced WEB monitoring, SNMP bulk requests,
Host menu changes
Desupport: Node-based distribuited monitoring | 2.4.8 | 2014-09 | 2016-01 (LS 2016-03) | |
2.3 | Development | 2.3.5 | 2014 | |||
2.2 LTS | Production | vCenter and vSphere integration,
Internal events, Macro processing, Performance improvements, API improvements,
Discovery and auto-registration, Access to historical data for disabled hosts,
Windows events collection
Desupport: Unknown events | 2.2.23 | 2013-11 | 2017-08 (LS 2019-08) | Suggested |
2.1 | Development | 2.1.9 | 2013 | |||
2.0 LTS | Production | SNMP traps, new default templates, WEB monitoring by proxies | 2.0.21 | 2012-05 | 2015-05 (LS 2017-05) | |
1.9 | Development | 1.9.9 | 2010 | |||
1.8 | Production | DB Cache, more efficient polling, flexible maintenance periods | 1.8.22 | 2009-12 | 2014-12 | |
1.7 | Development | 1.7.4 | 2009 | |||
1.6 | Production | Escalations, IPv6, ZABBIX Proxy, Dashboard | 1.6.4 | 2008-09 | 2013-09 | |
1.5 | Development | 1.5.4 | 2008 | |||
1.4 | Production | Distribuited monitoring, Installation Wizard, Auto-discovery, Web monitoring | 1.4.7 | 2007-05 | 2011-05 | |
1.3 | Development | 1.3.8 | 2007 | |||
1.1 | Production | SNMP v3, New GUI, Localization, Templates | 1.1.7 | 2006-02 | 2011-02 | |
1.0 | Production | First version | 1.0 | 2004-03 | 2009-03 | |
0.1 | Alpha | Alpha but works fine! | 0.x | 2001 | 2004 |
Some Zabbix versions are labeled LTS indicating Long Term Support. Zabbix upgrades must be planned. First versions upgrades had a long manual procedure. Current version upgrades are generally smooth if You follow the standard procedure. Since 2.2.0 database upgrades are automatic. Agents are generally compatible for many releases (of course without the newest features) while proxies must be in the same major release of the Zabbix server.
Grafana is a powerful Open Source analytics platform for metrics on Time Series DB.
(Source: Downloads, GitHub, Breaking changes, Wikipedia)
11 | Production | Subfolders, Scenes, LLM plugin for AI generated titles, colored rows in tables, PDF export improvements, Explore metrics for Prometheus, Explore logs for Loki, ... Deprecation: AngularJS based plugins disabled by default (angular_support_enabled=false) Desupport: legacy alerting, endpoints and fields in Reporting, Input data source | 11.5.2 | 2024-05 | 2025-02 | |
10 | Production | React 18. Region support for time series, annotation filtering, Canvas panel, Azure monitoring datasource, ... Many previews: public dashboards, Subfolders, Scenes, Correlations, trend panel, Datagrid panel, ... | 10.4.3 | 2023-06 | 2024-05 | |
9 | Production | Prometheus and Loki new query builders, new heatmap, improvements to: alerting, dashboard search, security and authentication. (9.3 2022-12): improved navigation, localization, improved alerting. (9.3.4 2023-01): security fix (CVE-2022-23498). | 9.5.19 | 2022-06 | 2024-05 | |
8 | Production | Library panels, panel visualization (eg. Time Series instead of Graph! Beta: Bar, Node, State timeline, Histogram, ...), v8.0 alerts, plugin catalog, ... (8.1.6): security fix (CVE-2021-39226). (8.3.1): security fix (CVE-2021-43798). (8.3.2): security fix (CVE-2021-43798, CVE-2021-PENDING). (8.3.5): security fix (CVE-2022-21702, CVE-2022-21703, CVE-2022-21713). (8.5.3): security fix (CVE-2022-29170). | 8.5.20 | 2021-06 | 2023-01 | |
7 | Production | Data transformations, new table panel, new IDE, CloudWatch support, ... (7.0.2): security fix (CVE-2020-13379). (7.2.0): date formats. (7.5.11): security fix (CVE-2021-39226). (7.5.12): security fix (CVE-2021-43798, CVE-2021-PENDING). (7.5.16): security fix (CVE-2022-29170). | 7.5.16 | 2020-05 | 2021-10 | |
6 | Production | New query workflow, Grafana Loki (log aggregation), new Gauge Panel, new Panel Editor UX. (6.1 2019-04): multi value data source variables for repeating panels, filtering on Prometheus, editors ownership. (6.1.6): security fix. (6.2.0): lazy loading, multi series gauge, bar gauge, ... (6.3.0): data link, graph gradients, new time picker, loki/Elasticsearch/InfluxDB log support, ... (6.3.4): security fix (CVE-2019-15043). (6.4.0): Log panel, data links improvements, go back. (6.6.0): stat panel, custom data units. (6.7.0): Google sheets datasource, OAuth integration, dashboard minimum refresh interval, query history. (6.7.4): security fix (CVE-2020-13379). | 6.7.4 | 2019-02 | 2020-06 | |
5 | Production | New dashboard grid layout engine, first steps from AngularJS to React, Light theme, Dashboard and folder permissions, Teams, Datasource and Dashborad provisioning, persistent URLs (5.1): Microsoft SQL Server datasource plugin. (5.2): Eleasticsearch alerting. (5.2.3): important security fix. (5.3): TV & Kiosk mode changes, Postgres graphical query builder, TimescaleDB support, Google Stackdriver datasource (5.4.0): Team preferences, highlighting weekdays and timespans in the graphs, MySQL Query Builder, for clause in Alerts, templating query editor for all datasources (5.4.5): security fix (CVE-2019-15043). | 5.4.5 | 2018-03 | 2019-08 | |
4 | Production | Alerting, notifications, annotations. (4.1): shared tooltip, Elasticsearch 5.x support. (4.3): MySQL, PostgreSQL data source plugins. (4.6.4): important security fix | 4.6.4 | 2016-12 | 2018-08 | |
3 | Production | Panel and APP Plugins, Playlists, grafana CLI | 3.1.1 | 2016-05 | 2016-08 | |
2 | Production | (2.1): LDAP integration, InfluxDB 0.9 full support, KariosDB plugin (2.5): Mixed datasources, new time picker, invite users | 2.6.0 | 2015-04 | 2015-12 | |
1 | Production | First public release. Grafana is the dashboard replacement for Graphite. | 1.9.1 | 2014-01 | 2014-12 |
Upgrades are generally painless (eg. yum update grafana) even if a DB backup is recomended.
Eclipse is the most used IDE for Java programming and... it is Open Source! Eclipse is used for many other languages too.(Sources: Eclipse Wikipedia)
4.x | Production | 4.21 | 2018-09 | 2021-09 | ... 2020-06: 4.16, ... 2021-06: 4.20 | |
4.9 | Old | SimRel | 2018-09 | Simultaneous Release (every tree months) | ||
4.8 | Old | Photon | 4.8 | 2018-06 | ||
4.7 | Old | Oxygen | 4.7 | 2017-06 | ||
4.6 | Old | Neon | 4.6.3 | 2016-06 | ||
4.5 | Old | Mars | 4.5.2 | 2015-06 | ||
4.4 | Old | Luna | 2014-06 | Java 8 support | ||
4.3 | Old | Kepler | 2013-06 | |||
4.2 | Old | Juno | 2012-06 | |||
3.7 | Old | Indigo | 2011-06 | |||
3.6 | Old | Helios | 2010-06 | |||
3.5 | Old | Galileo | 2009-06 | |||
3.4 | Old | Ganimede | 2018-06 | |||
3.3 | Old | Europa | 2007-06 | |||
3.2 | Old | Callisto | 2006-06 | |||
3.1 | Old | 3.1 | 2005-06 | |||
3.0 | Old | 3.0 | 2004-06 |
Last but not least...
C | 1972 | Still my favourite one
Versions: C17 C11 C99 C95 C90 C89 (ANSI C) K&R (Kernighan Ritchie on 1978) | C17 |
SQL | 1977 | Database Query Language... and much more!
Versions: SQL/2023 SQL/2016 SQL/2011 SQL/2008 SQL/2006 SQL/2003 SQL/1999 SQL/92 SQL/89 SQL/86 | SQL/2023 |
Bourne Shell | 1969 | On any Unix box | bash-5.1 |
HTML | 1989 | You are reading an HTML file... | HTML5 |
Python | 1991 |
Latest supported versions: ... 3.12.5 3.11.9 3.10.14 3.9.19 3.8.19
Unsupported: 3.7.17 3.6.14 3.5.10 3.4.9 3.3.7 3.2.6 3.1.5 3.0.1 2.7.18 2.6.9 2.5.6 2.4.6 2.3.7 2.2.3 2.1.3 2.0.1 1.6 1.5.2p2 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9.9 | 3.12.5 |
PHP | 1998 | Great web scripting language. | 8.4.4 5.6.10 discontinued |
Perl | 1986 | Make the easy things easy, and the hard things possible | 5.36 |
C++ | 1980 | More than C language but I was too old to learn it | |
Objective-C | 1986 | Mac & iPhone programming | |
Java | 1995 | Great job Duke! | |
C# | 2000 | Microsoft OOL similar to Java | |
Tcl/Tk | 1988 | ||
Java Script | 1997 | ||
Cobol | 1959 | Never dies! | |
Pascal | 1971 | ||
Delphi | 1995 | ||
Prolog | 1970 | Logical programming | |
BASIC | 1964 | ||
Visual Basic | 1991 | ||
LISP | 1964 | Lambda calculus | |
Fortran | 1954 |
Does Your server really stink?
Yes, it can be mathematically, physically and philosophically proved that both Your Hardware and Software need an upgrade.
Let's see the theory behind this truth.
Does Your Hardware stinks?
If a CPU is 2 years old then current HW is twice faster
(by Moore's law: performance increases exponentially over time).
If You have read this document so far then you are worried by Your Hardware oldness.
Applying the first Aristotle syllogism gives the following conclusion:
Conclusion: Your Hardware is slow, You have to upgrade Your Hardware!
Does Your Software stinks?
The halting problem is undecidable over computer programs (by Turing's theorem).
By Gödel's second incompleteness theorem
no software con be proved to be correct.
Applying the first Murphy law to both theorems gives the following conclusion:
Conclusion: You Software is buggy and perhaps will hang, You have to upgrade Your Software!
These two thesis allow us to write the First Server Stinks Theorem (1SST):
Your Server really stinks, You have to upgrade it!
By Hofstadter's law the upgrade task takes more than expected but
applying the Pareto principle we see that upgrading the 20%
of the systems solves the 80% of the problems. This allow us to write the
Second Server Stinks Theorem (2SST):
Your Server really stinks, You have to upgrade it now!
Using the Occam razor on both sentences give us the definitive form of
the Third and Last Server Stinks Theorem (3SST):
Your Server stinks, You must upgrade it!
Applying the Amdahl's law on the number of servers and system engineers an important corollary
(YAAL: you're always late) of the previous theorem is:
Your Servers stink, You must upgrade!
Recent researches applied the CAP Theorem on 3SST obtaining
the Fouth Cloud and not Least Server Stinks Theorem (4CSST):
Your Cloud stinks, You must upgrade!
This page has been prepared mainly with publicy available documents
but it may contain copyrighted, reserved material and
personal biased comments
(eg. my hints: Suggested / BAD).
I'm trying to keep this page updated and to fix any error...
if You find something wrong or missing please send an email to
Questa pagina e' stata preparata principalmente con documenti disponibili pubblicamente
ma puo' contenere materiale con copyright, riservato ed opinioni personali
(eg. i miei consigli: Suggested / BAD).
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Titolo: Your Server stinks!
Livello: Esperto
1 Aprile 1998 🐟 Fools' Day
Versione: 1.0.33 - 14 Febbraio 2024 ❤️ San Valentino Special Edition
Aggiornamento: .G - 31 Ottobre 2024 🎃 Halloween Supplemental Update
Autore: mail [AT]